Zhongli head canons

Zhongli headcanons


If you died


Your death was very painful for Zhongli as he was the one who had to assign the funeral for you. Though, Zhongli had thought of you dying, after all you are mortal, but Zhongli never assumed that your death would be due to suicide because of your wavering mental health and emotional sate which could have been avoided if he had just paid more attention. This would haunt Zhongli for the rest of eternity.


If you got sick


Zhongli knows that you would be fine, but a part of him kept on worrying. He kept wondering "if you would be alright or would you do an idiotic thing resulting in you getting hurt, which would make you feel pain even more?" Zhongli was deep in thoughts without even noticing he was spilling more tea into his cup causing the excess to pour onto the documents on his desk. Once, Zhongli came home he was glad to see any damage anywhere and saw you peacefully sleeping on your bed somewhat comfortably.

