baby atsumu ver 2

I made dis cause i might not be able to post cause god damn modules and my final summative or like thing to do for 2nd quarter or semester for other people is a VLOG so i gotta clean ma room and just...ugh im really late with my friend Saaaam070608 so ye i might not post but meh dis to long

Also i got dis idea when i was with my friends so it kinda just came up and i qas like maybe il work

This is when atsumu is in msby

Barnes was walking to the msby gym when he sees an old lady having trouble carrying her grocery so being the kind hearted person he is he helped the lady and the lady thanked him in candy but Barnes isnt a candy guy so he thought he could give it to atsumu who liked sweets.

"Its just candy right?candy from an old lady wont make a disaster happen"barnes thought

Yet boy was he wrong

When barnes entered the gym he saw atsumu already eating some candy he probably bought nearby.

"Hey atsumu you want dis candy i dont like sweets"atsumu's eyes immediantly light up as he nodded happily,barnes chuckles as he tosses the small bag of candy to atsumu.

"What flavour are dis"atsumu asks as he chomps one down

"Dunno i havent eatin one maybe il try o-ATSUMU!?!?!

Barnes screamed grabbing the teams attention(oh and kita,suna,aran and osamu are there too),the team ran to the court to see barnes holding a

"Wtf happened to tsu-you have children?"osamu asks with a raised brow.

"I-i d-dont know and no i have no children"barnes said

After about 10 minutes of explanation from barnes here's the after math.

Aran and suna are holding back kita and osamu from strangling killing barnes while bokuto and hinata are holding sakusa back from spraying barnes with lysol.

Sakusa was about to spray barnes whrn atsumu started to cry,everyone stopped what they were doing and came to baby tsumu.

After the shock of atsumu turning into a baby thdy finally get a good look at him.

Baby atsumu's hair was black his original hair color his cheeks were chubby aswell as his body,his sweet hazel eyes are what makes atsumu mesmerizing.

"Ya think he wants to play"suna asks as he pulls his phone out to snap some pics of baby tsumu.

The pics(pls ignore osamu)

(And ignore thier dyed hair)

Bonus pic i found

"I KNOW lets play this game"bokuto almost yells as he whispers something in hinata's ear,hinata giggles from the plan as they grab tsumu and take him outside

"Oi dont just take him and leave"aran says as they follow bokuto and hinata to a kid park in the msby building
(Thier building has a small kid park for those athletes who have young siblings or relatives)

The two didnt listen like the words came out the other end of the ear,when bokuto finally stopped walking he signaled hinata to run leaving everyone confuse until bokuto threw baby tsumu!

"WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU GUYS" sakusa screams as he tries to catch a flying baby atsumu but he ran into a bench.

"YOU GUYS-"kita coudnt even finish as he passes out on aran's mUsCuLaR aRmS (jk😂)

Hinata's face slowly started to get pale as he starts to realize how harder it might be to SAFELY catch a baby THAT WAS THROWN BY A PROFESIONAL ATHLETE.

Hinata stopped running and prayed baby tsumu would be fine and...his prayer was answered

Suna just barely saved baby atsumu by crashing into a trash can to save atsumu,everyone sighs in relief but it didnt last long as sakusa started to run after the two for even considering about throwing a baby and trying to catch it was just bonkers.

Kita started to stur awake but when he sees atsumu he lunges out of aran's arms and holds onto atsumu tightly
Maybe a little to tight as suna kept squirming because his fingers are being squished to death.

When suna's fingers were finally released from kita's grasps it was purple all his fingers were purple.

Kita slowly rocked(i cant spell it so like slowly swing baby tsumu side to side..yu know the way our moms used to do it) baby tsumu until he calmed down,kita sighed as that disastrous event concluded.

Aran walks beside kita and kisses him on the lips all the while baby tsumu was watching,when their lips parted tsumu made grabby hands to kita's face,kita moved his face closer for atsumu to pull him into a sweet baby french kiss(i have no idea where i thought of that) baby tsumu even put his tongue in before he pulled away giggling.They were just frozen while suna burst out laughing.

"H-he just f-frenched kiss k-kita-san"was all suna said before laughing hard again,kita was a blushing mess while sakusa and aran are just jelly as heck.

Sakusa took tsumu from kita's grasp and rocks him side to side while humming a sweet lullaby,tsumu falls asleep while sakusa has a proud look on his face.

A little timeskip to when they head back to the gym

Bokuto and hinata were sweatin balls cause of runnin away from sakusa while sakusa and suna have some bandages on thier body from crashing into things.The loud call from thier captain was enough to stur tsumu awake as he starts to cry.

"What do i do what do i do"was all sakuss could mutter as panic was in his eyes.

"Maybe he wants to play"aran says absent mindedly as he grabbed something random and gave it to tsumu who started to nibble at it.

These next moments for them were just the most terrifying

The thing aran gave tsumu was the promise ring he gave to kita resulting in tsumu starting to choke on it,everyone was trying to help tsumu cough it out but it woudnt come out.

Tsumu started getting a little blue making sakusa and osamu have teary eyes as they run to the nurse's office.

I think if people are sensitive to doctor shit shouldnt read this part

The nurse excused the team out for some silence as she begins her little surgery(not really).She slowly puts in a meddication to numb some parts of tsumu's mouth then she slowly tried to pull the ring out but it woudnt budge,she clicked her tongue as she asked for some help.

"Thid might be harder than i thought"the nurse thought

Meanwhile aran was apologizing to all off them for his careless mistake while sakusa and osamu pace around outside the nurses office,thier hearts drop when they hear the nurse calling for backup,they really wanted to enter but they couldnt they might interrupt the not so easy surgery.

After about thirty minutes they were allowed to enter again,(so my choice on how they got the ring out was the slowly expand tsumu's throught so the ring would be dislonged and they could grab it but they had to be careful since it might fall into tsumu's stomach or lungs,the  epiglottis is like gate which either opens the parh for food for the stomach or lungs for the air.)they sigh in relief as tsumu only has a little bandage on his shoulder from the meddication.

"He's awake you know"the nurse said "oh he was also saying stuff like sa something and om"the nurse finished as she went to clean up the equipment thry used.

Osamu and sakusa share a look at each other as they enter the room tsumu was in.

The guys were behind because they know no one knows tsumu more than the two so they let them have some time with tsumu before they enter aswell.

The two could see tsumu nibbling on a slice of apple as they also realize what tsumu was now wearing.

Tsumu was wearing some pajamas that have little foxes on them and he also has some baby blue socks on his feet so they wont get cold.

The two take a minute two enjoy this view before they approach tsumu with a gentle and caring smile,tsumu immediantly asks to be carried and osamu does that.about 10 minutes of being alone with tsumu was enough for the others as they enter aswell,when suna saw what tsumu was wearing he grabbed his phone and took about fifty pics of tsumu.

They were having fun with tsumu whrn tsumu dropped his apple slice,everyone starts to look for something tsumu can eat as they see a tsumu's eyes get glossy every second.

"What about a kids show?maybe that'l work"kita who took the situation camly grabbed his ipad(i have a tablet but it sounds better with ipad) and randomly searched a kids show and that kids show was steven universe.

(I messed up they suppose to be in the gym but i forgot so pretend thier in the gym)

Bokuto,hinata and sakusa have red marks all thier faces because sometimes tsumu would laugh making their hearts melt but also distract them from the ball they were trying to recieve.

Here is a song in steven universe*only some lyrics tho*

Love like you~

If i could,begin to be

Half of what you think of me

i could do about anything

I could even learn how to love

When i see the way you act

Wondering when im coming back

I could do about anything

I could even learn how to love like you

Love like you~

I always thought i might be bad now im sure that its true

Cause i think your so good and im nothing like you

Look at you go i just adore you
I wish that i knew

What makes you think im so special

The song

Back to the story

It was the end of practice when they thought about teaching tsumu how to speak,they tried but all they got was gibberish,they gave up and were about to go to the club room when shugo accidentally dropped his phone.

"Shit"was all he said but that was enough for tsumu to....speak?

"Shiet"was what tsumu said it wasnt the actual word it didnt sound right but he said it a swear word.

"I-great his first word is aswear word"kita says as he chases shugo who was saying sorry as he tried to get away.

Okay im sorry but im done with this im so tired and dis is my longest work yet so as i said im pretty busy so updates might be a little slow sorry but i want you guys to continue the story so you could see the potential in writing stories not like me who does this for fun😅AnYways have a great day or night byee
