Keqing Headcanons

Keqing likes to go shopping and drags you along to carry the load. If she's not doing that, she's probably working hard as always. During her breaks she reads and often goes around to practice her sword skills diligently.


When Keqing is jealous she often tries to deny it but even she has her breaking point, if the person gets to close to you she'll run to you in a flash, perch her chin up your shoulder and give a death stare and hisses "Stay away from my property!"
She refuses cuddles as it is too much of her pride on the line, keep persisting and she'll fall for it. ─────────────


Keqing is flustered at sudden hugs, though she'll try to regain her ground quickly, if you tease her her face turns all red.




If you kiss her, Keqing's goes all red and when its done she'll try to maintain face but eventually Keqing.exe has stopped working Keqing is very thankful for it though but rather not ask for another kiss since she might get super red and warm to the point where she might pass out.


This was the combined work of Sleepy and Lily
