Xiao punched you

Xiao was secretly busy making a gift for your birthday after you complained about everyone forgetting to give you something since they're in Inazuma.
Xiao didn't care much but there was a small spark inside of him, making him have the feeling to do something for you.

Unfortunately, Xiao was having a bit of a struggle making a hairpin—he didn't expect you to randomly tap on his shoulder.

Xiao's immediate response was to punch you in the face no matter what. 

In the end, Xiao ended up breaking your nose. He didn't apologize which was quite rude. Instead, he tried adding more decorations to the hairpin making it even prettier than what you saw before.
An: ya'll i'm sorry if this kinda looks weird. Its really late at night and I just wanna finally keep you guys no longer waiting for something.
