Lost Brother V

again sorry for not uploading hope ya enjoy

Atsumu POV

"omi...." was all i could say before being engulfed in another tight hug like seriously is this how hugs are suppose to be?

"i-i miss you atsu i-i"i shut him up with a kiss to the forehead cause i could see he's having trouble speaking or alteast forming a sentence.

I also see another man someone I've never seen before but i shrugged the boy with black tips off since he's prolly friends with omi and samu.




Samu explained to me that Kita the boy with white hair and black tips was the next heir to the throne since he declined it and Kita was the best option as a replacement.I also learned that Samu has a boyfriend and im glad since we used to only play with each other well also omi but that's a secret. 

"sooooo..."samu trailed off i was a bit confused why he was a bit hesitant till he asked that question.

"your the nine-tails  jinchūriki?" i flinched a little at that question but just sighed as an answer"well no point in hiding now i guess" i thought.


I tell Samu,omi and kita about what happened when i was kidnapped the  kidnappers everyting and well... lets just say Samu didn't like what happened to me so much so he created the "ATSUMU PROTECTION SQUAD".

???: tch he killed our top doctors

??:what are we gonna tell  ######

??? Sighed

???:lets just tell him..

Nobody's Pov

Atsumu felt like someone was spying on him but coudnt push forward since today he's meeting his brother's friends.


"Hello im Tobio Kageyama,king of karasuno"Tobio(yes first name basis) held his hand out for a handshake which Atsumu accepts.

"Atsumu Miya,The nine-tails jinchūriki"when atsumu finished tobio pulled his hand away and got in a fighting stance.

"STAND DOWN" Sakusa yells as the karasuno was about to attack.

"BUT HE'S-HE IS NO THREAT" Osamu cut tobio off as he drew his ice sword,
"HE HAS TAMED THE NINE-TAILS" Tobio shakily withdraw his weapon(what should tobio's weapon be?).




The karasuno were bowing thier heads as an apology while atsumu was trying to make them raise thier heads.

"We are very sorry!" the guy named Sawamura said the 20th time in the mass of 5 minutes.

"For the 20th time its okay!"

Sakusa and Osamu smile a little on how considerate Atsumu could be.

"So sakusa and Samu could you tell us more about Atsumu-wait where is he?"

"He's in his bedroom sleeping"Oikawa the Great King of Aoba Johsai answeres with a grin on his face.

"How do you know Atsu?"

"Well we were also childhood friends Sakusa"

Sakusa nodded as he and Samu looked at each other and began to explain or tell them more about Atsumu.

The people asking questions will use thier full name

O : Atsumu is the oldest in the Miya family but i got my powers first which lead to people talking bad about him and stuff.

S : When tsumu was about 6-7 he snucked out of his kingdom and went to a forest i was in and we became friends.

"Wait so whrn did Oikawa-san met Atsumu-san?"Shoyo asked with a curious look.

"I met tsumu at a pond near aoba johsai territory and we began to chat and quickly become best friends"Oikawa said as Shoyo nodded.

Sakusa was about to continue when a loud scream was heard in the castle.


They all look at Tsukishima as he holds the power to see thru shet,Tsukishima's eyes widen as he began running up the stairs.


