Search: hargapintubajamurahdipesisirselatan-painan
42,346 stories

"Berani main-main sama gue iya? Gimana kalau gue ajak lo main bareng diranjang, hm? " ucap kilian sambil menujukan smirk nya. Sontak hal tersebut membuat gadis dihadapan nya itu takut. Hanya khayalan semata!

301.4K 60 3K
Amour in Bristol

Samudera Dirgantara merasa Bristol adalah rumahnya. Negeri yang ia akui keindahannya itu telah memberikan banyak warna di hidupnya. Ilmu, karir dan keluarga serta teman. Tapi bagaimana pun, negeri ini bukan tanah kelahirannya. Bukan tumpah darahnya. Bukan pula tempat keluarga dan seluruh kerabatnya tinggal. Samudera tetap ingin kembali ke Indonesia. Dimana orangtua, kakak, keponakan dan seluruh keluarga tercintanya kini beradaSpin off Stay with me in Love 3

2.2K 5 373

No description

5.3K 11 301

Side story Andai kau Tahu & Dila's LoveYasna tak pernah menyangka mahligai yang berusaha ia jaga dengan sepenuh hati akhirnya kandas juga. Yasna merasa sudah berusaha sekuat mungkin menjaga kesakralan hubungan yang terjalin di hadapan Allah. Menjaga kesucian hati untuk seseorang yang telah menjabat tangan abinya. Berusaha menyerahkan sepenuh ketakzimannya pada sang imam. Namun Yasna tak bisa melawan takdir bahwa ia belum mampu memberikan sesuatu yang sangat diinginkan sang imam. Hingga ia akhirnya menyerah dengan takdir yang tak bisa ia lawan.Apakah Yasna yang salah? Apakah Yasna tak berhak bahagia meski ia memiliki kekurangan yang tentu saja tak pernah ia inginkan? Apakah Yasna berhak mendapatkan sebuah cinta yang lebih baik dari seseorang?Yasna hanya bisa menyerahkan semuanya pada kehendak Allah Izzati Rabbi.....

3K 6 694
Kupotret Kau dalam Doaku

*PINDAH KE DREAME*🍁Spiritual-Romance🍁Ia memejamkan matanya, namun seketika ia kembali membuka matanya. Gadis itu muncul dalam gelap pejaman matanya. Apa yang terjadi padanya? Berulang kali ia pejamkan mata, berulang kali hal itu terjadi. Ia tidak dapat percaya jika apa yang dikatakan adiknya itu benar terjadi padanya. Ia tidak ingin hal itu terjadi dalam waktu secepat ini.Created: 29 Agustus 2015

4.5K 3 406 Full


29K 28 1.8K

Aidan merupakan ketua gank motor di sebuah SMA di Jakarta, yang memiliki ibu seorang dukun. Keduanya bergelut dengan kubangan dosa, hingga keajaiban bulan Ramadhan pun datang.

34.6K 23 3.6K

Ahyan is a twenty-nine-year-old youngest entrepreneur, he achieved everything his father had wished for. Being ambitious lad he wanted more.Venturing to Paris he meets his past...Mahdia is twenty-three-year-old young small time business woman running her own café in a small suburb in Paris. Mahdia's love for cooking helped her establish her own café. Mahdia single-handedly is managing her café and her nine-year-old niece- Mariam.What happens when their lives meet? There is sparks and passion between Ahyan and Mahdia with one thread binding them- Mariam Siddiqui....

510.6K 78 26.3K Full
Tiket Ke Syurga: Jalan Keluar

Perjumpaan Haizal bersama Abang Tahfiz mengingatkan dia kepada arwah abangnya Mahdi. Hati Haizal mula terdetik untuk berubah daripada seorang budak nakal kepada seorang muslim yang taat pada perintah Allah. Tapi dalam setiap hijrah bukan mudah untuk istiqomah kerana pelbagai ujian datang menghampiri serta ada yang akan kurang senang. Berjayakah Haizal mencari jalan keluar dari hidupnya yang kelam itu atau tidak?

266 22 21 Full
ICT - 𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒

𝑱𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒐𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝑰𝑪𝑻 𝒑𝒑𝒍 [𝑩𝑳].[𝑹𝒆𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒔 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒏𝒆𝒅]....𝐓𝐨𝐩 𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬:-#1-Cuties (16-5-2024)#4-softie(12-5-2024)#5-lovely(25-5-2024)#2-loves(05-6-2024)

17K 21 898
Qisat Fara [END]

Fara Sahda Izdihar, seorang muslimah yang menduduki bangku kelas dua SMA. Ia tumbuh di lingkungan pesantren milik Umi dan Abi-nya.Memilih untuk tidak mengikuti jejak kedua orang tuanya dengan menjadi seorang santriwati, karena keinginan Fara yang ingin merasakan bagaimana rasanya menjadi remaja yang menduduki bangku putih abu seperti Kakak laki-lakinya.Hampir dua tahun menjadi siswi SMA, kejanggalan mulai muncul setelah acara study tour yang diadakan sekolah Fara, di Yogyakarta selesai.Sepulang dari study tour, perlahan kejadian dan hal-hal yang tertulis dalam Lauhul Mahfudz miliknya mulai terjadi, seseorang berpakaian hitam yang selalu mengikutinya ke mana pun ia pergi, serta masalah lain yang ada di sekolah dan pesantren, membuat Fara hampir menyerah. Namun karena setiap ujian yang diberikan Allah pada hambanya seimbang dengan kemampuannya, Fara bertekad untuk terus mengupas teka-teki yang muncul, mencari jawaban dari setiap masalahnya dengan dibarengi do'a disepertiga malam. Takdir yang sudah ditentukan jauh dari ribuan tahun yang lalu, pasti sudah Allah rangkai yang terbaik untuk hambanya."Ya Allah, aku tau jika semua yang terjadi terhadapku adalah kehendak-Mu. Semua yang sudah terjadi, sudah menjadi takdir untukku, namun andai takdir yang bersifat mubrom itu dapat menjadi muallaq, bolehkah aku mengubahnya dengan usahaku?"Dengan do'a yang selalu Fara ucapkan di sepertiga malam, Fara berharap masalahnya akan selesai dengan mudah. Lalu bagaimana jika masalah itu tak pernah berujung?Mevelo 20 DAYS withBookoffice Official X Sassieproject.Start : 23 Maret 2023Finish : 10 April 2023

6.3K 20 238 Full

Gemintang Farhana. Si cantik yang banyak diidolakan lawan jenis itu harus rela merasakan patah hati pertama kalinya karena diputuskan begitu saja oleh Bachdim, cinta pertamanya sejak masa kuliah. Gadis periang dengan wajah rupawan itu tak menyangka, keputusannya untuk pindah bekerja demi melupakan Bachdim justru membawanya pada cinta baru yang memerangkap hatinya. Dialah Amar Dwirangga. Sahabat dari saudara kembarnya sekaligus atasan Gemintang di kantor barunya. Amar dengan segala perhatiannya dengan cepat menyembuhkan luka seorang Gemintang. Namun sayang, di ujung perjalanan justru pria itulah yang terluka karena cintanya tak direstui semesta.Amar dan Gemintang tak pernah menyangka bahwa kisah cinta mereka hanya berujung pada keniscayaan belaka. Dan ini adalah kisah mereka, sepasang kekasih yang saling merindukan tanpa bisa saling mengutarakan. Dimana segala awal yang manis dan begitu indah ternyata tak bisa bertahan hingga selamanya.

696 16 124 Full

This story is a complete fanfiction of mine. I don't want to hurt anyone's sentiment. what happened if after getting curse from Parshuram Karna decided to not lift weapons again.

347.8K 76 14.2K
Betulkah aku dah berubah ?

Tanya hati , tanya iman . Sungguhkah kita dah berubah ?

13.4K 10 493 Full
Turnabout Reversal

A Roleswap AU, fairly self explantoryShips-Part One:Phoenix Wright/Miles EdgeworthLana Skye/Mia FeyDick Gumshoe/Maggey ByrdeFranziska von Karma/Maya FeySebastian DeBeste/Kay FaradayPart Two:Klavier Gavin/Apollo JusticePhoenix Wright/Miles Edgeworth [though more as background ship]Part Three:Klavier Gavin/Apollo JusticePhoenix Wright/Miles EdgeworthAthena Cykes/Juniper WoodsPart Four:Klavier Gavin/Apollo JusticePhoenix Wright/Miles EdgeworthAthena Cykes/Rayfa Padma Khura'in [this will make more sense later]Simon Blackquill/Nahyuta Sahdmadhi

14.9K 41 518 Full

ᯐ 𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐀𝐋 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐒 ( 𝚃𝚁𝙰𝙽𝚂𝙵𝙾𝚁𝙼𝙴𝚁𝚂: 𝚁𝙸𝚂𝙴 𝙾𝙵 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙱𝙴𝙰𝚂𝚃𝚂)──────────────────❝ 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐒𝐎 𝐀𝐍𝐍𝐎𝐘𝐈𝐍𝐆!❞❝ ..𝐊𝐈𝐒𝐒 𝐌𝐄?❞𝗜𝗻 𝘄𝗵𝗶𝗰𝗵- (Y/N) Alpin, neighbor to brilliant engineer and caring big brother Noah Diaz, gets herself mixed up in an ongoing alien war because she was dragged into stealing a Porsche.When said car turns out to be a rather flirtatious but annoying metal robot named Mirage, (Y/N) instantly makes up her mind, knowing that she would hate this alien for as long as he was near her. ➶-͙˚ ༘✶ ( 𝙼𝙸𝚁𝙰𝙶𝙴 𝚇 𝐅𝐄𝐌! 𝚁𝙴𝙳𝙴𝚁 )( @𝚔𝚒𝚍𝚞𝚍𝚘𝚛𝚊 )─────────────────

130.3K 16 3.7K Full
only mine.

In the heart of the city, where the neon lights flicker and the streets whisper secrets, two worlds collide in a dance of shadows and intrigue.Rohit Sharma, a man of mystery and power, moves through the darkness with silent purpose. His eyes, sharp as a hawk's, fixate on a figure in the distance-a young man with an aura of innocence that seems out of place in this gritty landscape.Virat Kohli, unaware of the eyes watching him, goes about his evening routine, locking up his bakery with practiced ease. The night air is thick with a sense of foreboding, but Virat brushes it off, his mind occupied with thoughts of tomorrow's creations.As Virat walks home, a chill runs down his spine, and he quickens his pace. Unseen, Rohit follows, a silent predator in the urban jungle. His thoughts are a mystery, his intentions unclear.In a different part of town, Hardik Kohli, with his infectious smile and carefree demeanor, enters the imposing office of Rahul Sharma. Rahul, a man of few words and steely resolve, eyes Hardik with a mix of curiosity and calculation.Their interaction is brief, but in that moment, a spark ignites-a spark that could either warm their souls or consume them in a blaze of passion and danger.As the night deepens and the city sleeps, the stage is set for a story of twisted desires and hidden motives, where nothing is as it seems and trust is a luxury few can afford.copying my work is strictly prohibited 🚫

9K 19 793
The Incorrect Quotes Ft. ICT

Bunch of (correct) incorrect quotes ft. ICT

1.4K 5 111

story of love but with a slightest difference what will happen when subhman will came in team and others will get jealous of him Virat not knowing anything what he will do when he will see dark side of Rohit this story is based on ict as usual and main about others stories about other couples I will write after my 10 th will end and i will got so much free time till then maybe only rohitrat story will came from my id

5.9K 8 543
Old Friend (Transdormers Rise of the beasts Noah x reader) COMPLETE

Y/N knew the autobots. she used to be freinds with them. but she retired to a normal life. but one day she got dragged into stealing a car with her nextdoor neighbour/crush, Noah Diaz.LISTEN I COULDN'T FIND ANY NIAH DIAZ X READER WHEN I STARTED THIS so I have taken it upon myself to bring that to y'all!

22.5K 18 310 Full
SOSS one shots-G.C&H.D

(COMPLETED) Secrets of Sulphur Springs

8.7K 24 107 Full
Carulia one-shots

This is carulia stuff, some fluff, angst, smut, all your desires smacked together into a fanfic. Requests in the comments if you want!cover art is by Eastwood on twitter/ pinterest!!

26.4K 10 418 Full
Destiny Love (Season 2)

Ye story destiny Love ka season 2 hai.🆗

2.6K 18 354 Full
written in the stars | s. black | r. lupin

sirius black x oc x remus lupinWhen Charlotte Harris returned for her sixth year at Hogwarts, her only concern was passing her NEWT's and surviving the dire climate of war which everyone was attempting to pretend wasn't constantly on their minds.What she didn't plan for? Falling for Remus Lupin, navigating Sirius Black's obsessive flirting, and discovering why the closer she tries to get to Remus, the more he seems to hate her.écrit dans les étoiles

28.8K 27 1.1K
From Hate U To I Love U

Top- Mahi Bottom- Sonu

2K 5 186
Sahdharmini-Dwarkeshwari Hiranmayi

When her mother was called a traitor in front of the entire Kingdom by her own father who was deceived by her own people little HIRANMAYI was heartbroken, living in the Royal Palace of vidarbh became a very big challenge and the only person she would rely on was her elder sister Rukmini but things worsened after her mother committed suicide.She had no choice left but to run away,She was thinking all of this as she was running away from a pride of lions, finally days of exhaustion caught up with her as she felt to the ground with no way out there was only one name on her lips,"NARAYAN."__________________________________________He was heart broken as he saw his lover get married to another person, she was not only his lover but his eternal consort as well, he was just standing there unable to do anything burning in the Agony of separation. Just as he was about breakdown his brother made him realise that his Sri, his CHANCHALA was nearby but his happiness was only temporary because he heard a very familiar voice scream,"NARAYAN."The entire plot belongs to me apart from Mahabharat which only belongs to mahrshi Ved Vyas all the pictures that I am using are from Pinterest, and the original character HIRANMAYI also belongs to me and copying it will not be appreciated

52.7K 103 3.5K