My Cold and Introvert Husband πŸ’› #1

Ishan : At evening we have to go party, your mom called me.
Shubman : Then go, I can't come.
Ishan : Why ?
Shubman : I have meeting tomorrow and that is so important so, I can't take any risk.
Shubman : What if I don't wake up tomorrow early because of party ? So I am not going there.
Ishan : But... Your mom told me that she wants to meet you and she miss you so much.
Shubman : I understand that but not this time. We will visit her afterwards.
Ishan : Shub, you should come with me. She will be sad if you don't come to party.
Shubman : Why don't you understand a simple thing.....(little angry)
Ishan : Just come.... she specially invite you in party and you are refusing it and I promise we will come back quickly.....(cute voice)
Shubman : (thought for seconds)
Shubman : (sigh) Okay but we will come quickly because I want to sleep early today.
Ishan : Okay my hubby.....(went downstairs)
Ishan : *Well this is my daily routine to make him say yes for something, he is always like this only I don't want to this, I don't wants to go there, I don't like this....πŸ˜… Actually, we both are arranged couples by our parents and we don't have any problem of it. But I have problem with his behaviour, he is so introvert while I am so opposite. I am so talkative, I love hanging out and HE only know how to do work and stay in home....*
Ishan : *He don't have anything with my presence, he stay with me as I am invisible, he only eat food which I made for him and nothing else, at dinner too. I always talk with him and he just listen to me. I don't even know he really listen to me Or not. But I am not less too, I do anything to get his attention, tease him by doing things which he don't like, you must heard that boy bully girl or boy to get her/his attention, I do the same.....🀭 I behave to clingy with him, I argue with him.....*
Ishan : *And surprisingly he also argue with me and I like his no no.... I love his annoying look so much, I love how he glared at me whenever I said something stupid which don't have any logic, at this all time I fell for him so hardly and I can do anything to make him fall in love with me.....*
Ishan : *And in corner of my heart I know that he also like me, but not sure too. Well who knows what he thinks in his mind.....*
Ishan : *I came back to my senses when I heard cooker's whistle, I stood up and went in kitchen.....*
--Time skip--

Shubman already got ready for party and waiting in living room for Ishan because he is still getting ready and finally Ishan set his hairs and look at mirror to see his full look. He took his phone and put in his small bag and went downstairs towards living room.

Shubman's Outfit πŸ‘‡

Shubman : *I was scrolling through my phone then I heard footsteps, I look at the direction and it's Ishan.... my eyes got stuck on him, I don't even noticed when I stood up from couch while looking at him....*

Ishan's Outfit πŸ‘‡

Shubman : *He is looking incredible beautiful and his this sexy look made me go crazy for him, I love my choice so much.... Yes, When first time I saw his photo I fell in love with him, but I also like to tease him so much.....*
Shubman : *That's why whenever he argued with me I joined with him too and I know he also to this purposely, just to get my attention....*
Shubman : *I came back in my senses when he came near me and wave his hands....*
Ishan : Come on earth Mr. Gill.....😏
Shubman : Um... Yeah....πŸ˜“
Ishan : I know.... I am looking beautiful.
Shubman : Who said that ?.....(coldly)
Shubman : *He look at me with done look, I really love his annoying look.....*
Shubman : Let's go, we have to come early.
Shubman : *I went towards door leaving him behind dumbfounded......*
--At party--

Shubman : *It's already 11 PM and we are still here. Ohh God I told this Ishan that I have meeting, why don't he just take this things little seriously and I don't even know where he hide himself.....*
Shubman : *I pull out on my mobile to call him, just then I saw him coming with my sister.....*
Shahneel : Hii Shub, how are you ?.....(while hugging Shubman)
Shubman : (hugged back to Shahneel while glaring at Ishan)
Shahneel : Long time now see.....☺️
Shubman : I am fine di, How are you ?
Shahneel : Thank god I requested Ishan to keep you stay because I wanted to meet you.
Shubman : (smile) But sorry di, we need to leave now because I meeting tomorrow, so-
Shahneel : Yes yes.... I know Mr. Workaholic, Ishan told me.....(rolling his eyes)
Shahneel : Take care both of you, bye πŸ€—
Shubman : Bye, Take care of yourself too.....☺️
Shubman : Let's go Ishan.....(coldly)
Ishan : Y-yeah.....πŸ˜–
Ishan : *I hugged Shahneel di and then Shubman hold my wrist and pulled me with him and as I don't have any option I went out with him....*

Ishan : *I didn't said anything just keep my eyes out of window while he was focusing on road, I know he is so mad at me. But it wasn't my fault, at earlier I said I love his annoying look but not now he is looking so scary......* πŸ˜–πŸ˜–πŸ˜–πŸ˜–πŸ˜–
Ishan : *I slightly look at him only to see anger on his face, I gulped my saliva and continue to look out.......*

Shubman break the silence.

Shubman : If I get late tomorrow then get ready for trouble.....(angrily)
Ishan : Why are you saying like this ? It's not my fault, I were about to leave but your sister came and started to talk with me.
Shubman : But you might to tell her that you are in rush, I know you was enjoying gossiping.
Ishan : It's not my fault, stop blaming it on me.
Shubman : It's all your fault....!!
Ishan : (narrowing eyes) It's all your fault....!!
Shubman : How my fault ?
Ishan : I don't know that, but it's all your fault.
Shubman : Shut up aying whatever your useless mind is telling you.....(little shouts)
Ishan : You shut up !! It's yours and your sister's fault.....(little angry)
Shubman : If you want to blame me then
blame don't to my sister.....😠
Ishan : Then accept your sister's mistake.
Shubman : Enough !! Stop this argument, I don't want to talk with you.
Ishan : I also don't have any interest.....πŸ™„
Ishan : *We both took our gaze off from eachother. I look back to window and he focused on road. He pull out his phone then look at screen and in frustration throw his phone backseat while I flinched a little on his action....*
Ishan : What was this ?
Shubman : Mind your own business.....(coldly)
Ishan : If you have anger on me then took out your anger don't throw your important things here and there or afterwards you will ask me for that things.
Shubman : Don't talk with me. I told you, I am not talking with you.
Ishan : *As he said rain drops started to fall on car's glass, I smile widely because I like rain so much. I look towards window to feel rain and in no time window got closed, I frowned and look at Shubman.....*
Ishan : Why did you closed window ?
Shubman : I don't want my car to get wet.
Ishan : But-
Shubman : If you really want to feel rain then go out from my car and feel it.
Ishan : No.....(low voice)
Ishan : *As I said "no" he stop car and hit on driving wheel.....*
Ishan : Why did you stop car ? I don't want feel any rain then why ?
Shubman : Idiot ! I didn't stop it, it got stop
automatically. I think we need mechanic.
Ishan : Then call....
Shubman : Give me your phone.
Ishan : See, I told you not to throw your mobile, now you need it.
Ishan : *I said proudly while he closed his eyes in frustration.....*
Shubman : My mobile is dead that's why I throw it. So, now can I use your mobile your majesty....?
Ishan : Sure.....πŸ˜…
Ishan : *I started to looked for phone but I didn't found it....*
Ishan : *I gulped my saliva and look up to face him....*
Shubman : What ? Give it.....(Forwarding his hand)
Ishan : Umm, actually.....πŸ˜“

Shubman look at Ishan's little bag which were on his lap. He sigh deeply and look back at Ishan.

Shubman : Now you can't carry one mobile with you ?
Ishan : I did, it was with me only but-
Shubman : But what ? Now, don't tell me my sister took your mobile.
Ishan : No she didn't, I forget there. I am sorry.....πŸ˜–
Shubman : Why are you like this ? You don't have seriousness of anything.....(frustrated)

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