Lost Brother

This will be a remake of royal

Atsumu pov

Age 5

Age 5 was when samu got his powers of course being the older brother i was happy for him but that comes with consiquences,since im the older one i was expected to have my powers so when samu got his first they were starting to talk bad about me on how weak i am compared to samu.

6 months later

I still havent gotten my powers so i was labeled the useless prince of inarizaki and i hated how i was judged so what i havent gotten my powers!? That doesnt mean im weak,luckily there was this one boy i met outside the castle his name is kiyoomi but i prefer omi since i kinda like him.

Omi is the one helping me with my problems and we became really close so close i caught feelings but it didnt matter since i was having fun playing with him until the day it all went wrong.

Age 6

Me and omi were playing tag when two strangers pulled us apart(sakusa was about to tag tsumu) and he started choking me,i could here omi's pleads to let us go but silence was what came out,kiyoomi was knocked out.I tried to break free but to no good my vision was bluring everything is disfigured eve-

I past out from lack of oxygen

How was that? Was it a good plot? I made it on a whim so sorry if u dont like it and someone said if im continuing the deaf atsumu and i am but im changing the plot bye
