CML : 30

Hours Later ..


I laid my head on Christ's chest breathing heavily and he put his arm around me. He kissed my forehead.

"I love you so much baby." He said.

"I love you too babe." I said and we turned on the TV. Chris's phone started ringing.

"Get that for me. I'm going to the bathroom." He said. I nodded sitting up while he walked to the bathroom. I looked at the caller ID seeing a call from August.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Chris where you - Vanessa?"

I laughed. "Yeah, wassup Aug?"

"Wassup Nessa, where Chris?"

I looked at the bathroom. "He's in the bathroom right now. You needed something?"

"Yeah Chris was suppose to be here 30 minutes ago. Tell him to bring his ass."

"Alright I'll let him know"

With that I hung up nd out Chris's phone on the night stand. He then came back into the room pulling up his briefs.

"Who was that?"

"It was August. You were suppose to be at the studio 30 minutes ago." I said. "Baby your late." I said.

"Well I was too busy doing something else, so whatever." Hw said throwing a pillow at me and I laughed.

"What time will you be back?" I asked.

He shrugged. "Probably around 12 or 1." I looked at the time and it was 8:30.

"That's late but ok." He laughed kissing me 

"I won't be long. Trust me. It'll go by fast." He said. "Before you know it, I'll be home."

He grabbed some clothes then went back into the bathroom.

I watched TV then Chris's plan started to come back into my mind. I'm really not too sure about it. I'm gonna take Chris's word when he says nothing is gonna happen but Chanel is a very dry hoe. She terribly thirsty.

I'm just gonna hope that this all work out the right way and we can get some answers.

My phone started ringing and it was Cleo.

"Hello?" I heard her sniffing on the other end. "Cleo? Are you crying?" I asked.

"Y-Yes.." She said.

"Cleo what's going on?"

"I can't find my night slippers."

I sighed rolling my eyes. This bitch has to be drunk right now. "Cleo take your drunk ass to sleep had me thinking something is wrong witchu." I said.

"Vanessa this is a problem! What am I gonna walk around in?!"

"Socks bitch! Now go to bed." I said and then hung up.

I sighed. Chris is already leaving and I don't have my Coco Bear so I'm lonely. I guess I'll just call it a night then.

~ | CHRIS POV | ~

I kissed Vanessa cheek and grabbed my phone leaving out the bedroom. I then went downstairs grabbing a Fiji water bottle and the car keys to the Ferarri heading to the studio.

I know I was late but Vanessa and I were busy so they could wait. Ain't like I'm 4  or 3 hours late. It takes about 30 minutes to get there anyways so they'll be fine.

~ | CHANEL POV | ~

"CHANEL WE GOT A PROBLEM!" Kenneth yelled barging into my bedroom. I looked at him.

"Get out, I'm trying to get dressed!" I yelled.

"WELL YOU MIGHT BE GOING TO JAIL TOO!" He yelled at me. I slipped on a robe and looked at him. My heart started beating fast.

"Jail? For what?" He sighed taking his phone out and showed me a picture. It was Chris and Vanessa walking into the police station with a bag. I noticed the rock was inside. My heart sunk. I shook my head. "This can't happen!" I yelled running my hand through my hair.

"Its happening Chanel! I told you not to throw no damn rock! You should've just left it up to me!" He yelled.

"What are they gonna do with it?" I asked scared sitting on the bed.

He sighed sitting down as well. "Well they're gonna run some test on it and then probably a DNA test." He said.

"How do you know all this?" I asked him.

He laughed. "Chanel I been in and out of jail. I picked up on some things," He said and I nodded.

"Oh yeah.." I said. I then looked at him. "Kenneth ... will you help me?" I asked him.

He laughed again. "Hell no. I did already and you failed. So you on your own. I'm not trynna go back to jail because then I'm not coming out." He said. "Plus I'm not trynna miss out on my daughter's life any more. I'm for sure trynna be at her first birthday." He said.

I looked at him. "You love that little girl huh?" I asked him.

"Yeah.." He said looking at the floor. "And I love Vanessa too. I want Vanessa back. So we could have our family how we were suppose to," He said. "But she had to meet that fucking singer. He don't really love her." He said. "I love her. Yeah I did some horrible things, but i still love Vanessa."

He went on, on how much he loved Vanessa and allat. I was listening too. Kenneth is like an older brother to me.

I never knew he dated Vanessa though. I could see the love he still has for her and Vanessa's daughter. Hell his home and lock screen is a picture of the baby.

"Kenneth do you want me to help you get her back?" I asked.

He laughed. "And how you gonna do that? Neither of them want you around." He said shaking his head.

I shrugged. "I'll talk to Vanessa somehow. Hopefully she doesn't scream or anything," I said. "Does she love you?"

"I don't know. She says she doesn't but I could tell she does. When that nigga went on tour for that month or whatever, she was at my house with Caroline. We were happy. Until he came and took her." He said shaking his head. "We were heading in a good direction Chanel."

"I'm sorry Ken. I'll help you get her back." I said.

"You sure about this?" I nodded

"Of course. Your like a big brother to me." I said and he grinned.

"Thanks Nells." He said and kissed my forehead. "I would help you get wit Chris but I would kill his ass before he could even speak."

I laughed. "Does she even let you are the baby still?"

"Yea. She said she won't take her away from me." He said. I nodded.

"That's nice." I said.

I could really tell he misses them. Especially Vanessa. It's gonna be a challenge, but I'm gonna try to talk to Vanessa and maybe get her and Kenneth talking again.

I'm not really worried bout Chris anymore. I just like fucking wit them

But now knowing that they have the police looking for me, I have to stay low.

"Don't worry Ken, I got you." I said and he laughed.

* : * : * : * : * : * : * : * : * : * : * : * : * : * : * : * : *

* Chanel literally just flipped a switch! 

* Will Chanel be able to bring Kenneth and Vanessa back together?

* Will the cops be able to identify Chanel's DNA?

* Comment your thoughts. 💕
