Game Night

A/n: Because dang it, I want this to be an episode.

Jack had wanted more practice with driving. So, Sam and Dean let the kid go off on some beer runs to the store by himself. They assumed that Jack could handle a trip to the grocery store by himself, and nothing bad would happen.

Unlike Cas.

But it turns out that Jack cannot be trusted to simply buy the items on the list and leave. Dean sent him out for beer and pie, and he came back with those items, and several board games.

"I found them in a toy aisle," Jack said innocently. "I thought they looked fun, and we could play them." Sam and Dean raised their eyebrows. It had been years since they'd played any kind of board game.

"Okay," Dean agreed, smiling. "Game night it is."

So the little family settled around a table in the library, opened up some beers and chips, and looked through the games to see which one they should start with.

"Monopoly," Sam called out, reading their options. "Clue, Parcheesi, Rummikub, Cards Against Humanity, Poker, Scrabble, Risk, Trivia Pursuit, and Sorry."

Dean promptly picked up the Sorry game and threw it across the room.

"How about Monopoly?" He suggested.

"Why-" Jack started, staring after the fallen game.

"Don't ask." Cas advised. Sam wisely avoided the incident and started setting up the Monopoly game. They deemed him the banker too, because the moose was good at math.

"Dibs on the car." Dean said instantly.

"Every time," Sam scowled.

"I want the top hat," Cas smiled. "It's nice." Dean leaned over and whispered to Jack.

"We are so getting Cas a top hat now." He whispered. Jack grinned and nodded in agreement. Sam took the dog piece, Jack took the thimble, and the game began.

"I've never played Monopoly before." Cas admitted.

"Me neither." Jack insisted.

"Sam and I used to play." Dean offered. "It was an easy way to pass the time when we were alone in hotel rooms."

"That is," Sam went on. "Until SOMEBODY broke the board by smashing it over my head."

"You ROBBED me with St. Charles and you KNOW IT." Dean shot back. 

"You had been stealing property money the entire game!"

"Cause that's how life works!"

"We weren't playing Life, we were playing Monopoly!"

"Doesn't matter."


"Dean always flips the board," Cas commented. "That's why we don't play board games." 

"Cas," Dean warned.

"Say Jack, have you ever heard any Neanderthal poetry before? It's quite beautiful,"

"Um," Jack offered, not wanting to get involved, especially after looking at the looks Cas and Dean were giving each other.

"Somebody just start the game," Dean said finally.

"Cas, you start." Sam suggested.

"As you wish, Homo Sapien Sapien," The angel declared, picking up the dice.

"NOT FUNNY CAS." Dean declared. A smug smile made its way across the angel's face as he looked up at Dean.

"Sorry." He offered. Dean got up and left the table. They watched as he made his way over the fallen Sorry game, pulled a lighter out of his pocket, looked Cas dead in the eye, and set the game on fire.

"What the hell-" Sam started.

"Good times," Cas commented, grinning, rolling the dice and starting the game. 


Three hours later, the game was still going strong.

"HOW?" Sam demanded, handing over a thousand dollars to Jack, who laughed evilly and pocketed the money. Jack had control of the Boardwalk, and that whole side of the board. Cas had three monopolies, Dean had control of St. Charles place and its monopoly, and Sam had basically nothing.

"And here I thought the Banker always wins," Dean commented, as Sam mortgaged his properties.

"Tell you what, Sam," Jack offered. "I'll forgive your debt if you give me the Water Works." Dean and Cas gasped. Jack already owned the Electric Company. Water Works would bankrupt them all.

"Don't do it, Sammy!" Dean pleaded.

"I'm gonna die anyways!" Sam went on. "There's not a single space I can land on in my next turn that won't bankrupt me."

"But don't sell us to Jack!" Cas insisted. 

Make the deal, Sam." Jack said ominously, tenting his fingers.

"My god, he's like a mini Crowley," Dean muttered. 

"Scary," Cas agreed. But then Sam handed over the Water Works.

"NOOOOOOOOOO," Dean and Cas cried.


Jack won Monopoly, needless to say, and they moved on to Clue.

"I'm Colonel Mustard," Dean declared. "Because he's the beefy one."

"I'm more beef then you," Cas declared. 

"Are you sure about that, shortcake?" Dean winked. 

"I'm pretty sure," Cas confirmed. 

"I'll be Professor Plum," Sam declared.

"Mr. Green," Jack picked his character.

"Looks like you're a chick now, Cas." Dean smirked. Cas didn't seem bothered as he picked up the sultry piece of Miss Scarlet.

The game was going well until the accusation started, and they got a bit too in character.

"How DARE you accuse me of murder?!" Cas declared. "I am an simple, innocent woman."

"Oh cut the crap, Scarlet!" Dean shot back. "You're a murdering whore!" Cas gasped.

"And where were YOU on the night of the murder, Colonel Mustard??" He yelled back. "Probably off with your mistress."

"You would know," Dean smirked. "You're her."

"Um, guys?" Jack asked. "It's Cas's turn-"

"Shhhhhhh," Sam shushed him, looking like his favorite soap opera was on. "This just got good."

"I AM NO ONE'S MISTRESS!" Cas declared.

"So you're a lover then! And you've cheated on me!" Dean accused.

"Have not!"

"Have too! I know you've been sneaking around, seeing Mr. Boddy behind my back!"

"Maybe I have!"  Cas admitted. "He's a much better lover."

"You BITCH!"

"But answer me this, Mr. Mustard!"


"Why would I kill my lover?? You had the motive to! You killed Mr. Boddy with your knife, leaving him dead in the dining room!"

"I did no such thing, and you have no proof!"

"No proof? The proof is right HERE!" Cas threw his information sheet at Dean, hitting him in the face with it. The angerl turned to Jack. "I am solving the case." He declared. "It was Colonel Mustard, in the Dining Room with the Knife!"

He grabbed the envelope and checked the solution then tossed the cards on the table triumphantly. 

"I win!" He proclaimed.

"Fine! I did it!" Dean proclaimed. "I murdered that loser! He didn't deserve you!!"

"You awful, filthy cheat!" Cas shot back. "Why, if I had a knife, I'd stab you with it!"

"You don't have the guts, Scarlet!"

"Oh yeah?" Cas picked up the tiny candlestick piece and hit the colonel mustard piece with it. Dean gasped.

"How DARE YOU-" He started, rushing around the table. Cas's eyes widened and he bolted out of the library, laughing, with Dean chasing after him.

"We should play board games more often." Jack declared.

"Definitely." Sam agreed, as they put away Clue and set up for a game of Risk.


Risk was another bad choice. 

The goal of the game was to conquer the world, and they were pretty sure Cas had somehow rigged the dice.

"What can I say," The angel offered. "I'm destined to rule the world."

"Over my dead body." Dean declared. All of his armies were centered on the United Kingdom, the only place he had left. Sam had control of all of North America, Jack was out, and Cas owned the rest of the world.

And then the United Kingdom fell.

"NOOOOOO!"  Dean cried out. 

"Then it was a battle to the death, until Cas finally conquered the world.

"I hereby rename Earth Misha-topia." The angel proclaimed.

"And I hereby proclaim death to Mishatopia." Dean retorted, flipping the board.

"MISHATOPIA WILL NEVER DIE!!!" Cas yelled out.


The games went on for the rest of the night. Cas won Trivia Pursuit, obviously, since he knew everything about the world. Sam won poker, Dean won Rummikub and Parcheesi, and Jack shocked them all by winning Cards Against Humanity.

It was four in the morning by the time they settled in for another round of poker.

The beer was gone, the snacks had been eaten. Jack was half asleep at the table, but Sam and Dean refused to surrender.

Well, Dean refused to surrender until he had beaten Sam, refusing to admit that the moose was better then him at poker.

"I suck at poker," Cas declared. "I give up."

"Here, you can help me," Dean insisted. Cas ended up perched in Dean's lap, the two of them teaming up against Sam as Jack slowly slumped onto the table, fast asleep.

"Aww, isn't that adorable," Dean offered. "We should get a marker and draw on his face." Cas swatted at him.

"Or dip his hand in warm water," Sam suggested. Cas hit him with a poker chip.

"That is no way to treat your child." The angel declared.

"Since when is he our child?" Dean questioned, raising his bet.

"Dean, you just have to give into the fact that Jack is a shared child between the three of us." Sam offered. 

"He is our baby and we must protect him." Cas agreed.

"You're all a bunch of weirdos," Dean declared but he was smiling.

"Let's see your cards," Sam declared. He flushed out his hand. "Full house! Aces and Kings. Beat THAT, gay squirrel!" Dean smirked.

"Four of a kind," He retorted, dropping four twos onto the table. "I win, you gay moose." Cas went and packed up the poker chips while Sam and Dean glared at each other.

"I challenge thee to a duel." Sam announced.

"It's on, Bullwinkle." The two boys launched at each other, wrestling on the floor and startling Jack awake.

"What'd I miss?" He questioned, snapping awake.

"Dean won poker." Cas supplied. Jack glanced down at the fighting brothers.

"That makes sense." He insisted. "I'm going to bed."

"Good choice." The angel agreed. Jack stumbled out of the room and Cas turned to the boys.

He rolled up his sleeves with a sigh and grabbed both of them by the collar, yanking them up.

"OW!" They yelped in unison.

"Game night is officially over." Cas declared. "Time for bed, children."

"I am NOT a child." Dean retorted.

"Suuuure you aren't, sweetheart." Cas rolled his eyes, releasing them. "Goodnight Sam."

"G'night." Sam headed off, and Dean plunked down on the floor defiantly.

"I'm not a child." He repeated. Cas grabbed his arms and picked the hunter up with ease.

Dean's screech of surprise echoed through the bunker.

"Damn, Cas." He commented. "You're strong."

"I pulled your angst ridden ass out of hell, Dean, this is nothing." The angel retorted.

"We should have game night more often."

"Yes we should."
