CML : 27 ( Warning .. )


I walked in the bedroom and Chris was playing with Caroline in the bed. He looked at me and then sat up. I went to the dresser taking off my bracelet.

"Why you let that nigga in my home Vanessa?" He asked.

I shrugged. "He wanted to see his daughter." I explained.

"Yeah but you could've told me to bring her to the door. I didn't want that nigga in my crib! Hell I don't even know how he know my address! Did you tell him?!" He yelled asking.

"What?! No! He must've followed us home before or something! I would never." I said looking at him

"Yeah right." He said rolling my eyes.

"Chris I'm not lying to you! I really didn't tell him! You wanna call him nd see?!" I yelled.

"Man no bro! Just don't let that nigga back at my house or inside! If he wants to see Caroline, y'all meet up somewhere." Chris said and I nodded

"I'm sorry baby." I said kissing his cheek sitting in his lap. He wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Its cool. At least I got my little girl spoiled." He said tickling Caroline and she laughed.

I smiled. "She's so adorable." I said.

"Yeah, just like her Mama." Chris said and I blushed kissing him.

"Thank you baby. You too sweet." I said and he grinned.

"I love you."

"I love you more." I said and we laid on the bed playing with Caroline. "When do you have to go to the studio?" I asked flipping the remote.

"In 2 hours." Chris answered.

"Awe, okay. Can we do something before you go?" I i asked sitting up.

He smacked my ass. "Nahh. Caroline is wide awoke." He said.

I laughed smacking him upsife the head. "Nigga not that way! I meant as a family. Take Caroline to that park or something. She loves it there." I said.

"I know baby and yeah we'll go. You can just drop me off and I'll give you the car for when I go."

I picked Caroline up and she started whining.

"Whaaat?" I whined kissing her. She got out my arms and crawled ontop of Chris laying on his chest and sucked her pacifier. "Yeah she's pretty spoiled." I said kissing her cheek and she sneezed in my face.

"Eww!!" Chris said and Caroline laughed.

I sighed getting up and walking to the bathroom cleaning my face.

~ | CHRIS POV | ~

I tickled Caroline and she laughed. "I love you so much baby girl ,"  I said and got up carrying Caroline. "I'm going find her something to wear and get her ready." I said. 

* : *

I put Caroline in the swing seat and started pushing her lightly.

"Look Coco, say hi to the camera!" Vanessa said videoing Caroline and I and I grinned.

I walked to the front lookin at Caroline who was watching the other kids play.

"She loves watching them. I can't wait until she'll be able to join them." Vanessa said and I smiled.

"Say I can go play with mommy." I told Caroline taking her out the swing.

I carried her to the slide sitting her at the top and she started screaming and whining gripping my wrist. I laughed. "I'm not gonna let you go baby girl." I said and slid her down the slide while holding her.

Caroline smiled and I kissed her throwing her up and down in the air and she laughed.

I really love Caroline. I love playing with her. She's so cutee. Our relationship is so strong. I feel like she's mine. If this is what fatherhood is, then I love it.


Watching Caroline and Chris play melted my heart. It was so adorable I got so many videos of them.

Who would've thought I would've been sitting here right now with a man. A man that really loves me. A man that really loves my daughter

He changed my life. Got me out the hell hole I was in. God has been blessing me in so many ways.  It's amazing. 

I was sitting on the bench when  a rock landed on the table scaring me. There was a note on the rock. I frowned picking it up reading it.

" Watch your back waitress "

I looked around seeing nobody but kids and their parents. Someone is watching me. I got up running to Chris.

"CHRIS,  CHRIS!" I yelled. He looked at me. "Chris we have to go, now!" I said.

He frowned. "Baby what are you talking about?"

"I-I was sitting at the table when a r-rock landed hardly on the table and look! Someone is watching me!"

I showed him the note. He shook his head. "Who could this be?" He asked.

I shrugged and felt my eyes tearing up. "Chris I'm scareddd!! Someone is after me!" I cried. He pulled me into his arms.

"Don't worry baby, nobody will get you. I promise your safe with me." He said kissing my forehead and I wiped my tears carefully.

"Chris can we leave, please? I don't feel safe here anymore ,"

Chris nodded. "Here, take Caroline to the car. Lemme get her stuff." He said giving me Caroline and I did as he said.

~ | CHRIS POV | ~

I don't know who could be messing with Vanessa like this. Whoever it is, I won't let them get to her.

I'm gonna get some security cameras, gonna get some security in the house, and we might even get a quick dog.

* : *

I'm gonna find out who it is. And when I do, it ain't gonna be pretty.

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* Who's the mysterious person watching Vanessa?

* Comment your thoughts. 💞
