Lost Brother ii

Yo part 2 out lez go

Atsumu Pov

I woke up to nasty smell in the room i was in,it smelled like blood so i freaked out and searched for the source to see a pile of bodies in the corner.It smelled so foul i wanted to vomit but then the two strangers came in with beakers of stuff?

"Well well well guess who's awake~"the first guy said teasingly

"Let me go! What are you gonna do to me?!"i say as they start hooking up an IV into my arm. I could feel the needle going inside as i squirm in discomfort,i could see my blood be tranfered to a syringe as it filled up,i also saw them start prepping some restraints and stuff for who knows what.

"Zack remember we're using all of  the tails chakra dont mess up".so that guys name zack i wonder who's the other one.

"I know grey you dont have to be worried" zack****** assured his labmate who rolled his eyes.

I could see them mix the chakra things into my blood it turned a rainbow like color,i was so focused on the color of the liquid i didnt notice that they were hooking up the liquid to my IV.

"W-Wait! Please dont plea-" i couldnt finish my sentence as  a massive pain hit me like a train it hurts so bad i was crying but my tears were wiped of by some animal?

"Dont worry i will take care of them'was what i hear in my head."um hello who are you?" I ask that thing in my mind."i will explain later do you want revenge for hurting your omi?" When i heard omi's nsme i completely lost control of myself....my emotions got the better of me.

Nobody's Pov

Atsumu slowly started to turn into a fox but with 3 tails(the scene in naruto where naruto got consumed by the nine tails hatred) he lunged at grey and zack and slaughtered them.

An hour later tsumu woke up to a blood splattered room"what happend was all he thought before he heard thst voice again.

"Dont worry your safe now little one"

"W-who are you why are you in my head"

"I am kurama the nine tailed fox and you"

"A-atsumu miya"

Kurama bowed lightly at tsumu who was horrified that the nine tsils was alive because he thought it died centuries ago.

"Why are you bowing your basically a God why bow down to a useless thing like me.."atsumu said with tears forming in his eyes.

Kurama sighed"young one your not useless could you tell me what ypur brothers powers are?"

"WAIT!?i never told you i had a brother how dya know?"

"Sometimes i can read minds but it doesnt happen often and his powers?"

Atsumu took a deep breath before answering

"He is the God of the moon which gives him ice powers"

Kurama laughed leaving tsumu confused

"Ahahahaha you baka your powers were already activated"

Atsumu's eyes widen with this information

"When"was all tsumu could say

"Well while i was killing those two your powers activated so i burned them alive and your power is the your the God  of the sun and you have my powers and flame powers"

Atsumu stood frozen as he's processing all the information until he remembered omi.

"Hows omi is he okay?atsumu asked very concerned

"Oh he's fine just a little bruises but fine"

There was a comfortable silence until


"Yes kurama?"

"Imma be blunt you have been missing for about a week in your castle and yes they are looking for you and no you cant go back because we cant let them know im alive oh and sakusa was already found by the inarizaki search and rescue team and he is doing well"kurama exhaled after thay long explanation.

"So how am i gonna survive this world without anyone except you"

"A little offensive but we can hunt animals for food but...."kurama looked atsumu in the eye"im gonna train you to master shit okay?".

"Okay was all atsumu said before exiting the lab and into the woods.

Its short cuz it was suppose to be sad but meh is it good to me its so bad but meh bye
