CML : 11 ( He's Back .. )

A Month Later ...


I put Caroline in her car seat and she started fussing. We were currently at the store leaving.

"What's wrong lady bug?" I asked her. She stared at me.

"Da-Da." She said and my mouth dropped.

"What did you say?!" I said excitedly.

"She said Da-Da." Someone said behind me. It didn't sound like Chris or Thomas...

I turned around seeing my ex-boyfriend, Kenneth. He's also Caroline's biological father ..

"K-Kenneth?" I stuttered closing the door and Caroline watched through the window.

He smiled looking at me. "You remember me .. great. You look really good.. " He said. "Still beautiful." He said touching my face. He then looked in the car. "Is that my baby girl?" He asked opening the door and poked his head inside.

Caroline just stared at him. "Say it again baby girl, Da-Da." He said taking her out and holding her tickling. She smiled slapping his face and he kissed her cheek. "I'm so sorry for not being there for you and your mommy ," He said and I looked at him. "I really don't want to miss anymore of your life. Daddy changed, you hear me?" Caroline was trying to eat his chain. "Daddy got baptised and everything. Daddy is here for you and mommy." He said kissing Caroline's forehead.

"You got baptized?" I asked. He looked at me then nodded.

"Yeah. 4 months ago I went to jail. That really made me change just being there the first night. I had to stay in there for 15 months. Worst part of my life ever! The whole time, I thought about you Vanessa. Being pregnant. The way I hurt you .. that made me want to beat up myself. I made a promise to myself, and God that when I get out of jail, I would get baptized, get my life back on track, and somehow come and chase my family back." He said. "Vanessa I really miss you." He said. "I changed baby I swear I did. I'm even thinking about getting a house out in Beverly Hills. Remember, you said you always wanted to live there.." He smiled at me and I blushed looking away because it was true. "Awee look at that beautiful smile I missed." He said.

The first couple of months Kenneth and I were dating, we always talked about places to live and start a family. I always said I want to live in Beverly Hills. The big houses, they're so beautiful.

Sadly, that didn't work out.

Seeing that Kenneth and still remembers that I always wanted to live there, showed me he still thinks about me and cares about me.

"Kenneth .. you aren't lying are you?" He looked at me from Caroline.

"Of course not Vanessa. When I made the day to turn around and change my life, I did. Thats I did everything in me to find you. Yeah it's weird but 3 months really paid off." He said. I frowned.

"You've been ... looking for me for 3 months?" I asked confused and he nodded.

"3 loooong months. Vanessa I really miss you." He said putting his arm around my waist. I would move, but I was too scared to move.

He says all this but who knows if he's telling the truth ..

"Ken .. Kenneth can you move your arm?" He moved his arm.

"Vanessa please I'm sorry about the past. Can I have one more chance? And if I fuck that one up, I'll leave you alone for ever." He said and I crossed my arm over my breast.  "Can we at least exchange numbers?"

"Y-Yeah." I said and we exchanged numbers.

"Good. Now that I have you guys in my phone, I can spend time with my little girl." He said playing with Caroline and she laughed. They were so cute.

"Awee look how cute. She looks so much like you, you know."

Kenneth smiled. He still got his beautiful smile. And he looks more good. More buffer and everything. "Yeah, she does. Daddy got strong genes." He said kissing Caroline's cheek. He put her back in her seat and she started fussing again. "Awee don't tell me you miss daddy alreadyy." He said kissing her hand.

They already have a little bond which I found cute. I guess its a daddy - daughter thing..

"I love you so much. Daddy will see you later." He said.

"Da-Da." She said and he smiled.

"Yeah baby?" He asked.

"Da-Da." She said again and he kissed her again giving her, her toy. He closed the door then looked at me.

"Can I have a hug?" He asked me. I nodded and he pulled me into his arms hugging me tightly. "Vanessa I miss you so much." He said in my hair.

"I .. I have to go." I said getting out his embrace and walked to the door. "I'll see you later." I said.

I got in my car and drove home. Did that really just happen? 

Kenneth is back in my life ..

When we got home, I took sleeping Caroline out her seat. The smell of Kenneth's cologne filled my nose. He smelled really good.

I kissed her cheek laying her on my breast and she went back to sleep. I then carried her inside laying her on my bed and put pillows around her as I patted her back and she went back to sleep. 

I sighed leaving out the room and went back downstairs getting the groceries out the trunk and then headed back inside. Chris is on tour in New York, which makes me sad because I won't be seeing him for a month. He just left this morning.

He told me he'll FaceTime me later though which I can't wait for. That'll be after he get off the plane.

After I was done picking up our groceries, I smiled looking at the house. I'm not in that old apartment anymore. 

Chris helped me find a nice house. Its a 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom, a beautiful big kitchen, comfortable living room, nice dining room, and the yard, front and back is beautiful. I'm glad I'm not under anyone's control anymore. I can do whatever to this house. With the help from Chris.

He wanted us to stay with him, but I didn't think me living with him was good anyways. Specially with Kenneth being back in my life. 

I know Chris been teaching Caroline to say, "Da-Da". She never said it before. And i know for a fact, Jason isn't teaching her that.  When I seen how her and Kenneth clicked right when he picked her up, I was surprised.

She didn't click like that with Chris or my mom's boyfriend, Jason. So for her to be clicking like that with Kenneth is ... weird. 

I sighed grabbing my phone and seen a message from Kenneth and Cleo. 

I reliped back to both. I don't want for Kenneth to feel like I'm ignoring him. What if be really did change?

Kenneth : " Hey beautiful. 💞"

Me : " Hi Kenneth. "

I closed those messages going to Cleo's.

Leo 👭💞: " Hey baes. Can I come over? I need to talk to you about something .."

Me : " Yeah come over. "

I locked my phone sitting it on the counter and begin making dinner. Tonight, I am planning on making a Casserole with cornbread. It's Cleo's favorite and knowing she's gonna be here, I'm gonna treat me and my best friend. 😊


I got back in my car and sat there for a moment. I found them. I really found them. I sat there looking at Vanessa's number.

Now that I found Vanessa and my baby girl, I want nothing but them. I want to build a strong relationship with Vanessa and Caroline. She looks just like me, its amazing.

I can't wait to get close to them because then we'll have the potential of becoming a family again. 

If you really wanted to know, I did change. I really have to jail and everything. The only person who came see me was my mom. She's my number 1 supporter. I do anything for my mom.

I'm gonna prove to Vanessa that I changed and make her mine again. I don't know what i was thinking back then. Vanessa is a beautiful woman, and our daughter is 3xs more beautiful than the both of us. She's such a little blessing and so adorable. I can't ask for anything more.

* : * : * : * : * : * : * : * : * : * : * : * : * : *

* Vanessa's baby daddy is backkk!! 👀

* Did Kenneth really change? 😮

* Chris 222 sweet for buying Vanessa a new home.

* Comment your thoughts. 💞
