A Memory From Me to You (Part 4)

~A Fright at Wuwang Hill~

Y/n walked through Wuwang Hill. It was not like she wanted to be there, she was sent off there by via double-dare.
"Oh Archons I didn't expect it to be this scary-"

Her stomach felt like it closed in, her gut screamed at her to get the heck out of there, the feeling of being watched was all around. She gulped, she felt as if she was being watched. The awfully warm but somehow cold at the same time air wasn't any better.

Y/N was scared.

Y/N was terrified.

She felt like she was going to be dragged into the afterlife. Why did she agree to that stupid dare her friend gave.


Y/N turned her head back, she looked to the left and right. "Get yourself out of there now!" She screamed at herself as she ran out recklessly. Before she knew it she had run out from the think suffocating forest. Unfortunately,  now she had to deal with something else - she was about to fall at the edge of the hill.

Y/N screamed, not loud but not soft either. It was a scream of someone about to die. A haunting and heart-wrenching scream.

All of a sudden, the Yakasha appeared. Grabbing her by the waist and pulling her up. Y/N clutched his arm tightly.

"Tch- careless as ever" He shook his head bringing Y/N closer to his chest. "You should have called out my name if you were scared"

Y/N didn't know what to do, she didn't understand much but she was a little relieved but still somewhat scared.

"I'm here" Xiao mumbled to her ear

Y/N cried, how could she forget - someone was always there for her, wherever she went -someone was always there to watch over her. 
