Happy Birthday Dean Winchester

January 24th. The day the world was graced with Dean Winchester.

Too bad the salty hunter hated celebrating it.

The Winchesters were never one for celebrating anything, whether it was holidays, birthdays, or victories. But Mary was still learning that.

And besides, birthdays were a special occasion. While they never had a party, Sam and Dean always made sure they did something a little special for their brother. Neither one of them ever asked for anything or said anything about it, but the other just knew to do it.

Like today, for instance.

"Jack, Cas, c'mere," Sam urged. The angel and the nephlilm obliged, looking curious. It was early in the morning, but since Sam was an early riser and Cas and Jack rarely slept, they were awake.  "I need you to sign this." He pulled out a small card.

"What's it for?" Jack asked.

"It's Dean's birthday," Sam explained. 

"It is?" Jack questioned. "How come he didn't say anything?"

"Because he hates his birthday, but I always ignore that fact and do stuff for him anyways. So sign the card."

"Were we supposed to get him gifts?" Cas asked. "I heard it was customary for humans to recieve gifts on their birthday, although I'm not sure why you celebrate the day that you forced your way out of-"

"OKAY!" Sam cut him off. "Yes, people normally get gifts, but Dean and I don't normally give each other presents, and if we do, it's something small that we usually bought from the gas station, and Dean's perfectly fine with that."

"I didn't get him anything," Jack looked guilty.

"That's okay," Sam insisted. "I got him a pie, we can all jump on that."

"Alright," Jack and Cas agreed. They signed the card.

"Now," Sam grinned. "Time to wake up the birthday boy."

"I'll do it!" Jack volunteered, already heading down the hall.

"Jack, wait! Remember what happened last time!" Cas warned, rushing after him, Sam followed closely, grinning.

The three boys burst into Dean's room and promptly pounced on the bed. Cas ended up flopped near Dean's head, and Jack and Sam were flopped on the rest of the bed as they jumped on it and shook Dean awake.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" They sang.

"Oh please no," Dean complained, but he was smiling.

"Just think, Dean," Cas commented. "Exactly forty years ago, you were born, and the earth was graced with the most wonderful person ever."

"If by most wonderful you mean the most stubborn and biggest classic rock fan." Jack corrected.

"If by stubborn you mean a giant overprotective, pie eating squirrel." Sam went on. 

"No, I mean wonderful. As in practically perfect in every way that counts." Cas declared. 

"If you insist," Dean offered. "There. You wished me Happy birthday. Now let's never speak of it again."

"HMMMMMM, NO." Sam declared. "It's your birthday, and we're gonna remind you of it all day."

"Yeah, Dean! Come on!" Jack urged. "It's your birthday, and that means you can get away with a lot."

"Very true," Sam agreed. "What do you want to get away with on your birthday?" Dean shrugged.

"I don't know." He admitted. "Hadn't thought about that."

"Well, think about it." Sam insisted.

"We also made pancakes." Cas went on. "Because I was informed you like pancakes." Dean smiled.

"Alright," He grumbled. "I'll eat your pancakes. But I won't be happy about the birthday nagging."

"Just be glad we didn't remind Mom." Sam muttered. "She'd want to throw you a party or something to make up for thirty years of missed birthdays." Dena looked horrified at the thought.

"But didn't Mary remember?" Cas questioned, frowning. Dean and Sam exchanged a glance.

"She might," Sam offered optimistically. "I don't think she's thought about birthdays."

"Yeah," Dean agreed. "Besides, it's not that important anyways. Dad forgot our birthdays all the time."

"We're used to it." Sam went on. "Now, pancakes time!" The boys headed for the kitchen and Cas and Jack exchanged a glance.

"I'd be upset if my mom forgot my birthday." Jack insisted.

"Yeah...." Cas frowned. The sad truth, he thought, was that the Winchesters probably weren't bothered by it. They really were used to having their parents forget their birthdays.


Cas, Jack, and Sam snuck away later in the day and went to the gas station, searching for anything they could give Dean for a gift.

Cas and Sam found something almost immediately, but even after searching the whole place, Jack couldn't find anything.

"You could always make him something." Sam suggested. "You're a kid, you can get away with that." Jack thought for a moment.

"Got it." He had the perfect idea.


They had burgers for dinner and binged old western movies because they all knew how much Dean loved them. And then Sam brought out a pie, which Cas stuck a candle in and Jack lit.

"Seriously," Dean raised an eyebrow, but he was smiling broadly.

"Make a wish, Dean," Cas insisted. "That's the rule." Dean looked at them, then down at the candle with a soft smile.

I wish every birthday was just like this, he offered, blowing out the candle.

"What'd you wish for?" Jack questioned.

"Can't tell," Dean declared. "Otherwise it won't come true. Now take your measly slices and leave me with the rest, because this birthday guy wants to eat the whole pie."

"Okay, but then you have to open your presents," Sam offered.

"You got me presents?" Dean looked skeptical.

"Yep!" Cas insisted.

"I'm afraid."

 "You shouldn't be." Jack said vaguely. "But we should." Sam and Cas were suddenly very concerned about what Jack had made for the hunter.


Naturally, Sam's gift was opened first. Dean burst out laughing as soon as he saw what it was.

"I thought you'd enjoy it." Sam said haughtily, fighting back a laugh.

It was a magazine similar to Busty Asian Beauties, but this time, it had nothing but page after page of nearly and fully naked men.

"Me next!" Jack declared, handing Dean a gift. 

It was a small booklet of paper, and Dean flipped through them curiously.

"It's a coupon book," Jack explained. "You can cash in any coupon with me, Cas, or Sam, and we have to do what it says." Sam and cas's eyes widened.

"What did you drag up into?" Sam muttered and they leaned over to read the coupons.

"One room cleaning," Dean read. "One foot massage,"

"Oh no," Cas commented, reading the next coupon. Dean smirked deviously at it.

"Cash in this coupon, and the person of your choice will have to do one thing of your choice." Dean read out loud. There were about six of those, and Sam and Cas looked horrified. "There are no limits to what you might ask us to do."

"Jack, that is a very, very dangerous thing to do," Sam warned.

"It'll be fine," Jack insisted.

"Alright, Cas's turn," Dean offered, setting down the coupon book as Cas gave him a small package.

It had a few cassette tapes in it.

"I know you like Classic rock, so I found you some classic music," Cas explained. Dean forced back his laughter as he noted the name on the cassettes. "I haven't heard Beethoven's music before, but I assumed it was similar to Metallica's."

Sam broke first, and he burst out laughing. Jack tried, but even he ended up giggling a little bit. Cas frowned, and he looked at Dean with a wavering expression.

"Is it wrong?" He asked innocently. Dean only smiled.

"No, it's great, Cas." He insisted. "I love them. We'll have to play it on our next road trip." Sam was on the floor, and Jack had covered his face with his hands.

"If it's fine, then why are they laughing?" Cas questioned.

"Because they're morons," Dean declared. He grabbed the coupon book and took out one of the cards that could make them do anything. "Hey Sammy," He deadpanned. The moose looked up and paused at the sight of the coupon. "I want you to get a haircut."

They stopped laughing.

"And I want Jack to be the one who cuts your hair," Dean went on. Sam looked horrified.

"Bad idea," Jack declared. "It was a bad idea."

"NO DUH," Sam said worriedly, clutching his hair. Dean grabbed another coupon as they panicked and he turned to Cas, who looked a little wary.

"It's my birthday," Dean began. "And I'm cashing in my coupon."

"Okay," Cas insisted. "What do you want?" Dean smirked.

"I want a kiss from my favorite angel," He declared. "Right on the lips." He handed Cas the paper, but the angel shoved his hand away.

"Save your coupon," Cas advised. "I'll kiss you for free, birthday boy." And he leaned over, pressing a kiss to Dean's lips.

Oh yeah, Dean's mind declared. Best. Birthday. Ever.
