plague part 3

Im back and i feel like shit but i made a part 3 so worth it~


Atsumu's hand produced a sword which had an engraving on it.


Osamu:what does the engraving say?

Atsumu:KS is on it

Everyone immediantly thought it was sakusa's but sakusa didnt have powers right?

Sakusa:sooo.....its mine?

Atsumu was about to answer until a painful headache kicked in causing him to hold his head and close his eyes

Oikawa:whats wrong tsumu babe?

Atsumu:i can see the face of mutant me's partner

Said atsumu who forced the last words out

tendou:what does he look like?

Atsumu looked at the features of mutant atsumu's partner,he saw curly hair,2moles above the right eye(is it on the right eye i cant remember) and everything that looked like sakusa

Atsumu:its sakusa


Atsumu:the partner looks exactly like omi

Sakusa:but i got no powe-

Then suddenly the gym's door breaks down revealing the gang members boss(in chapter 1 i think) came in holding a shot gun preloaded

Boss:i want that little piss haired blonde over there

The boss was pointing at atsumu who looked affraid and scared which made sakusa's blood boil

Suna:you cant have him

Boss:oh i will

As soon as the boss said that the boss pulled out a whip and hit suna in the leg making him fall to the pain



osamu tried to get close to suna but was stopped by the whip hitting him in the foot making him groan in pain

The boss pulled atsumu with the whip and started to absorb some kind of enery? But the more energy was taken from atsumu the more he started to look dead as if the boss was taking his soul and that made sakusa snap


Everyone looked at sakusa who looked like he wanted to kill the boss but thoughts were interrupted by the sword floating.


The sword levatated to sakusa's hand and the KS started to glow green and yellow and creating an armor sorrounding sakusa's body

Armor wasnt like a knights armor but looked more like a kings armor but sakusa didnt care as instinct made him lunge to the gang boss with so much power atsumu started choking by how much the gang boss was struggling. Thier weapons made a clink sound when they parted and sakusa lunged again but this time hitting the gang boss in the heart but the gang boss didnt go down without a fight so he wrapped his whip around atsumu's nevk soffucating him and stabbing atsumu's arms and legs until he died.(the boss died)

Atsumu was coughing up blood since he was also stabbed in the stomach making him not be able to stand up until osamu carried atsumu on his back to a table where then can close the wounds

Atsumu's neck had a big bruise on it from the wip which is now thiers and many cuts from the stabs.

Sakusa got out of the suit and retracting the sword to little rod which he stashed in his pocket and now everyone's thinking

Will we have super powers?

To be continued~

I feel so like shit but there ya go readers
