Terms of Endearment

Cas often thought that Dean had an endless supply of nicknames.

Nicknames, pet names, terms of endearment, whatever you called them, Dean had dozens for Cas. And when they started dating, it was like a whole new list of nicknames had been unlocked.

Cas didn't mind the nicknames of course. He rather enjoyed them, after so many centuries of just being known as Castiel.

It was Sam who slowly got annoyed with them. There was only so many pet names he could take.

"Hey babe," Dean would call across the bunker whenever he was looking for something.

"Morning sunshine," He'd murmur with a smile as he woke up to Cas's face.

"What's up, sexy?" Dean would ask, sneaking up on Cas and tapping him on the ass. Cas would swat at him, but grin.

"Hey there angel." Dean would comment, ruffling Cas's hair.

"Cutie pie," He whispered, leaning close to Cas and pressing a kiss to the angel's neck.

"Sweetheart," Dean offered.

"Sup Baby Daddy?" Dean would wink at Cas from across the room. That one always made the angel go bright red.

"Hey there Casanova," The list was endless.

"How's it hangin, Huckleberry?"

"Darling, where's my tie?"

"What's cookin, good lookin?"

"Hi Handsome."

"How's my honey bee?"

"Hey hot stuff, your shirt's inside out."

"Loverboy, get over here."

"Would it be too much to call you my Main Squeeze?"

"Hey playboy, how many girls flirted with you today?"

"Sweetie pie. Apple pie. Cherry pie. You're the pie of my life, sweet thang."

"Hey amigo, where's my cowboy hat?"

"Prince Charming, give me back my crown!"

"Hey Dreamy eyes, whatcha reading?"

"Hey there Stud."

"What's new, Baby blue?"

"You're adorable, dollface."

"Well hello there, sex kitten."

"Wifey, c'mere."

"Featherweight, we're watching Star Wars, no objections!"

"Come on, babe, I can't go without my favorite eye candy!"

"How's my dirty boy today?"

"Dr. Sexy, I need a checkup."

"Time to get back in the saddle, cowboy."

"You're not just an sexy beast, you're a sexy man."

"Would it be offensive if I called you a sex wizard?"

"Hey pudding."

"Hello Mr. Right."

"Commander, I need some orders."

The nicknames slowly annoyed the moose more and more until the day Sam grabbed Cas and pulled him into the library, stopping them in front of Dean, who raised an eyebrow.

"What's his name?" Sam demanded.

"Cas," Dean offered, slightly confused.

"Oh, so you DO remember it," Sam declared. "Maybe you should use it for once!!!!" Dean smirked.

"Where's the fun in that?"
