CML : 12

That Night ...


I grabbed Caroline's bottle out the bottle warmer and laid her in my arms as she cried her eyes out. I fed her, her bottle and she rose it up feeding herself. I kissed her cheek and went join Cleo at the couch.

"How was dinner?" I asked. She looked so full. I laughed.

"Hoe that food was everythinggg!! Omg I have to take some homeee with me tomorrow." She said laying her head on the pillow. I didn't even say anything about it because when Cleo gets full, she gets tired.

"Bitch that's why you brought that damn bag?" She smiled nodding. "I knew it. What did you want to talk to me about though?" I asked

"Oh, I was lying. I just wanted to come over." I  laughed shaking my head.

"Cleo your my best friend. Hell, your like a sister to me. You don't have to lie just to come over." I said glancing at Caroline who was looking at the ceiling continuing to drink her bottle.

"I-I know Ness, but its your new home shit."

"Leo you don't have to ask. Now come on, let's go you can sleep in the guest bedroom." I said pulling her up with my free arm.

"Thank youu so much best friend. I need to take a shower, I feel dirty. Goodnight. Goodnight my little baby." She said kissing Caro's cheek and walked upstairs. Layla must be with her dad or grandma.

I burped Caroline, gave her a bath, then started rocking her to sleep. By time she was sleeping, I was tired and I still have to put up the food and clean the kitchen. Cleo didn't do shit but eat my food and go to sleep. I'll just tell her what happened today, tomorrow.

I laid Caroline in my bed when she was fully sleeping. I kissed her putting the pillows around her and turned the baby montior on.

I then went back downstairs cleaning the kitchen. In the process of finishing up, Chris started calling me on FaceTime. I smiled accepting it seeing him walking around somewhere. Looks like he was in a hotel.

"Hey Chris." I said.

"Wassup Nessa. How you doing ma?"

"I'm doing good. How was the flight?"

He nodded looking at something then back at the camera. "It was peaceful. I slept the whole time thinking about you and Caroline. Where's my Pumpkin any way?"

I laughed. "Awe how tweet! I just laid her down. She's sleeping. Had a long day and ran into someone from my past.." I said turning off the kitchen light heading upstairs.

"Really? Like who?" Chris asked.

I sighed. "Caroline's dad, Kenneth. He found us somehow at the  store and said he changed. He was playing with Caro and him and her clicked instantly. Which I found weird."

He laughed a little.  "Why is it weird?"

I shrugged. "Because. She didn't instantly click with you or my mom's boyfriend. So for her to click with him is -"

"A daddy - daughter connection. Are you going to let him be there for him?"

"I mean .. I have to. I don't want to crush him. And he said he changed and everything and got baptized. He was begging me to take him back and everything but I don't know. He could -"

"Do you miss him Vanessa?"

Chris asked looking at me. I stared at him for a few seconds. I wanted to say yes, but that'll crush his heart. And he already done too much for me.

I shook my head lying. "I'm ... I'm over him and moving on." I lied.

Chris smacked his lips.  "Vanessa if you are, it's okay. I'm not gonna be mad or anything ma ," he said smiling. But i know he's gonna be hurt.

"Chris I'm serious, I'm over Kenneth. He had his chance already." I said.

"So your staying with me? Yay." He said like a little kid and I laughed. 

We stayed on FaceTime until I had to get in the shower then went to bed.

Kenneth's back ..

~ | CHRIS POV | ~

I laid in my bed flipping through the TV channels.

"Wassup man, you good?" Asked my guard/ cousin. His name is Ron. I nodded and he looked at me. "Come on Breezy, I see it in your face. Tell me wassup." He said. 

I sighed. "So you know how I was telling you that Im in love with Vanessa, right?" I asked him and he nodded. "Well guess what? Her fucking ex-boyfriend, AKA, Caroline's dad, is back into her life telling her that he Changed and shit and how he wants to be back in their life and shit."

He frowned. "So ... you dont want them in contact?"

"It's not that man .. but what if Vanessa started redeveloping feelings for this nigga and just forget about me?! Ron man, I can't have that!" I said.

"Talk to her bro, face -"

"Man I did already. I asked her if she missed him and shit. She said no, but I could see it in her face, it was different." I said.

He patted me back. "It's gonna be alright man. You and her got a strong connection, I see it. And Caroline. She loves you. You got it man, get ya girl. Make her you're before that nigga do." He said and I nodded.

"Yeah you right, Ron. You right." I said and we dapped. "Thanks bro. I really needed that talk." I said laying down under the covers.

"Anytime man. We ken folk, we got each other's backs." He said laying in the other bed. Ron is the only guard that I really trust. Reason being, because hes my cousin. 😂

That's why me and him are sharing rooms. I trust him. He's like a big brother to me too.

What Ron was saying is true. I need to get Vanessa with me and love her and shit so she won't even think about going to that nigga.

It won't be nothing wrong with him seeing Caroline but I wanna be around. Niggas these days, kidnapping their exes and shit.

I'm gonna be gone for a month, but I'll still talk to Vanessa every night, or whenever Im free. I miss them already. Ima miss her sex! 😭

Before I left, we had sex which was amazing.

But all jokes aside, I'm getting Vanessa for that lying bastard does. He's not gonna put her in that place again. I'm not gonna allow it. That's why I put her in her own home. He knows where the apartment is, but not the house. 😏

I'll have to get some cameras and shit inside and outside the house for their safety.

* : * : * : * : * : * : * : * : * : * : * : * : * : * : * : *

* Y'all think Chris's plan is gonna work?

* Will Ron win back Vanessa's heart beofre Chris does?

* Comment your thoughts. 🐆
