sick atsumu?

Dis was suggested by SakuAtsuSimp101

Atsumu wakes up in cold sweat and in a headache he turns to the side to see his clock is at WAIT 7:30,he immediantly packs his volleyball bag and bolts out the door.

Atsumu makes it to the gym just intime to trip on his own foot and fall face first onto the floor,he groans at the pain but stands up to feel his legs weak? He always ran more than that distance and his legs could still go for more but why now my(atsumu) legs are giving up? He shrugs it off as he starts to warm up against the match against itachiyama insitute.

Mid match~

Atsumu could feel his whole body ache his head hurt his hands hurt everything hurt yet he stills walk to the front line and gets ready to do one of his famous serves

DANG IT just DO IT he mentally yelled at himself as he tossed the ball up ready to hit,atsumu was really pissed so he put all that negative energy onto his serve.

The teams coudnt even see the ball as it hits just barely on the out line,they all stand shock as hell until the ref blew his whistle signaling to get ready for another serve.

Do it again was in atsumu's mind as he jumped up and hit another no touch ace,in the end they beat itachiyama 32-31.

Timeskip cause i have training and yet im writing dis~

This week nekoma,karasuno,shiratorizawa,aoba johsai,fukurodani and itachiyama were invited for a training camp that lasted a week and Atsumu still had felt sick yet here he was infront of (the brocoli haired dudes school) and now was entering.

Atsumu looked really weak every step looked painful and his legs trembling but everyone thought it was just nothing

Day 1

Atsumu woke up to kita looking at him with worry.

Kita:atsumu are you okay?your futon is soaked with sweat.

im fine

Kita:ya sure?

Atsumu nodded as he stood up from his futon and started to roll it up(i dont know japanese shit okay).

Everyone was concerned that atsumu a very energetic ball almost like hinata and bokuto looked sluggish and always spaced out,they all talked to atsumu to hear an "im fine"from him.

It was inarizaki vs nekoma and it was atsumu's serve

Atsumu felt like shit he knew his facade will slowly fall apart but he still wants to play volleyball so he silenced everybody and tossed the ball up until..


bokuto yelled from the side lines
Everyone nearly faced palmed but were frozen to hear a ball pop?

Everyone slowly look to see whats suppose to be a volleyball broken and just destroyed,they all turned to see the person who destroyed it when they noticed a red liquid slowly drip from atsumu's hand.

Sakusa immediantly runs to atsumu and checks the injury,he sighs in relief to see it wasnt bad but needed to be bandaged up.

Sakusa:its not bad but im taking him to the nurse

The team slowly nod as they see sakuatsu walk away

Aran:has atsumu every injured his hand while serving?

Osamu:no its always just red marks...

Kita:focus on the game atsumu gave us as advantage dont waste it

Everyone on the court yelled"Yes sir" and focus on the game


Atsumu and sakusa walk to the nurse's office,atsumu was using sakusa's towel to try and stop the bleeding until atsumu's legs suddenly give out and was about to smash onto the floor until sakusa caught him

Sakusa:woah atsu u alright?

Atsumu: ye-yeah im f-fine
T-thanks omi

The two walk in complete silence and when they reached the clinic(what i call in my school as the nurse's office) sakusa was excused since it only needed to be disinfected and bandaged.

Sakusa thought"why was atsu weak?why did his legs give out and how did he do a serve like that when he looked like he was about to pass out the whole day".

Timeskip to day 5 since im gettin lazy but not gonna quit writin for SakuAtsuSimp101

Atsumu could barely eat without throwin up but he didnt want to burden or worry his friends

The match~

Atsumu was not serving since kageyama was and oh boy was atsumu his hands couldnt stop shakin his legs kept trembling his face tinted with red as his fever never went down infact his fever used to be 39c now its around 45-46c

(I searched online and normal temp is 36-37c)

Akagi recieved kageyama's intense jumpserve and atsumu was about to set it when a painful headache kicks in,he holds his head in pain as his knees give out he falls to the floor hands still on his head.

Osamu and sakusa fush to atsumu's side in fear and worry,kita was the one who touched atsumu's forehead to see his face shocketh.

Kita:His burnin up!!?

Sakusa:how high do u estimate

Kita:43-44 ish

Sakusa's face pales as he feels hot tears on his shirt,he picks up atsumu(bridal style)and runs to the clinic with the teams behind him

Nurse:his temp is 47c(i just made it up) and he hasnt eatin a lot

Everyone felt guilty atsumu was in pain and they shrugged it off like it was nothin.

Timeskip 5 hours later

Atsumu wakes up and tries to sit up until two hands stop him,he looks up to see osamu and suna nearly in tears

Atsumu:suna!?samu whats wr-

Atsumu was cut off by sakusa:hugging him tightly

Sakusa:ya shit why didnt u tell me u had a fever

Atsumu:didnt wanna stop playin

Osamu,suna and sakusa lightly chuckle on how childish atsumu is.

Atsumu recovered and played again...why does dis sound like he had cancer

Its done and holy shit im feel tired but thank u to whoever told me how to tag and thank u to SakuAtsuSimp101 for suggesting dis bye
