A Memory From You to Me (Part 2)

"Xiao! Xiao!" Y/N tugged my hands as we took a stroll out into Dilhua Marsh.
 "Isn't the night sky so pretty?"
"I have no interest in such matters" I muttered
 "Oh c'mon, you're no fun!" Y/N pouted I sighed
"its already dark, it's dangerous out in the dead of night. We should head back to Wangshu inn"
"No!" She stuck her tongue out, "I want to show you something!"
"Once you show me, would you then come back to Wangshu?"
"I pinky promise!" Y/N said lifting her finger up, she then proceeded to lift my hand and intertwine her pinky to mine.

 "What are you doing?" I asked
 "Hehe, it's called a pinky promise!" She grinned
"I have no interest in such trivial matters, go on with it. what did you want me to see?" "Just a little bit further" She smiled.
We walked for 5 more minutes, and we finally arrived at her "special location"
 "make it quick" I crossed my arms.

"just wait a little bit, might as well close your eyes" "Whatever, I have no need to indulge in such affairs but I might as well."
 I closed my eyes -after a few minutes of waiting-
 "Psst- Xiao" She whispered into my ears
"What is it" I asked while my eyes were shut
"Open your eyes already!"
"Fine" I sighed and opened them
The view was not only filled with flowers but multiple fireflies floating around.

"Fireflies" She whispered as she gave me a soft smile. "Quite romantic right? don't you see why this is my special spot"

 I sighed "I see nothing special within it" but I must admit it the view looked amazing. "You're implying...?" I asked
"Nothing" She turned her head towards a fire fly and tiptoed forward. While she stared up into the sky with amazement, her hair flew smoothly and the dim moonlight shined on her face, I was caught up in the moment.
 "Mesmerized aren't you" She looked back at me I shook my head, "of course not"
 More fireflies then lit up the area, it felt like a dream. I then let my guard down, It felt comfortable maybe staying around her wasn't a bad thing after all. I immediately shook my head. Why am I thinking like this?
"Thinking about something again?" She asked
 "None of your business"
 "Hmmm, Too shy?" She said coming closer. "Don't be afraid come tell me, I'm here" She said with a smile.
I retreated back and turned my head. "We must return to Wangshu inn"


Y/N kept teasing Xiao about him being shy and thinking of something romantic. Xiao was pretty annoyed at this point and kind of just disappeared until Y/N promised him that she'd stop. The people living there and some other travelers heard her scream at the sky, "FINE XIAO I'LL STOP" They thought she was either drunk or insane. There were some weird rumors going around for a while, one of them were 
"Heart-broken damsel screamed her lungs out because her boyfriend dumped her" 

