Mafia's Mute Love ❤️ #3

Ishan : *We came inside and I was so shocked because no one was in mall else that me, Shubman, his bodyguards and secretary.....*
Ishan : 👋 Why here is no one except than us ? 👋
Shubman : Where.... Is.... your..... book ?
Ishan : *I look down while being embarassed and he understand this....*
Shubman : Forget.....?
Ishan : (nodded while looking down)
Shubman : (sigh) okay, then first we will do your notebooks and pens shopping.

They all went in stationery store.

Shubman : (while looking at bunch of notebooks) Give this all notebooks and pens.....[To shopkeeper]
Ishan : *I widened my eyes and hold his arm and then he look at me, I immediately left his arm....*
Shubman : What happened ?
Ishan : *I shook my head as no*
Shubman : [To shopkeeper] And for now give one pen and notebook.

That shopkeeper gave book and pen which Shubman gave to Ishan and then they bot went out after paying the bill.

Staff : Yes..sir, How may I help you?
Shubman : Show us all types of clothes for him (pointing Ishan) I mean, casual, party, normal clothes.
Staff : Yes sir.. both of you please come here, here will get all you want.

They went near clothes.

Shubman : [To Ishan] Take whatever you want, go....(pushing Ishan forward)
Shubman : *He shook his head as no, I closed my eyes in frustration and hold his hand and started to drag him with me. I took some hoodies, tshirt, shirts for him and putted in trolley and then we came pants section....*
Shubman : Will you wear shorts ?
Shubman : *He didn't say anything so, I nodded and put shorts, jeans and long pants in trolley....*
Shubman : Now we will go footwear section.

Shubman : Show him shoes and normal flat sandals and slipper for daily use.

Shubman : Are you want any makeup products.....?
Ishan : ✍️ I don't use anything like that just take me lip balm and face powder ✍️
Shubman : Okay.....(nods)
Shubman : [to staff] Show him his lip balm and face powder.
Staff : (showed it)
Shubman : And hairbands and hair clips for him.
Staff : (gave everything which they wanted)
Shubman : what?
Ishan : ✍️ Nothing ✍️
Shubman : What nothing?!! Most important thing we didn't buy.
Ishan : ✍️ Which thing....? ✍️
Shubman : Your inner clothes.....(whispered in Ishan's ear)
Ishan : (widened his eyes)
Shubman : It's not time to be shock it's time to do shopping so go and buy it. Now, I can't come with you.
Shubman : *He nodded and went to buy it while I was looking at his going figure.....*
Secretary : Sir, don't you remember today was your important meeting?
Shubman : Aish...!! Yes...I forgot, postponed it.
Secretary : But sir..why you are here buying this all things? You should be in your office.
Shubman : Yeah....why am I here....?! I could even tell any staff to come with Ishan, why did I came..?
Shubman : Now, shopping is almost done and we can't do anything about it.
Shubman : *I shrugged it off that thought and waited for Ishan to come.....*

After a while Ishan came there.

Shubman : Did you take everything?
Ishan : (nodded as yes)
Shubman : Okay, so let's go to eat, you must be hungry.
Ishan : ✍️ I am not hungry ✍️
Shubman : I am hungry.....(took him out of
the mall to sit in car)

--At Gill Mansion--

They both came and saw already all bags of shopping are in room. Shubman took glanced on it and throw his body on bed because of tiredness.

Shubman : Go and try this all clothes I wanna see you.
Ishan : ✍️ Now, I am tired, when I will wear that clothes see me. ✍️

Shubman got shocked while thinking that how Ishan is not listening to him. But he said that he(Ishan) is tired so Shubman didn't force him.

Shubman : Okay, so come here and sleep.
Ishan : 👋 No... I will sit only. 👋
Shuman : I told you to sleep then you have to sleep.
Ishan : (while looking down he layed down on bed beside him)

Yesterday Ishan somehow slept beside Shubman because he was tired too, but now it's so scaring him and he is feeling uncomfortable. Shubman understand it so thats why he stood up and went in bathroom so Ishan slept comfortably.
Shubman came out after changing and smile at Ishan and took his laptop and sat on couch.

--At Evening--

As Shubman was doing work he look at his wrist watch.

Shubman : Oh, it's kinda late, I have to wake up him or at night he will not be able to sleep.
Shubman : (went near him and call out his name)
Shubman : Ishan..... Ishan, he will not wake up like this... ISHAN !!!

As he shout Ishan immediately woke up and sat on bed.

Ishan : 👋 What ? 👋
Shubman : Go and make coffee for me.
Ishan : *How cruel he is....!!! Just for coffee he woke up me from my deep slumber !!.....*
Ishan : (stood up while cursing him and went out of room)
Shubman : (smiled and sat on his chair to continue his work)

After making coffee Ishan came inside and put cup infront of Shubman so he was about to take it but it was hot and due to this cup fell from his hand and breakdown in pieces.

Shubman : Ahhhh....!! (hissed in pain)

Ishan quickly started to blow air on his hand and show him sorry sign again and again.

Shubman : It's's Okay.

Shubman calmed his down and look back at his laptop which is drenched in coffee.

Shubman : MY LAPTOP !!!!!!

He took his laptop in his hands while Ishan was scared that now Shubman will not leave him.

Shubman : Don't you have mouth to tell me cup is hot....?!!

Anger took over him and he said this without even noticing that it's hurting Ishan. Tears gathered in Ishan's eyes and soon it rolled down while Shubman push him on bed and put his one hand beside Ishan. Shubman took his face closer to himself by holding his nape.

Ishan : Will your sorry fix it ?! (gritting his teeth)

In fear Ishan shook his head as no and in next second he black out which made Shubman so worried, he put Ishan's head carefully on bed and started to shake him.

Shubman : Ishan, what happened? Please open your eyes. I am sorry, I am yelled at you.....(worried and guilty tone)

--Time skip--

Shubman called doctor and now doctor is checking Ishan and he was checking, he hold Ishan's cheeks tightly to open his mouth.

Shubman : (quickly came forward) What are you doing?!
Doctor : S-sir, I have to check his mouth so that's why.....(nervously)
Shubman : I will do that.....(coldly)

Shubman carefully hold Ishan's cheeks and open it while doctor did his checking and then gave some tablets and went out from the room.

Shubman : (look at his secretary) Put him
in basement and send maid here with dinner.
Secretary : Okay sir.....(gulp)
Secretary : *Now, this doctor is gone.....*

Secretary went out from room while Shubman sat beside Ishan and kissed on his forehead.

Shubman : I am sorry.....(soft tone)

After a while Ishan open his eyes and as he saw Shubman he started to breathing heavily.

Shubman : Calm down Ishan.... I will not do anything to you.
Ishan : (hold his ears saying sorry to him)

Shubman hold his hands and put them down.

Shubman : Please, Ishan don't say sorry. I am sorry because of me you... I am really sorry... now I will not shouts on you, but please don't be sacred of me.....(shaken voice)

Ishan nodded and maid knock on door.

Shubman : Come in....(cold tone)

Maid came with dinner so Shubman stood up from his seat.

Shubman : Feed him.....(cold tone)

He went out while maid came near Ishan to feed him.

Ishan : I will eat by myself
Maid : Please, let me feed you or sir will fire me from my job.

Now, Ishan don't want to take her job so he let maid feed him.

--Meanwhile with Shubman--

Shubman came in basement and saw doctor is getting beaten by his bodyguards, he smirk and come near him, while bodyguards stop beating.
Shubman slapped him so hard that, doctor fell down on floor with chair.

Shubman : How you dare to touch him ?!.....(clenching his jaw in anger)

Actually when doctor was checking Ishan, he was taking advantage of it, while touching him inappropriately but Shubman noticed it, that time controlled because of Ishan. Doctor got one more slap from Shubman.

Doctor : I-I am sorry.... I w-will never do this again.....(while crying and begging for his life)
Shubman : You should be alive to do that again.... right?

With that Shubman shoot him in heart and in next second doctor was dead. He put his gun at back and went out of basement.

He opened his bedroom's door and saw maid is feeding Ishan, so he went near then.

Shubman : [To maid] Go out....(cold tone)

Maid quickly put plate of food infront of Ishan and went out of the room while Shubman sat on bed taking plate in his hands to feed him.
At first Ishan wasn't ready to open his mouth but Shubman started to talk with him in baby voice like we all talk with baby.

Shubman : Say ahh.....(baby voice)

Ishan chuckles and open his mouth, and then Shubman feed him.

Shubman : *Already, you suffered a lot but now you are with me, I will always keep you happy....*

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