Talking to the Enemy


LightningScar - Harry
TheSmart1 - Hermione
RedHeaded - Ron
SecretAdmirer - Ginny
TroubleTwin1 - Fred
TroubleTwin2 - George
EmeraldHat - Professor McGonagall
DarkDeciever - Snape
OldnWise - Dumbledore
HerbologyMaster - Neville
QuibblerGirl - Luna
FreeElf - Dobby
BlackPaw - Sirius
BlondeSwag - Draco
NoNoses - Voldemort
HeartVoldy - Bellatrix
BestFollower - Lucius
ThePhysic - Professor Trawlney
TheBlackRaven - Cho Chang
SecretnSingle - Ramilda Vaine
PinkMeow - Professor Umbridge
SweetnCaring - Lily Potter
HateSnape - James Potter
DazzlenSparkle - Edward Cullen
CupcakeLovar1 - Goyle
CupcakeLovar2 - Crabbe
TwilightWriter - Stephanie Meyers
MustHaveBF - Bella Swan
HPAuthor - J.K. Rowling

New Additions (Just for this chapter):
DaDLsDad - Voldemort's dad
DaDLsMum - Voldemort's mum

[NoNoses has joined the chat]
[LightningScar has joined the chat]

LightningScar: Ugh! You again... *sigh* *scowl*

NoNoses: I'm not happy to see you either.

[DaDLsDad has joined the chat]
[DaDLsMum has joined the chat]

DaDLsDad: Hey there, son! Is this your friend?

NoNoses: DAD!!! I'm trying to inflict pain on my arch nemesis! DO YOU MIND???

DaDLsMum: Tom! Do not speak to your father that way! So, who's your friend?

NoNoses: Mum! He's arch nemesis!

LightningScar: Excuse me Tom, but who are these people?

DaDLsMum: See Tom! Even your arch nemesis has good manners!

[HateSnape has joined the chat]
[SweetnCaring has joined the chat]

NoNoses: MUM!!!

HateSnape: Hey, son! Who are you talking to.

LightningScar: Um...I think it's my arch nemesis's parents...

SweetnCaring: Harry, you have an arch nemesis?

LightningScar: Yea...Tom Riddle...Voldemort!

NoNoses: Harry! Not now!

DaDLsDad: Hi Mr. and Mrs. Potter! I'm Tom's dad.

DaDLsMum: I'm Tom's mother.

SweetnCaring: Um...hi! Nice you...

HateSnape: Um...nice to meet you all, but we don't know a "Tom Riddle". Could you clarify?

DaDLsDad: Of course!

DaDLsMum: Our son, Tom, tried to murdered you both, us, and tried to murder Harry.

LightningScar: Um...that's a nice way to introduce Tom.

NoNoses: Hey! Who said that you could call me "Tom".

LightningScar: IDK, I just wanna say what I want when I want.

SweetnCaring: Harry, please. Oh! So that's who our murder is! Nice to meet you!

HateSnape: Yes! Indeed!

--5 Minutes Later--

LightningScar: Well...this is awkward, Tom. Our parents are friends.

NoNoses: 1) I hate you. 2) I don't want our parents to bond. 3) WHO TOLD YOU, THAT YOU COULD CALL ME TOM???
