CML : 18

The Following Day 🌞..


I wokw up the next morning cold as hell. I sat up realizing I wasn't even in my bed. I looked down seeing myself naked. I started panicking getting up but only falling to the ground.

"Fuck!" I mumbled. Who's house is this? The room was pretty nice though, I could give em that.

I don't remember shit from last night. I got back in the bed and reached for my purse pulling my phone out and called Cleo.

"What Vanessaaa?"

"Cleo! What happened last night and who did I leave with? Because I'm at this stranger's house and I -"

"Breakfast is ready." Someone said opening the door. My heart sunk and I watched as the person came inside the room.

My eyes widened. KENNETH?!

"Kenneth?" I asked as he came in the room with a breakfast tray with 2 plates of breakfast food and 2 glasses of Apple juice. 

He smiled at me. "Goodmorning. How did you sleep?" He asked kissing my cheek and I grabbed my plate.

"F-Fine ... I guess." I answered. He sat my drink on the night stand then got back in the bed with his breakfast and turned on the TV. He had a giant TV on the wall. "Holy shit, that's a big ass TV." I said and Kennth laughed.

"It's like I got a whole movie theater screen infront me." He said. 

After eating the breakfast, which was delicious! He could still cook. 😏Anyways, I decided that now is a good time to ask him about last night.

"Kenneth, can I ask you something?" I asked. He looked at me.

"Yeah, wassup?"

"What happened last night?" I asked him.

He started laughing. "You was drunkkk!! And you wanted it, so I gave it to you." He said hovering over me and kissed my neck.

"Kenneth why didn't you stop me?" I asked and he sucked on my neck.

"I tried. But you would cry." He said continuing to suck and kiss my neck. He then slipped his hand down my legs and rubbed my clit.

I bit my lip closing my eyes. He stopped turning off the TV and turned on some music then took off his briefs and shorts. I traced the tattoos on his chest and he leaned down kissing me and I kissed back wrapping my arms around his neck.

Seconds later, I felt him slide inside of me and I gasped.

This is really happening ..

3 Hours Later ..


Vanessa and I laid sweaty and naked in the bed out of breath breathing heavily. I kissed her forehead and she laid her head in my chest. 

She was sober, and she still let me hit! 😛

Surprised she had let me do it. And no im not just fucking her just to fuck her, I just miss her fine ass and she was looking hella good. 

"K-Kenneth .. I need to take a shower." She said and I laughed.

"I know baby. Me too. Come on. Lets go." I said picking her up and walked to the bathroom turning on the shower and then stepped inside. "Alright now baby hold your balance." I told her.

After we got out the shower, Vanessa and I laid in the bed. I let her wear my boxers and a T-Shirt.

Vanessa laid under me with her leg over me. I put my arm around her resting my hand on her ass. I like laying like this with Vanessa. She's warm too.

"What you doing today?" I aksed her.

She shrugged. "I don't know ... nothing. I don't have Caroline so. I guess I'll chill with you." She said feeling my chest and I grinned.

"Let's go somewhere." I insisted.

"Where?" She asked.

"Wherever you want. Me, you, Cleo, and Jackson could probably go to the trampoline place for some hours." I said 

She looked at me laughing. "You want to be childish for the day, huh?" I laughed and kissed her lips.

"Yeah, maybe." I answered.

She laughed. "I'm down. But I have to go and find me something to wear." She said.

"You don't have to get all cute. All you need is a shirt and some Nike shorts and your good." I said.

"Boy shut up, you don't understand." She said and I laughed.

"Come on, let's get you home then "


"Lemme know when you ready and I'll come get you." He said hugging me and I nodded walking my door. I unlocked the door walking inside and sighed. 

My phone started ringing which scared the hell out of me. It was a Facetime call from Chris.

"Hey Chris." I said

"Wassup Vanessa."

"Nothing. What are you doing up?" I asked.

"I have great news!" He smiled.

"Really? What is it?" I asked making my way upstairs to my bedroom. 

"I'm coming home tonight!"

My eyes widened. "Really? But your tour isn't up yet." I said confused.

"I know but they got bad weather coming, so I gotta come home. But I'll reschedule the rest of the tour another time. But I'm glad I'm coming home. I missed you." He said and I smiled.

"I miss you too. What time are you leaving?"

"Probably at 7." He answered

"That's great. I can't wait to see you, omgg!! But I gotta go get dressed. I'm going to lunch wit Cleo." I lied.

"Oh okay. I'll call you when I'm on the plane"

"K, bye "

I ended the call getting dressed.

~ | CHRIS POV | ~

Something wasn't right with Vanessa. She was rushing to get off FaceTime. I'm gonna find out wassup.

Hopefully that nigga Kenneth aint got shit to do wit it.

* : * : * : * : * : * : * : * : * : * : * : * : * : * : * : *

* Vanessa don't know what she wants!

* Comment your thoughts. 🍆
