Supply Closets Can Be Fun

Set in AU

Castiel Novak is the most professional, serious teacher at Lawrence Hall High School. He teaches chemistry, and is very strict when it comes to labs in his classroom, because if something isn't done just so, things will literally explode.

But even outside of labs, everyone knows that Mr. Novak follows all the rules, and will make sure you do to. The students at Lawrence Hall are completely positive that he's never done anything risky and fun in his entire life.

They were wrong.

Dean Winchester is an English teacher at Lawrence Hall High School. He's laid-back and fun. He wears leather jackets, and takes his classes on ridiculous field trips, because, somehow, children need field trips to truly understand Shakespeare. The students at Lawrence Hall are convinced that Mr. Winchester is the best teacher in the world, and that he's never committed to anything serious in his life.

They were wrong.

"Morning, Cas," Dean grinned, leaning on the doorframe of the Chemistry classroom, watching the serious teacher. Cas didn't even have to look up to know that Dean was smirking at him. 

"Dean, we live in the same house," He reminded him. "We share a bed- You've already said good morning to me multiple times today."

"No, I said good morning to my angel, and to Cas. Now I'm saying good morning to the serious Mr. Novak." Cas shivered slightly. There was just something about the way that Dean said 'Mr. Novak' that made him catch his breath.

"So, what are you torturing your students with today?" Dean asked. Cas put on a pair of bulky safety goggles, and carefully adjusted a beaker on the clamp stand before picking up a bottle of some weird chemical powder Dean would never be able to identify, and putting a spoonful in the test tube.

"I'm doing a Lab demonstration, and it has to be very carefully set up." Cas replied. "I have to put the reactants in now, but then later, I'll heat them and let my students observe the reaction."

"What's so careful about that?"

"Because, if I put in too much of this," He held up a container of a clear liquid. "Then Kaboom."

"Nice." Dean crossed the room, examining the set up as Cas carefully measured out the various substances his students would need for the day. 

Dean crept up behind Cas as he opened the container of clear liquid for the experiment. The Chemistry teacher froze as Dean put his hands on his hips, leaning into Cas.

"Dean-" He warned.

"You're hot when you're all sciencey," Dean muttered, pressing a kiss to Cas's neck. Cas shuddered.

"Dean, I have to set this up."

"So?" Dean kissed his neck again, and once Cas got used to the feeling, he went on, beginning to carefully pour the liquid.

But then Dean's teeth tugged against Cas's ear, and he jumped, too much of the liquid dropping into the test tube.

A loud BOOM echoed through the classroom, and Cas and Dean found themselves covered in a light blue powder.

"....Is this poisonous?" Dean asked.

"No." Cas gritted his teeth. "Lucky for you." Dean burst out laughing, and as he and Cas washed the powder off themselves, Cas had to admit it was a little funny.

But the fact that the front half of his classroom was now blue was NOT funny. Nor was the fact that he had allowed Dean to distract him. 

"Oh, you are so going to pay for this," Cas declared. Dean smirked.

"Oh really? Exactly HOW am I going to be punished, Mr. Novak?" Cas rolled his eyes, and shoved Dean into the supply closet, just in case one of his students decided to show up early- Cas didn't want to be responsible for scarring a teenager for life. 

Dean let out a fake gasp.

"Why, Mr. Novak- are you breaking the rules?" He asked. 

"Screw the rules." Cas declared, grabbing Dean by the collar and kissing him.

Dean ran his fingers through the belt loops of Cas's pants, pulling him closer as they made out. Cas's hands snaked up from Dean's collar and into his hair as Dean's lips moved towards Cas's neck. 

Cas had no idea how long they had been making out until the warning bell rang out through the school, causing them to jump. Cas jumped back, slamming against a shelf of microscopes with a loud bang. He winced at the noise, but Dean smirked at him.

"Mr. Novak?" A voice outside the closet asked. Cas glanced at Dean, then at himself.

Dean's jacket was on the floor, and his pants were undone. All the buttons on Cas's shirt were undone, and his tie was slung over one of the shelves. Dean's hair looked like, well, like he had just made out with someone, and Cas was positive there was a hickey forming on his neck.

"Do you have a class?" He whispered to Dean, not knowing if anyone was eavesdropping.

"Not first period, no." Dean admitted. 

"Good." Cas hissed back, rebuttoning his shirt. "Cause you're staying in here." Dean opened his mouth to protest, but Cas was already fleeing the supply closet, fixing his hair and locking the door behind him. 

The supply closet make out sessions continued, nearly every day, and pretty much everywhere.

But then there was the day that both Dean and Cas had a free period during the longest class of the day. With so much time to spare, it was easy for Cas and Dean to do a little more then make out in the English building supply closet.

Imagine their surprise when a junior- Charlie Bradbury, of course, came in looking for a box of tissues.

Cas and Dean's eyes widened as Charlie took in the sight before her.

"Mr. Winchester." She nodded, grabbing the tissue box off the shelf. She glanced down. "Mr. Novak." She walked out, shutting the door behind her.
