Xiao's letter

Hello, lily here. This chapter is gonna be a short Xiao One shot 

Dear Y/n,

Our friendship might break after this letter but when Morax first saved me, I was happy. I didn't have to kill innocent mortals. But when I met you, I felt a different kind of happiness. Whenever you would talk at me my heart wouldn't stop beating faster than usual. Whenever I was mad at some guests, you're warm smile cheered me up and when I asked you why you were always staying near a creature, who killed hundreds. You replied saying that you wanted me to feel joy as you felt sadness from me and in that moment, I realized I had fell in love with you ever since I saw you deliver almond tofu to me from you're looks to you're personality. I was an idiot for not realizing these emotions. I know this confession is late since you're engaged to someone else but no matter what will happen, I will never give up on loving you as you had gave me happiness and a reason to smile for once in my life.

(I don't own Xiao so I don't really know much about his story) 
