A Wedding Surprise

It was mid-September, but still warm enough for an outdoor wedding. In a park not far from Lebanon, Kansas, people were gathered in a group of chairs, whispering amongst themselves and waiting for the ceremony to start.

The only thing they were missing were the two people getting married.

Charlie waited anxiously by the priest, searching the park for any sign of Sam, Dean, or Cas. But no one was to be seen. 

Bobby, Ellen, Kevin, Jo, Garth, Gabriel, and several other people were gathered in the seats, wondering what was keeping the two grooms.

But then Sam was there, speed walking towards them, his brother at his heels.

"Where have you been?!" Charlie hissed. "And where is Cas?!!" Dean grinned at her and straightened the tie on his suit.

"Cas will be making his entrance shortly." He commented. Sam groaned.

"You two are torturing me." He complained. "You both said this wedding had to be perfect, and yet, here we are, waiting on your future husband, who is late."

"Fashionably late," Dean corrected. "On purpose." Sam rolled his eyes.

"What are you planning?" Charlie asked, adjusting her jacket. She and Sam had been deemed the "Best Man" for Cas and Dean, and the two were wearing matching grey suits. Dean himself was in a dark blue tuxedo with a black tie. Castiel dressed to offset him, would be wearing a black suit with his usual blue tie.

"Nothing." Dean insisted. "Didn't you read the invitation?" Charlie and Sam's eyes both widened as they remembered.

Dean and Cas's wedding invitations had been fairly ordinary, listing the dates and location of the wedding. But at the bottom of the card, there was a single sentence that confused many people.

Be ready for a surprise.

And no matter how much anyone pestered, Destiel hadn't even hinted at what the surprise was.

So everyone now awaited the angel's arrival. Dean and Sam stood to one side of the priest, and there was a noticeable gap on the other side, ready for Cas to fill. Dean kept glancing at the street near them, waiting.

Waiting for the surprise.

The crowd had settled down in silence, looking mildly concerned that Cas wasn't going to show. Even Charlie looked anxious. She didn't want her ship to sink. NOT TODAY.

But then a sound cut through the silence of the park. Music started to blast in the distance, and it slowly got louder....and louder....and louder.

Until it's source came into view and the guests turned towards the street to stare.

A black, '67 Chevy Impala was driving down the road towards them.

The precious car. Dean's baby, that he let NO ONE else drive, except for Sam, occasionally.

This car was everything to the eldest Winchester. No one was allowed in the driver's seat. Heck, only select people were even allowed in the passenger's seat.

But if Dean was standing at the altar.....Then who was driving the Impala.

The song got louder, and it was recognized.

The opening of Money For Nothing started blaring as the Impala pulled up on the side of the road, and the driver's seat door opened, letting the music play even louder.

And Cas stepped out of the car.

The guests, Sam and Charlie included, gaped at the angel as he walked down the aisle smiling. Dean grinned smugly at Cas as he approached.

"Hello Dean." He commented, stopping across from the hunter. Dean's grin grew.

"Hello Mr. Winchester." Dean replied.
