flower crown-semishira

This was requested by...i forgot but whoever requested it here

Shirabu a cold person many people thought but BoY were they wrong semi thought as he stares at shirabu

Where it started?well..

Semi noticed almost immediantly that shirabu was off,he would always insult people yet today he didnt say a single insult even at goshiki(is dat how u spell?) He never insulted his bangs(its just a joke everyone..well depends) so semi knew something was bugging shirabu so he decided to talk to shirabu.

Semi:Oi shirabu you okay?

Semi saw shirabu flinch as shirabu started stuttering

Shirabu:Y-yeah im f-fine semi

Semi:you sure?cuz you never stutter or flinch

Shirabu:y-yes semi im just a little of today

Semi:oh okay take care of yourself

Semi said while walking away

Shirabu:ye-yes senpai

*DANG IT dont call me senpai its cute and it turns me on( this is not a smut one shot i just thought it would be funny)

Time skip to lunch break brought to you by Ya LiKe JaZz

Semi pov

I was looking for shirabu since he was real sus and i could hear his voice outside to see him thier humming to a song and making a flower crown?

And thats how we got here

Back to narrative

Semi was hesitated to move but his legs moved on thier own and now he was behind shirabu,he did a quick tap on the shoulder making shirabu jolt and slowly turn towards semi

Shirabu:i-i can explain

Semi kneeled down

Semi:go ahead

Shirabu:well...when im stressed
I kinda like making flower crowns
Since its relaxing and
Pls dont tell the oth-

Shirabu coudnt finish since his lips collided with semi making a scene,people takin pics etc

Semi:Will you be my boyfriend?

Shirabu:yes senpai

Semi:damn it dont use senpai
It...it turns me on..

Shirabu blushed deep red....

Its crap this oneshot is crap but...fuck this shit im out
