My Boyfriend 🧡 #2

Shubman looked at Ishan and came near him while holding his hand.

Shubman : Let's dance.... Come
Ishan : No, I don't wanna come !
Shubman : Come na, it will be fun. I will show one new dance step.
Shubman : I don't wanna see ! Go and dance !

Shubman nodded and again went to dance while Ishan rolled his eyes.

Shubman : (dancing alone on dance floor with around so many couples)
Ishan : *He really don't need anyone !!.....*
Shubman : Baby, come dance with me.
Shubman : Woah!! I am the best !!.....(while moving his body)

He came near Ishan after his dance while Ishan was still glaring him. Shubman ordered his another drink.

Shubman : Now enough your anger, come let's have fun.
Ishan : Don't. Talk. To. Me....!!

Shubman was about to say further but suddenly one boy came towards Shubman, he is their classmate. Ishan don't talk with him but Shubman is his(that's boy's) friend.

Shubman : Hey, hii Jun !!
Jun : Hii Shubman !!

Jun hugged him while Shubman didn't touch him.

Jun : You are looking so stunning !!
Shubman : Thanks, you too.
Jun : Well always, hahaha....Let's have dance.
Ishan : *Jun dragged him with himself while Shubman looked at me to come but I didn't and in next second I regretted it !!.....*
Ishan : *I saw how Jun is dancing while sticking to Shubman and he(Shubman) is also behaving like a blind man !! Now I will not leave this Shubman ! I saw Shubman's drink came now, his red wine. I took it and gulped in one go and make disgusting face saying "ewww" to wine.....*
Ishan : One more drink.....
Ishan : *Bartender nodded and started making another drink for me while I was just looking at Shubman how he is dancing with that Jun.....*
Shubman : Okay Jun, now bye.....we are
Jun : We ??
Shubman : Me and my boyfriend, Ishan.....☺️
Jun : Oh you are here too ? Sorry infront of Shubman I couldn't see anyone !
Ishan : *He laugh while I was glaring at him, I hold Shubman's s hand and started dragging him.....*
Shubman : Wait Ishan, my dad will not come to pay bill.
Ishan : *He joke around while I was just quiet, slowly slowly alcohol were taking over me, he payed the bill and we left the place.....*
--Time skip--

Shubman : *After dropping Ishu, I came back to my house and throw my body on bed. Argh !! I am so tired today, I had so much fun but Ishu was angry ! How I will make him forgive me ?!! Let's think it tomorrow or mom will scold me that why didn't i slept on time. I stood up and changed my clothes in comfy and slept.....*
Shubman : *After sometime, I was sleeping peacefully when suddenly I heard weird noises coming from my window. I open my eyes and look at window but there was nothing, I closed my eyes but again I heard voice. I stood up and open the window.....*
Ishan : BHOOO!!!
Shubman : *I didn't even flinched and just look at him with poker face.....*
Shubman : Is it time to do bhoo and all ?!! and what are you doing here ??
Ishan : (smiling) I came here to kiss you !!
Shubman : *He said coming closer to me while I smelled alcohol from his mouth.....*
Shubman : *I hold his both shoulder and pull him inside my room.....*
Shubman : Shh....don't shout !!
Ishan : (put his finger on his lips)
Shubman : Are you drunk Ishu ?
Ishan : nnmmm.....🥴🤫
Shubman : What?!! Put your finger down ! and tell me are you drunk ?!!
Ishan : Yesh !! Little bit bec-because I want
to kis-kiss you !!!
Shubman : Are you crazy?!! We can't kiss now.....🤭
Ishan : Everything is fair in love and war, okay tell me one thing do you really love me....? (while wrapped his hand around Shubman's neck)
Ishan : If yes, then let me.... Kiss you !! (going to kiss Shubman)
Shubman : No !!.....(slightly pushed Ishan)
Ishan : Argh !!.....(stumbling)
Shubman : Eat this Gulab Jamun....(while giving bowl to Ishan)
Ishan : What is this doing in your room at this hour !!!.....(while thinking)
Shubman : Forget that and come, I will drop you !
Ishan : No, I don't want to go !!.....(while eating Gulab Jamun)
Shubman : Come Ishu.....(while dragging Ishan to door)
Ishan : No !!.....(closed the door)
Ishan : Shubman just one kiss, after that I will go.....(cute pout)
Ishan : Let's kiss !! (put his hands on Ishan's cheek)
Shubman : Hey no....!! (while taking back steps)
Ishan : Kiss me !!!.....(while shaking Shubman holding his shirts)
Shubman : *and because of that we both fell down on bed, I was under him and he was top of me and he started to living hickeys on my neck.....*
Shubman : No Ishu !! You are drunk !
Shubman : *He sat on my stomach and started looking here and there with sad pout, oh god he is so cute ! Shh...Shubman, control you can't do it now......*
Ishan : Yes !.....(mumble)
Shubman : *I was just looking at him while he turn around and now his back is facing me and suddenly I felt he is touching my
Shubman : YAYY !!! ISHAN !! What are you doing ?!
Shubman : Get up from me.....😖😖😖
Shubman : *I tried to hold his hands but he kept rubbing it with his hands.....*
Shunman : Argh !! You are making me hard Ishu !! Please....ahhh no !!
Shubman : *As I was trying to stop him, he open my pant zip and was about to put his hand inside it but I hold his hands and back hugged him.....*
Shubman : No no.....please no, You can't turn me on now !!!
Ishan : Why ?! wouldn't you do it ?
Shubman : I can't do it now baby, my parents are sleeping in another room !!
Ishan : But I want to do it now !! NO-nmm
Shubman : *I put my palm on his mouth while he kept mumbled something.....*
Shubman : Shhh Ishu !! Oh god! Why he is like this ?!!
Shubman : My room is not soundproof too !

Ishan bite Shubman's palm which made him hissed in pain.

Ishan : I will not make noise, let's do it !
Shubman : No Ishu, I don't want to do it now !!
Ishan : Why ?!! Is your d!ck small ??
Shubman : Hey ! You can't say that !!!
Ishan : Then let's do it na, please.....😙
Shubman : *He again turn around but this time to face me which was making me so uncomfortable down there.....*
Shubman : Don't move !!
Ishan : Okay.....😚
Shubman : *He cupped my cheeks and before I stop him, he kissed me and I also kiss him back. Now, I can't control myself and this is Ishan's fault. He slowly got down to neck and bite it living hickey there.....*
Shubman : Woah !! You wanna be on top, hmm?
Ishan : hehehe, yes.....🤭
Shubman : *He is so cute and he wanna take over me. I chuckle and turn our position so now he is under me and I am top on him.....*
Shubman : You can't be on top baby !!
Shubman : *I was going kiss him but someone knocking my room door, I widened my eyes and look at Ishan......*
Ishan : Who is here ?
Shubman : *He confidently ask that person who is knocking door.....*
Shubman : Hey !'s must be my mumma ! What should we do now ?!! (panicking)
Mrs. Gill : (from outside) Shub, open the door !
Shubman : Get up !!

He pulled Ishan and tried to find a place to hide him.

Ishan : Oops !! It's your mom ! let me take blessings from her !!....(while going towards door)
Shubman : (wrapped his hand around Ishan's waist to stopped him) Shut up!!
Mrs. Gill : Shub, open the door !!..... (knocking door)
Shubman : Yess, mumma.....(sleepy voice)
Shubman : *I push him inside my cupboard and open the door.....*
Shunman : (actor mode on) What are you doing here mumma ?!!..... (pretending to be sleepy)
Mrs. Gill : Someone's voice is coming from your room.
Shubman : Oh.... Is it? Actually I was watching one video.
Mrs. gill : Weird voices ???
Shubman : Um-
Mrs. Gill : Show me what you was watching ?!!
Shubman : Mumma, drama... I was watching drama.
Mrs. Gill : Really ?!! Show me !!
Shubman : Mom !!
Mrs. Gill : Okay, stop watching it and sleep !!
Shubman : Yes, bye good night.
Mrs. Gill : Hmm....Good night !
Shubman : *She left the place while I closed the door and open cupboard door.....*
Ishan : Hii.....(cutely smiling)
Shubman : Shhh.... Ishu ! and listen to me, you should go now.
Ishan : but I want you.....(pouting)
Shubman : *I sigh and looked here and there and in next second I was on my bed, and he is on my lap.....*
Shubman : Ishu, listen to me.....😫
Shubman : *Intentionally he started grinding on my cloth d!ck making it hard, and yeah he got successful. He looked down at it and smirk.....*
Shubman : Let's start it.....😏 (while changing their positions so now Shubman top of Ishan)
Ishan : Umm Shubman.....
Shubman : Hmm ?
Ishan : One second, let me sit.
Shubman : *I confusingly let him sit on bed while I also sat beside him and looked at him waiting for him to say what he wants to say.....*
Ishan : um.....😖
Shubman : Say it fast, I can't control now !!
Ishan : Yes, um...I am sorry
Shubman : *I was about to asked "why?" but he stood up and ran out of my window, while for me this was so sudden that I couldn't even got time to hold him or process something.....*
Ishan : (came back at window) This is your punishment for making me jealous !! 😝
Shubman : *and again he ran away while I stood up and went near window, saw him going with his scooty.....*
Shubman : argh this boy !!! I will take my revenge !!
Shubman : *I ran in bathroom to fix my problem.....*

--The End--


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