CML : 21

~ | CHRIS POV | ~

Yeah I told Sean Jean about Vanessa. I seen him in New York and immediately remembered when she told me about how she wanted to model for him. So, I told him about her and showed some pictures I had of her. Nothing sexual though.

Vanessa deserves it though. She been through a lot. She's beautiful, strong single independent woman, and I think she can have the potential of working with someone like Jean.


I already made reservations for our date tonight. She doesn't know if yet, but I'm gonna take her out for dinner tonight and ask her to be mine. Hopefully she says yes.


I grabbed the spare key to Vanessa's house walking inside. She was turning off the TV. She looked at me and smiled. She looked pretty. As always.

She must know we're not going just to breakfast.

"Hey." She said walking over to me and we hugged.

"Wassup. You look cute." I said.

"Thank you. You look handsome yourself. You ready?" She asked grabbing her purse.

I grinned. "Yeah, come on." I said and we walked out the house hand in hand.


After breakfast, Vanessa and I got back in my Lambo and I drove to the beach. Vanessa loves the beach. Her favorite place.

"Where are we going now?" She asked.

"That's for you to find out." I said winking at her and she laughed.

"I know you taught Caroline how to say DaDa. Now that's all she says." She said and I grinned because it was true. Caroline is an adorable little angel. Times I wish she was mine. When Vanessa and I get together, I'm gonna treat her as if she is.

"I wanna hear her say it. She's so funny." I said turning at the red light.

"Yeah. So, you did anything out there in New York with your groupies?" She asked. I looked at her.

"What?" I asked laughing.

"You know.. groupies. I know you went party at clubs. All celebrities got groupies. Especially you." She said and I grabbed her hand kissing it.

"I don't need a groupie any more when I have you." I said. "I don't see you as a groupie. Your more them. Your special to me Vanessa." I said and she blushed.

"Really?" She asked.

"Yes really. I went out, but stayed with the boys. Didn't get no female number or anything. I wanted to talk to you, but you never picked up or you would be sleeping." I said laughing. "I was getting suspicious though .."

Vanessa's smile turned into a frown. "Why?"

"Because .. you were rushing off FaceTime with me. We talked, but not how we use to. But I know you were probably busy with Caroline." I said trying to get thar Kenneth nigga out my head.

"I wasn't really rushing. Caroline was just spending time with her dad." She said. "And no i don't see anything in him, if that's what your thinking." She said. That's what I was thinking too.

"You sure? Exes are .. crazy." I said.

"I'm 100% sure." She said and looked out the window. I pulled into the beach parking lot. "Ouu, the beach!" She squealed and I laughed.

I still have my doubts.


We sat on the sand watching the kids play in the water. I put my arm around Vanessa's waist and she scooted close to me laying her on my chest.

"OH! I WANNA SAY THANK YOU FOR TELLING SEAN JEAN ABOUT ME!! HOW DID YOU DO IT?"! She yelled and I laughed. Sean must've just texted her.

"I seen him in NY and told him about and showed a few pictures. He said you were beautiful. Plus, you deserved it.  You been through a lot and you always wanted to do this so why not tell him about you? You deserve it Vanessa." I said kissing her forehead.

She smiled. "Thank you so much. I would like for you to come with me tomorrow to the meeting with him." She said looking at me.

"You sure? I don't -"

"I'm 100% sure Chris. Please, for me." She said.

I pecked her lips. "I'll come for you then." I said and she smiled.

"Thank you. And this is amazing. Taking the time to take me out and everything whem you could be working on music." She said.


"Anything for you ma. Speaking of taking you out, I wanna take you to dinner tonight. You and me." He said.

"Is there a reason why?" I asked curious.

He smiled. "Because I like you Vanessa. Your special, like I said. Plus, I wanna talk to you about something." He said.

I nodded. "I can't wait then ," I got up taking off my sandles. "Come on, let's go put our feet in the water nd walk around." I told him. He got up and we walked on the beach hand in hand. 

I looked out at the ocean how beautiful it was when I felt myself being lifted off the ground. I screamed putting my arms around Chris's neck. 

"Don't scare me like that! I thought you were gonna put me in the water." I said and he laughed spinning around. I laughed and he put me down and we started walking again. "Why do you do this?" I asked

He looked at me. "Do what?"

"This. Make me feel so special. I wasn't nothing. Living in a one bedroom apartment. Barely had money. Then I met you, nd you changed my life. You made me feel ... special. The gifts, patience ... the love. You even built a relationship with Caroline. She loves you." I said.

"I felt a connection between us. The first time we talked. Our first conversation. Something told me to get to know you. And i did just that. Now look where we are. I wanna be that man in you and Caroline's life. Not all of us are the same Vanessa." I looked at him. He was dead serious.

"But your famous. No famous guy wants someone like me. All they want is -"

"That's not me Vanessa. I'm not those kinds famous guys. There's good guys, and there's bad ones. I'm not gonna lie, I use to be one of those bad guys but once I met you, I changed." He said.

Chris is such a great sweet guy. He isn't like other guys. I can really trust him. So of course I'm going to believe him.

Especially since I don't connect with guys how fast I did with Chris. I just need to get Kenneth off my back. But I know it won't be that easy. He's a protective guy. 

But, I'll get through it. I want to probably start a future with Chris. Not Kenneth.

He had his chance ... and blew it. Too bad for him. Onto the next one. 😊

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* Poor Chris .. I wish he knew what's really going on.

* Comment your thoughts. 😛🌷
