CML : 6

| The Next Morning 🌞...|

~ | CHRIS POV | ~

I woke up and seen Caroline playing with her pacifier. I laughed quietly grabbing my phone and started recording her.

"Carolinee." I said and she jumped then looked at me. I continued to record and then her bottom little poked out and started quivering. "Awww don't cry." I said and she started crying. I stopped the video locking my phone then picked her up.

Vanessa was still sleeping. I'm gonna let her sleep though. She looked so peacful and beautiful when she's sleeping. I carried Caroline downstairs and laid her in the swing.

"Alright lemme fix your bottle and be right back." I said giving her a teething toy. I fixed Caroline's bottle then gave it to her sitting her on the couch then put pillows around her. I gave her, her bottle and she grabbed it drinking it. "Alright you stay right there and don't move." I said. I turned the TV on some cartoons for Caro.

I have to say, this baby thing isn't that bad. Ever since my niece, Dayci been born, it got me thinking about starting my own family but I don't want to with any kind of woman.

And the way Vanessa and I are heading, I hope she could be that lucky woman.

We'll have to see.


I woke up the next morning and didn't see Caroline infront of me. I sat up looking around and didn't see Chris either.

"Mmm, good huh?" I heard Chris say. I got up going downstairs and seen him feeding Caroline some pudding. Caroline was loving it to because she was all on him. It was so cute.

"Morning." I said walking over to them. I smiled at Caro.

"Goodmorning. How'd you sleep?" Chris asked.

"I slept good. Ouu Caro you like that pudding?" I asked and she started bouncing on Chris and I laughed. "Thank you for watching her. Did you give her, her bottle?"

"Yeah she downed that and then I seen she wasnt full so I have her some pudding," He said and I grinned

"Awww mommy's gonna have to get you some pudding." I said kissing her cheek sitting down. She looked at Chris with her little mouth open.

He laughed putting the spoon of pudding in her mouth and she smiled at me making us both laugh.

"I made breakfast. It should still be warm." Chris said. 

"Ouu, I'm hungry too ." I got up jogging to the kitchen. I seen my plate of breakfast sausage sticks, strawberry pancakes which looked homemade, and a little bowl of grapes.  "Awwe." I mumbled warming the breakfast for a couple seconds.

I went to fridge grabbing an orange juice and my plate, and the grapes going back to the living room sitting down.

"Are these homemade strawberry pancakes?" I asked after praying over my food. 

"Yeah you could tell by how fluffy they are huh?"

"Haha, yuup. How'd you put the strawberries in like that? I need to take notes." I joked and Chris chuckled after feeding Caroline the last spoon of pudding.

"Why take notes when I could just make them for you?" He asked and I shrugged eating some.

Delicious! Swear to God. To say he's famous, he's not one of those lazy celebs that gets maids and shit.

"Omg this is soo good." I said and he laughed.

"Glad you like." He said and wiped Caroline's mouth. "Mmm that was good huh?" He said and she looked at him and grinned.

"She likes you." I said.

"I got that effect on girls " He said popping his fake collar. I frowned. Thats usually what players say and that's the niggas that don't give a fuck about nobody.

"Ha! Is that how you attracted me?" I asked with a little attitude.

He looked at me. "Oh course not ma. I w-was playing." He said.

I rolled my eyes looking at the TV. "Yeah right Chris." I said drinking some of my juice.

"Come on Nessa, I was just playing. Pleeeaseee don't be mad at mee!!" He whined laying his head in my lap and Caroline screamed and laughed climbing ontop of Chris.

I laughed at her. "Fight fight Chris Coco." I told her and she started slapping Chris in the face.

"Owww!!" He said and picked her up throwing her in the air and catching her.

"CHRIS WHAT THE HELL?!" I yelled. Caroline laughed and they both looked at me.


"Don't do that. Your scaring me." I said finishin up my food.

"What? Come on, she likes it." He said doing it again and Caroline laughed. "Look she got teeth coming in." He said sitting her up on his stomach and I pulled her lip down a little seeing a little white line.

I screamed. "AHHH Coco your teeth are coming in!!" I cheered and she looked at me like I was crazy.

"She's like, woman calm down." Chris said and I laughed playfully smacking him upside the head.

"Shut up. Come on, lemme get up." I said.

"You done ?"

I burped. "Yup. And we need to get ready to leave so can you change her for me?" I asked walking to the kitchen and I could feel him following me.

"Y'all leaving already? But you just got up. And I'm not ready for Caroline to leaveee." He whined playing with Caroline. That was cute but I gotta get home and pay this rent.

"Chris I got things to do at home." I said putting my plate in the sink. 

"Are you busy today? What y'all gonna be doing?" He asked.

"I gotta run some arons.. I got a few things to do today." I said and he sighed.

"What about tonight? Y'all busy tonight?" I shook my head. I shouldn't be busy. I don't know why Chris is even asking me all these questions. "Good. I wanna take you and Caroline to dinner at a restaurant." He said.

My eyes widened. "Dinner? Chris I can't do that. I got Caroline and -"

"Vanessa I said y'all . Meaning I want for you to bring Caroline too." He said kissing Caroline's cheek and she was nibbling on her teething toy making noises.

"Chris ... I .." I sighed shaking my head. "I don't know. I haven't been out with a guy in so long, I don't have anything to wear."

"Hold that thought. Here, take Caroline right quick." He handed me Caroline and she started whining for him. I put her pacifier in her mouth and Chris ran uodatirs.

I sighed going to the living room and changed Caroline's diaper. "Chris I don't have time for playing." I said

"I'm not playing. Here, take this." He handed me some money. Which looked like $1000 in a rubber band.

My mouth dropped. "Chris I can't take that. Why are you giving me this?" I asked.

"Take it Vanessa. Go and buy you and Caroline some stuff. And why you out there, get some clothes for tonight." He said taking my hand and putting the money inside.

Another blessing. Omg the Lord is blessing me with so many things right now, it's amazing! Thank Jesus. 😚🙏

"Omg Chris, Thank you so much." I said sitting up and pulling him into a hug which took him off by surprise but he hugged back.

"Your .. Your welcome ma. I told you i got you." He said and kissed my cheek.

"This is so amazing." I said wiping the little tears that somehow came down.

"Maaaama!!" Caroline said.

"Oh, I forgot. Sorry baby girl," I said and finished changing her diaper.

~ | CHRIS POV | ~

I really think Vanessa deserved the money. I want for her to feel good. I'm here by her side and if there's anything, and I mean ANYTHING she needs,  I'm gonna be there to help.

Going out to dinner tonight is gonna be great because I'll be able to really get to know her. I know a little about her but I'll know more.

And little Caroline, aw man I love that little girl. We got a connection like she's my own child! And i haven't even known her for that long!

Vanessa probably think Im not interested in her, but I am. And I'm gonna show her I am.

"Oh and bring some clothes. I want you guys to stay the night again." I said.

"Really Chris?" She asked laughing putting the baby in her seat.

"Yes. I love your company." I said watching and grabbed Caroline's diaper bag.

"That's sweet. I'll see, maybe we will. Don't you have work to be doing though Mr. Singer?" She asked taking Caroline's bag and carried her seat to the door.

"Well yeah but I'm gonna clean up and stuff then do that before tonight. I'm making a new song and I want for you to hear it later on tonight. Im gonna get my buddy to help me finish it." I said opening the door. She flashed that beautiful smile.

"I can't wait to hear." She said. "Alright well, we'll see you later then." She said and we hugged and I kissed her cheek.

"Can't wait. Bye Caroline." I said.

"Say bye bye Caro." Vanessa said and Caroline opened her hand and closed it a couple of times and I smiled.

They left and I watched until they were gone.

I can't wait for dinner tonight. I grabbed my phone hitting up my buddy Frank to come and help me finish this song. Frank is my producer by the way.

I'm making this song called, Privacy. It's coming along real good and I can't wait to finish it and for Vanessa to hear it.


When we got home, I got Caroline out her seat carrying her to the door.

"VANESSA!" Someone yelled. I turned around seeing the landlord. I sighed walking to him.

"Goodmorning Mr. J -"

"Save it! Where's my money Vanessa?!" He yelled.

"I'll have it by tomorrow I promise." I said.

"You got until tonight!" He yelled. I frowned. This ugly fat motherfucker just said he giving me a week!

"Tonight? Mr. Johnson, you said next week!" I argued back

"Well I'm changing my damm mind because this isn't your first time! You got my money now or what?" He asked holding his arm out to me. I sighed rolling my eyes and took out the stack of cash Chris gave me. I grabbed $200 out and put it in his hand. His eyes was widened. "Where you get money like that from? I know it isn't your check month." He said.

"Check month? Bitch I don't get no fucking check! Do it look like I'm stupid! I got this from my man all have you know! It's more than what the fuck you make and I got more so don't fuck with me! I can't wait to get the hell from round here!" I yelled flipping my hair in his face walking to my door.

I can't wait to find me somewhere decent to live. Somewhere where I won't be under nobody's control. 

I want to build my own home. But with money and Jr's money isn't gonna be enough.

I'm gonna need some help ..

* : *

After cleaning up the apartment and everything, I got Caroline and I dressed and  we were on our way to the Mall.

I'm only going here because Chris wants us too. I'll think about stayin the night though.

* : * : * : * : * : * : * : * : * : * : * : * : * : * : *

▪ Aww, Chris wants to be a daddy! 😍😍😩

▪ Will Chris and Vanessa have a future together?

* Comment your thoughts, show love, share the book, and follow me. 💦
