Hermione's Professional Help


LightningScar - Harry
TheSmart1 - Hermione
RedHeaded - Ron
SecretAdmirer - Ginny
TroubleTwin1 - Fred
TroubleTwin2 - George
EmeraldHat - Professor McGonagall
DarkDeciever - Snape
OldnWise - Dumbledore
HerbologyMaster - Neville
QuibblerGirl - Luna
FreeElf - Dobby
BlackPaw - Sirius
BlondeSwag - Draco
NoNoses - Voldemort
HeartVoldy - Bellatrix
BestFollower - Lucius
ThePhysic - Professor Trawlney
TheBlackRaven - Cho Chang
SecretnSingle - Ramilda Vaine
PinkMeow - Professor Umbridge
SweetnCaring - Lily Potter
HateSnape - James Potter
DazzlenSparkle - Edward Cullen
CupcakeLovar1 - Goyle
CupcakeLovar2 - Crabbe
TwilightWriter - Stephanie Meyers
MustHaveBF - Bella Swan
HPAuthor - J.K. Rowling
Hufflepuffis#1 - Cedric Diggory
MommaWeasley - Mrs. Weasley
MuggleEnthusiest - Mr. Weasley
MagikalCreturs - Hagrid
MagikGirl - Muggle Girl #1 (Alexandria)
MagikBoy - Muggle Boy #1 (Alexander)
Magikis4Realz - Muggle Girl #2 (Maria)
RealMagik - Muggle Boy #2 (Danny)

[LightningScar has joined the chat]
[RedHeaded has joined the chat]
[SecretAdmirer has joined the chat]

LightningScar: Where's Hermione?

SecretAdmirer: I don't know.

RedHeaded: She's at a beauty parlor.

LightningScar: What? Hermione's not one of those people who cares about her physical appearance.

SecretAdmirer: I know, she looks great naturally. Ron...you must really not know what will happen.


RedHeaded: What? What's going to happen?

SecretAdmirer: Well, Hermione's already gorgeous! Don't you think Ronald?

RedHeaded: Uh...yea! By the way, when did you start calling me by my full first name?

SecretAdmirer: Doesn't matter! You just walked into the AFTER CYCLE.

RedHeaded: And that is...

LightningScar: Okay...so we all agree that Hermione looks brilliant without help. Well now, she's getting PROFESSIONAL help - note, I said professional. When she walks out of that beauty parlor, she's going to look 100 TIMES BETTER.

RedHeaded: I like the looks of that!

LightningScar: Not for long mate! First, she's going to start hanging out with better-looking guys. Then, she's going to dump you. Lastly, she's going to date another person.

RedHeaded: What? She is going into that beauty parlor and she's going to come out HIDEOUS!

SecretAdmirer: ...

LightningScar: ...

[TheSmart1 has joined the chat]
[BlondeSwag has joined the chat]

TheSmart1: Hey guys! Like my new hair do?

LightningScar: 0.0

RedHeaded: 0.0

SecretAdmirer: 0.0

BlondeSwag: Holy...

RedHeaded: It's...it's...

TheSmart1: Somebody say something!

RedHeaded: It's like a Firebolt...

TheSmart1: What?

BlondeSwag: Let me translate, you're a babe. Wanna go out?

LightningScar: Ron, welcome to the After Cycle!
