When atsumu's gone

A/N:ok so im pretty busy with school and sports so FOR NOW i mma do kinda mini stories so when i have time i can finish part 4 i think of OMEGAVERSE hope ya enjoy.



Sakusa Pov

Atsumu left yesterday to go to a training camp in america. Not gonna lie his english sucks so these will also be a learning experience for him... your english accent is really sexybxtnfygef KIYOOMI STOP THINKIN ABOUT THAT but anyway ive been really lonely without him.

When we sleep he instantly warms we up and he is the sunshine of MSBY with hinata(but hinata is just brighter)so whrn i sleep i just cuddle a pillow but it doesnt feel the same.

3rd person pov*a flash back*

Atsumu figured out why everytime he came back from a trip or just away for kiyoomi more than a day kiyoomi would be very pouty and sulky so he secretly bought a plushie that looked like him and cuddled with it when kiyoomi's not around which lead to the plushie smelling like atsumu.

[Right side atsumu]
Left side kiyoomi}



"Why tf did you buy me a pillow?"

"Well ive noticed how your pouty when im away and when i come back so heres a pillow that is scented like me and looks like me"


"But the really one is better*pouty face*

"*blushing*b-but i wont be with you while im away so thats why i bought it"

"Just try it kiyoomi"

And thats what lead to sakusa walking into the gym holding an atsumu plushie.

The team stare as hinata and bokuto giggled on how canon SakuAtsu is.




Its about day 3 of atsumu being gone and everyone has gone insane.Atsumu was the person who held the team together and without him the teams pretty unstable.

Kiyoomi especially is crazy with how tight he hugs the plushie.Bokuto was about to tell him that the plushie might break until Kiyoomi stuffs his face in it.

(Thats how he looks not my art credits goes to the artist)

Everyone yes everyone squealed(how you spell dat?) By how cute kiyoomi was so much so that no one notices a blonde figure standing by the gym door.

"Umm"atsumu trails of as everyone looked at where atsumu was and their eyes widened while kiyoomi blushed intensively.

Lets just say no one is aloud to talk about that incident.

The end
