
It started out as a joke.

Cas Novak and Dean Winchester were best friends. They had met in a park at age four, and once their mothers realized that they lived right down the street from each other, the two became best friends.

And then one day, as five year old Cas heard one of his sister's princess stories, he got an idea.

"Dean?" He asked innocently.

"Yes?" Dean replied.

"If I'm a princess, would you be my Prince Charming?"



But the gag continued. Whenever Dean or Cas would come across a couple, they would always ask each other. It was usually Cas who asked, simply because he read more and had more examples.

"Will you be the Juliet to my Romeo?" Dean asked one day, when they were seven.

"Sure!" Cas agreed.

Will you be the Henry to my Flora?" Cas asked randomly one day, when they were nine.

"My grandfather's name is Henry," Dean commented. "Sure."

"Will you be the Paul to my Hildy?" Cas questioned, not even looking up from his book.

"Of course, Betty." Dean grinned. "Sure."

The theme continued, and it became a common occurrence. The two never really thought much of the sayings. It was instinctive. It was just something they did. Sure, some kids teased them about it and said they were gay, but the boys just shrugged. They were friends. It was like their handshake or something. 

"Screw Romeo and Juliet," Cas proclaimed in their English class, shortly after they had finished reading Othello.  "They're stupid."

"Romeo and Juliet is the greatest love story of all time," Their teacher retorted.

"Well I'd rather have a love story like Othello and Desdemona, thank you very much." Cas commented. He spun around in his chair and called to Dean, who sat at the back of the class. "Dean! Will you be the Desdemona to my Othello?"

"Promise not to smother me?" Dean asked.


"Sure." Dean shrugged.


"Will you be the Watson to my Sherlock?"


"Will you be the Rock to my roll?"


"Will you be the Doctor to my Rose?"


"Will you be the Tobias to my Tris?"

"Oh my gosh, don't die on me, but sure."

"Will you be the Eight to my Seven?"

"Dammit Dean, don't make me cry like that!!! Sure."

"Will you be the Simon to my Garfunkel?"

"Cas, I don't think Simon and Garfunkel were gay."

"Doesn't matter."



It never stopped. Not even when the boys admitted that, yeah, they were a little in love with each other, and they started dating.

Not even when they separated for college did they stop.


"Hello?" Dean said hoarsely, his brain screaming because WHO THE HELL WAS CALLING AT 2AM ON A THURSDAY????

"Will you be the moon to my sun?" A familiar voice asked.

"Sure thing Cas." Dean said tiredly.

"It's night there, isn't it?"

"Yeah- is it day there?"


"Then I guess I really am the moon to your sun. Good night Cas."

"G'night Dean."


"Will you be the Smith to my Wesson?"

"Sure, Dean."

"Will you be the the Gaetan to my Isabelle?"

"Cas, I have no idea who the hell those people are, but sure."

"Will you be the Wesley to my Buttercup?"

"As you wish, sure."

"Be the Han to my Leia?"


"Be the Jack to my Diane?"

"Little diddy- I mean sure."

"Be the Brad Pitt to my Angelina Jolie?"

"They broke up, Dean."

"They did? WHEN?"

"Ages ago, but yeah, sure."

"Be the Will to my Elizabeth?"

"Be the Will to my Cordelia?"

On and on it went for years, until one day Dean stopped and looked at Cas.

"What?" Cas asked. Dean smiled.

"Hey, uh..." He dropped down onto one knee. "Will you be the Cas to my Dean?"

There was only one response Cas knew.

