CML : 29


I laid my head on Chris's shoulder and he wrapped his arm around my waist. We were watching the beautiful sunset and having nice conversations.

But I do wanna know how he really thinks Chanel is behind all this. I mean I could see why, but why her first? I thought he would've said Kenneth.

"Baby.." I spoke.


"What makes you think its really Chanel?" I asked curiously.

"Bae she hates you. Plus she's the only one who really know about you working at the restaurant, right?" I nodded. "Exactly and she was at the scene during the time so of course its her,"

"But you don't think it could be Kenneth too?"

He shrugged. "I don't really think so but I'm not saying he's not. You wanna report him too?" I sighed.

"Not now. Not until we get some answers. Because if he goes back to jail, he ain't coming back out." I said.

"Well.." Chris kissed my forehead. "I got an idea to set Chanel up and maybe get some answers if you wanna hear." I sat up looking at him.

"Tell me." I said 

He laughed then kissed my nose and I giggled. "Well.. I was thinking I could pretend that you and I broke up, then -"

"Nevermind, I don't wanna hear it. Next thing you know she'll get pregnant and really be working my nerves." I said turning around and he laughed.

"Baby let me finish." He said. I sighed listening. "Anyways, I'm gonna pretend like we broke up. No I am not gonna have sex with her. I don't even like her that anymore so, ew." I laughed. At least I ain't gotta worry about that. "But yeah and I'll turn the voice recorder on my phone and then stick it in my pocket. Hopefully... we'll get some answers from there," he said.

I shook my head. "What makes you think she'll fall for that?"

"Baby look at me. Ya man is sexy." He said and I laughed and kissed him.

"Very sexy," I said between the kiss.

"Haha. Plus she'll duffy behind a nigga so of course her dumb ass gon fall for it." He said. Hearing him talk about the  plan sounds pretty interesting.

Hopefully it'll work.

"So you down or what?"

"Yeah but you better not fuck her and I'm not playing or I swear, I'm gonna leave you." I said seriously.

"I'm not baeee. I don't want her." He said and kissed my cheek then trailed to my neck. "Let's go home." He said in my ear and continue to kiss my neck.

Already know why he wants to go home. It's obvious.

~ | CHRIS POV | ~

I know Nessa isn't 100% sure about this plan. But once she sees that we're gonna have Chanel's ass ij jail where she suppose to be, she'll love me then.

But right now we bout to head home and she bout to love this dick.

* : * : * : * : * : * : * : * : * : * : * : * : * : * : * : *

* Will Chris's plan come into play like he wants?

* Y'all think Chris will fuck Chanel? 😂

* Who's behind this scandalous rock? Kenneth or Chanel?

* Comment your thoughts.
