Bees, Wasps, and Other Stinging Insects

Dean Winchester wasn't a big fan of bees.

Sure, he didn't mind the harmless honeybees that Cas adored, but the wasps, and hornets and yellow jackets? No thank you!

ESPECIALLY not after Cas randomly showed up naked in the impala, covered in bees,

It took the hunter weeks to shake off that image and bury it deep, deep down.

And now, of course, as he and Cas were driving to Iowa to meet Sam on a hunt, a bee decided to fly in through the car's window, and land on his face. 

As he was driving.

Cas gasped.

"Dean!" he whispered. "There's a bee on your face!"

"I'm aware of that, Cas," he shot back through gritted teeth, trying not to anger the insect that was resting on his nose. 

"Awww, it likes you!"

"Cas, I do not care about the bee's emotions toward me- get it off me!"

"Just brush it off."

"I would, but it'll get mad and sting me!" Dean was finding it difficult to concentrate on the road and on the bee at the same time.


"SO, Bee stings may not hurt you, but they hurt like a bitch to me!" 

"Is that why you didn't want to go to the honey place with me?"

"Cas, can we have this discussion when there's not a huge hornet on my face?"

"It's not a hornet"

"What?" The bee crawled up to Dean's forehead and he swerved their car, freaking out slightly, and internally thankful that he was driving a rental car, not his precious Baby.

"It's a Vespula vulgaris, or common wasp." Cas tilted his head, inspecting the bee with curiosity.


Apparently, Dean's yelling had angered the wasp, and it stung him right between his eyes. Dean let out a yell and the car swerved off the road, slamming into a tree. The wasp, clearly pleased with it's work, chose this moment to fly out the window.

"...I take it stung you," Cas began.

"Yes it stung me!" Dean growled, his eyes watering at the pain. Castiel frowned, now upset. He hated it when Dean was hurting. 

He reached over, ready to tap Dean's forehead and make the pain go away, but the hunter jerked away.

"Just leave it." Dean insisted. "It'll stop in a few minutes." He looked around them, sighing at the mess the car was in, thanks to the tree. It had been a crappy car to begin with, and he knew it wasn't going to start. They'd have to call Sam to come and get them, which would only waste more time.

"Dean, you're in pain. Let me help."

"Cas, I don't need you wasting your angel mojo because I got stung by a bee."  The angel thought to himself, and remembered something he had seen on the internet to help stop pain.

"Would you prefer it if I helped you in a human way instead of using my 'mojo'?" He asked, using air quotes. Dean sighed.

"Sure Cas," he agreed, figuring the angel would do something ridiculous. 

Needless to say, he was quite surprised when Cas leaned over and kissed the spot where the bee had stung him. Dean stared at him, wide eyed.

"Does it feel better?" Cas asked innocently. 

"Uh....Yeah." Cas looked pleased.

"Interesting. Perhaps I should that everytime you get hurt." Dean smirked.

"Sure, Cas. You do that." He turned to open the car door when something suddenly crashed down onto the front of the car, clearing having fallen fro the tree.

Dean and Cas's eyes widened.

"Is that...." Dean shut his eyes.

"That's a wasp's nest." Cas confirmed. 

Needless to say, Cas was going to have plenty of bee stings to kiss.
