CML : 7

~ | V A N E S S A | ~

When we got home, I put Caroline on the floor and she crawled to her toys. I sighed sitting down and counted the money I had left. A good bit. Plus i still have cash from Jr. I shouldn't even be long.

Since I can't make decisions on my own for what to wear, I'll invite my best friend Cleo. She's another one I lend money from, from time to time. She doesn't have a problem with giving me cash though.

Me : " Hey Cleo, you wanna come to the Mall with me and Caro? I need your opinion on what to wear tonight. I'm going on a date. ๐Ÿ˜Š"

Bff ๐Ÿ‘ญโค: " Yeah I'll come. And date??? ๐Ÿ‘€With who?? "

Me : " Thanks and I'll tell you later. Meet us at the Mall right now. "

I put my phone down and went hurry and used the bathroom. When I walked out the bathroom, Caroline was crawling to the bathroom.

"Mama!!" She said. I laughed picking her up.

"Hey Sugar Plum. You was following mommy huh?" I asked kissing her. She laughed putting her pacifier in her mouth. Caroline is only 5 months and crawling! She needs to slow down.

I felt her diaper seeing if she had to be changed. Even though she was just changed. I grabbed Caroline's baby Cheetos and put them in her diaper bag. I carried Caro upstairs and gave her a quick bath. After that, i put some baby lotion on her, then I put her on some clothes. Denim blue shorts, a red tank top that said "Mommy's Little Princess" in the middle, some clear Sandler, and her little white bow. I combed her hair into some puffs. She hated getting her hair combed so she was crying her little head off.

After Caroline was out the way, I kissed her cheek putting her in her playpin and turned the TV on and threw some toys in there.

"Mommy will be right back." I said going to my bedroom and taking a quick shower. I got out, blow drying my hair then put some lotion on real quick. I ran downstairs checking on Caroline. She was watching TV so I ran back to my room getting dressed. "What to wear .. what to wear .." I asked myself. I didn't really have a lot of choices, but I had a good bit. Cleo lended me clothes she didn't want or couldn't fit.

I decided to dress in a pair of high waisted pants, a naked colored crop top, my denim knee high heels I won at this festival. Cute right? ๐Ÿ˜Ši threw that on the bed and I then went back to my bathroom flat ironing my hair. After getting cute in the bathroom, I decided to get dressed.

* : *

I put crying Caroline in her seat and she cried ever more. "Caroline that's enough." I said. She poked her bottom lip out then looked at me. Then started crying again. I sighed giving her some of her Cheetos. That shut her ass up. Greedy child.

"Wassup Vanessa?" Someone said. I closed the door and turned around seeing my neighbor, Thomas.

"Oh, hey Thomas." I smiled. He smiled back.

"How you been? I seen the Landlord at your house this earlier. You good?" I nodded. "That's good. You look good." He said and looked at Caroline. "She's so cute,"

"Thomas we have to get going. So can -"

"Wait. Before you go, I was wondering if you would like to go out sometime?" He asked.

I smiled. Thomas seems like a nice guy. He's tall, chocolate ๐Ÿ˜, he has a couple tattoos, he's a gentleman, has muscles, omgg he's so fine! ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

But I'm seeing Chris right now it does feel a little weird but I mean I'm not in a relationship with Chris. Plus i just met him. ๐Ÿ˜‰

"Yeah, how about we exchange numbers?" I asked.

After exchanging numbers, Thomas hugged me. "I'll see you later." He said and I nodded getting in my car.

I'm looking forward to seeing getting to know Thomas. Before meeting Chris, I was always interested in Thomas. He used to cut the grass and lawd with him being chocolate, OMG!! ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ฉ

I don't see any women going in and out his apartment, so that's good. The only time we would ever speak was when we're going to the mail or something. I think we both were nervous to speak to each other. ๐Ÿ’€

| Mall ๐Ÿ’ณ|

I put Caroline in her stroller and gave her, her teething toy. I checked my phone seeing a text from Cleo.

Bff ๐Ÿ‘ญโค: " When you get here, I'm gonna be in Claire's. "

I locked my phone walking in the Mall.

This should be fun. I swear Chris is lucky i need clothes.


"Cleoo." I sung. She looked and smiled at me and Caroline.

"Hey you guys. Hi Coco." She said playing with Caroline. Cleo is Caroline's nanny. "Look how chunky you getting." She said.

She then hugged me. "You look cute. How you been doing?" She asked.

"Thanks so do you and I been doing good actually. Where's Layla?" I asked. Layla is Cleo's daughter. She's 2 years old. Adorable little girl.

"With her dad. They went to the beach." Cleo answered and she chance out some earrings and headbands for Layla. We started walking out the store and made my way to Forever 21.ย 

When we were on our way to the store, I seen the girl Chris was with at the restaraunt. I forgot her name. She was walking with some guy. Ugly ass fuck.

We walked pass them and she was glaring at me. The guy bit his lip looking at me.

"Damn she fine." He said and Chanel slapped him. I turned around laughing. He pushed her to the wall making her hit her back. "Stop fucking hitting me like you my girl or some shit! I'm just treating yo break ass. Just for hitting me, fuck you! Take this $400 and shop ya self. Broke hoe!" He yelled walking away. People were watching. Damn. She needed to get her ass hit.

"That's good for her dumb ass. You know her? Cause she was giving you the stink eye." Cleo asked and I nodded.

"The dude that I'm going onna date with, is the guy she was fucking. She got mad that he was interested in me. So, poor her." I said.

Cleo laughed. "What's the guy's name?"

"He's a celebrity." Cleo mouthed dropped. "He says his name is Christopher, but his stage name is Chris Brown." I said.

"OMGG YOUR SEEING CHRIS BROWN?!" Sheย  screamed. I put my hand over her mouth.

"Shhh!! Yes!! Caroline and I slept at his house last night. He's sweet to be honest. Caroline likes him too. He looveesss her! Its so cute," I cooed. Cleo smiled.

"That's so sweet! Omg girl, you gots to see if Chris can introduce me to one of his boys because a bitch needs some dick too!!" Cleo said and we both laughed.

"Omgg Cleo you are soo dramatic! He even gave me this!" I opened my purse showing her the stack Chris gave me.

"Holy shit Vanessa!" She said.

"I knowww!! I feel like this is a gift from God. OH, GUESS WHAT ELSE HAPPENED WHEN WE GOT HOME!"

"What?" Cleo asked as we walked into Forever 21.

"You know how I'm always talking about Thomas, right?" I grinned. Cleo laughed nodding

"Don't tell me you fucking Thomas too."

"Omg no! He came talk to me this morning. We actually exchanged numbers. And you know how I like me some Thomas!" I said.

This has to be some gifts from God. 2 men interested at me around the same time? OH YASS!!

~ | CHRIS POV | ~

"Cause you finee baby, and it's alright cause your miiiinneeee babyyy. Whoooo girl ima letchu get crazy."

I sung and looked at Frank. He gave me a thumbs up. I put the headphones down and walked out the booth.

"How's it coming along y'all?" I asked. My bros Tyga, Trey, and Red was also here.

"That was sick yo!" Trey said dapping me up.

"I know right "

I sat down grabbing my drink. "Thanks man. So look, I met this girl. She so fucking fine man and she's sweet." I said.

The guys looked at me. "What she look like? You got a picture?" I shook my head. "Groupie?"

I shook my head. "She works at this restaraunt. She's real s -"

"You fucking wit broke hoes now?" Red asked laughing and everyone else laughed.

They don't know shit about Vanessa so for them to call her broke is uncalled for.

"Man no. Y'all don't shit about her so don't talk about her. She may not have the best of shit but its not about what she do for living. I'm not like y'all, alright? She's sweet, pretty, she has a daughter. Who is adorable. And y'all know how I -"

"Woah. She got a kid? Damn. You ready for a kid?" Tyga asked.

"Yeah. Y'all know how I always wanted kids. I don't want one with a hoe though. And Vanessa, she's not a hoe. " I said.

"She seems to got you whipped. She gave you the pussy yet?"

I rolled my eyes. Knowing Vanessa and I never had sex, doesn't bother me. I'm more attracted to her personality more.

"I don't care that we haven't had sex. I'm not like y'all no more. I'm tired of fucking women left and right. I wanna settle down and have my own family. In fact we're going onna date tonight. Me, Vanessa, and her daughter Caroline." I smiled.

"How old is Caroline?" Trey asked.

"She's about 5 .. 6 months I think. 6 the most." I answered. "She's so adorable. Oh wait, I got a pic." I took my phone out my pocket.

"Damn. You acting like a girl right now bro. Showing pictures and shit." Red said and they laughed. I showed them the picture ignoring that.

"Oh she is cutee. Damn is that Vanessa?" Trey asked. I seen him staring so I turned the phone offย 

"Yeah and she's off limits so don't even think about it." I told him and he smirked.

"No promises." He said and I shook my head.

Trey is always the one who thinks he can take any woman. Which he probably can, but he ain't gonna try shit with Vanessa.

I'm gonna make sure of that too.

* : * : * : * : * : * : * : * : * : * : * : * : * : * : * : *

* Chris sounds a little jealous. ๐Ÿ˜Œ

* Thomas and Vanessa ๐Ÿ‘€ ..

* Or ... Chris and Vanessa ๐Ÿ‘€ ..

* Comment your thoughts. ๐Ÿ’…
