Mom And Dad

I made dis on a whim


Most people think Atsumu and Bokuto are childish but actually their the Parents of the team suprisingly.

Since Bokuto was so caring and supportive he was votedas the dad while atsumu was voted for the Mom since....well..

After spending about 2 years with kita who was the Mom/captain of the inarizaki  team they guess he is the next gen.

Y/N:Today i will be showing you a presentation on why Bokuto and Atsumu are the parents.

Y/N:slide one please:Dependable Atsumu


Atsumu was talking in an interview when He heard a scream coming from  locker room.

Everyones heads turn to see the door burst open to Hinata whos heads on fire.

Hinata was running around the court hoping it will put the fire out.

Atsumu sighed as he stood up from the chair he was sitting and walked to bokuto's bag,rumaging thru a bit he pulled out a mini fire extinguisher.

Bokuto stood at next to Atsumu who was waiting for Hinata to get closer,when hinata got close enough Atsumu extinguish the flames as Bokuto got towels ready to clean up hinata.

Hinata was about to stop running when sakusa ran out of the locker room screaming that his pants were on fire.

Bokuto jumped to action as he got the spare mini extinguisher and put out sakusa's pants and the fire in the locker room,but bokuto ran out of the locker room and hid behimd atsumu.Sakusa and hinata doin the same.

Atsumu sighed again as he pushed the three away and grabbed a mini bug spray from his pocket and tossed it to barnes,Atsumu gave a look to barnes who understood it imediantly as he entered the locker room and killed whatever it was.

".....cockroach?"the three nod as atsumu sighed the 3rd time in a mass of 5 minutes.

"For God sakes theres literally 2 cans of bug spray in the locker room and you 2 thought fire was the solution?"the two look down in guilt
"And bokkun why did ya ran out of the locker room?"

Bokuto sighed as he stepped out of the hug sakusa and hinata were in.
"When i put the fire out the roach turns out had wings and nearly flew into ma face and i got scared"bokuto slithly chuckled on what he did.

Y/N Thank you next slide please
Productive Bokuto

The teams were having trouble figuring out who should handle the money since Atsumu's visiting his brother's shop.

They were about to give it to Sakusa till they realized that Sakusa might waste all the money on cleaning products until bokuto showed up.


"Morning bokuto and we cant figure out who to hand the money ya got ideas?"meian asked

"Gimme tha money"bokuto does grabby hands and meian gave the money to bokuto confused until bokuto started splitting the noney in little bundles.

The suprising thing is,is that bokuto is actually really good at math since he uses angles in his spikes and more math shet.

Hinata stares jaw on the floor as bokuto started explaining the plan our how theyre gonna use the money.

"So this bundle will be for groceries this one will be for bills this one will be for transportation and no we are not going drinking like last month because tsum tsum added extra money in the cash as a reward"bokutoe exhaled as he finished his long sentence

"But can we buy mea-no hinata"Bokuto cut hinata off.

Y/N:next is the last slide
A day in life

The first to wake up is atsumu since he's gonna make breakfast.

Atsumu is a great cook almost as good as Osamu if he learned how to cook,he learned to cook since his brother tells him to try it sometimes

Atsumu was cooking his friends favorite nuttela pancakes(where you put some batter cook it then add some nuttela then batter then flip ..i think)
When Sakusa came down stairs.

"Yer up early"

"I woke up to the smell of pancakes"and after that one word everyone randown the stairs onto the dining table waiting for the pancakes.

"...if you guys fix your beds il give extra pancakes"when Atsumu finished everyone is already gone.



"Alright each gets a stack of 10(bitch i want that many pancakes)" everyone grins at the amount they each have.

"Tsum tsum wherez your pancakes?"

"Oh im not eating im gonna try to make baking"

"But miya breakfast is important"

"Its fine besides if what i bake is good il eat it and share with you guys"

Everyone beamed.


The team just got back from morning practice(except Atsumu he was excused) and when they entered their dormitory the smell of delicious pastry hit them like a train.

They ran to where the scent is which is the kitchen to see the table filled with all sorts of desserts like cakes,cupcakes,breads so much.

"Atsumu-san what all this?"

'Well i kinda got a little excited on making the pastries and made a lot'

"A lot isnt going to cut this much"

'You want it or not-'


the end

Yo sorry i was gone but im back and the schedule for the mafia series is that il post one chap every week and maybe some teasers ohh jk anyway see yall
