
I really wanted to write Rohit and Virat's oneshots.....🤭🤭🤭 So, here it is.....❤️
Let me know in comments how it is ?!

Rohit : *It was almost 9:30 PM, I usually come back to home till 9:00 PM but today I got late because of my boss gave me extra work, I take out my key from my pant pocket and twisted inside door keyhole, being all tried because of exhaust day.....*

Rohit : *As I came I saw all darkness in house, where did they both went ? I confusingly turn on lights.....*
Rohit : *and next scene in front of my eyes made me so shock, I saw my five years old son sleeping on couch and no one else in living room. I ran near him keeping my bag aside, I kneel down infront of him catching his level and found dry tears on his soft, chubby cheeks. This broke my heart and made me angry, where did Virat went ??!! Didn't he came yet ?!!.....*
Rohit : *I took out my mobile and tried him calling but he didn't picked up my calls !!!....*
Rohit : *Keeping my anger aside I went in kitchen to cook something for my baby, he must be hungry since he came back from school.....*

Till Rohit is making dinner I will tell you about them, Rohit and Virat had arranged marriage six years ago but they fell in love with each other at first sight, they both were working couple since before, after marriage also they both were working and they were happy, spending time with each other on weekends was there best days ever.
Rohit is not rich so it's difficult for one person to take care of money so Virat didn't stop his work and kept working, and after one year they blessed with cute baby boy Ishan who made their life more beautiful, joyful and for taking care of him Virat stopped working but this was making so problem for Rohit. He was somehow managing it but he was so tensed and this all was getting noticed by Virat, he understand that he have to do work or Rohit might be tensed like this only, and after some years as Ishan grown up so Virat started working again and because of this they both started giving less time to Ishan, sometimes they both had arguments that why Virat have to work ?!! Virat should take care of Ishan and all but both of them knew if Virat stay at home or for Rohit it will be difficult for them. So, they decided Rohit will go little late to his office after sending Ishan to school and Virat will come back early from his work and like this they both will give their time and love to him.
But they didn't know that baby wants parents love, not just dadda or papa's love, they didn't noticed that it was affecting Ishan as he also didn't told them and how he will when his parents are so busy in doing works, but he never hate them for this, he always get sad when he come back to home and don't found his parents or at morning he don't found his papa but after seeing them he again get happy.
and today Virat first time got so late, he usually come to home at 7 PM but today he didn't and this made Ishan scared and Rohit mad on him.
Rohit was done making dinner for Ishan, he(Rohit) came out to call him and saw Ishan is still sleeping, Rohit again kneel down in front of him and slightly shook him.

Rohit : Baby, wake up.....(soft voice)

As he was shaking him, Ishan open his eyes and look at him and as he saw his dadda, he hugged Rohit's neck tightly while crying, while Rohit felt so sad. He started rubbing Ishan's back to calm him down and started saying sweet words to him so he will not cry.

Rohit : Baby shhh.... don't cry, See dadda is here. Hmm ??!!
Rohit : Stop crying, you are strong boy right ??! So strong boys don't cry......(consoling him in sweet voice)
Ishan : No !! I am not strong boy !!! 😭

He said sobbing hard on his(Rohit's) shoulder while Rohit kept calming him down, he was feeling to bad, sad and so angry too.

Rohit : Shhh baby, don't say like this. You are dadda's strong boy. Stop crying, I am here so don't cry......(while rubbing his back)
Ishan : (look at Rohit with his teary eyes, runny, red nose) Where is papa ??
Rohit : Baby, papa is busy in work. I am here right, you must be hungry. Let's do dinner.....(while wiping Ishan's tears and his nose)
Ishan : (shook her head as no) No !! I don't want it !! I want papa !!!
Rohit : Don't you love dadda ? I made dinner for you baby, come have it.
Ishan : I don't want it.....(crying while pouting)
Rohit : Baby don't take out your anger on food, come have it.

Ishan looked at other direction not listening to Rohit so he(Rohit) forcefully lift him up and took him in dining room while he(Ishan) was trying to get out of his arms.

Rohit : Baby, stop moving.....(calm voice)

So, Ishan stop moving as he don't even have any other option, while Rohit sat on chair taking him on his lap and started feeding him.

Suddenly they both head door opening voice, and after some seconds tired Virat came towards dinning room and saw Ishan eating, he smile weakly and here Rohit's expression got change into angry one. He put Ishan on chair and stood up in front of Virat.

Rohit : Is this your time to come home ?!!
Virat : No but-
Rohit : BUT WHAT ?!!
Virat : Don't shout Ro ! I had so much work that's why I got late-
Rohit : But our son was alone in home, don't you understand that ?!! Atleast you could have call me to go home early, I might come home early.
Virat : Oh really !! When you will pick up the calls then you will know na that you have to go home early !! First you don't pick up my calls and then blame me to come home late !!!
Rohit : I was busy and I also called you why didn't you pick it up ?!!
Virat : I was busy too !!
Rohit : and what about Ishan ??! See let's do one thing, you stop working !! You don't have to work anymore !!.....(coldly)
Rohit : Stay at home and take care of him, you don't need this job when you can't take care of your son !!!
Virat : and what if I say this all of you ?!!
Rohit : Vi, he needs you more !! Now also he was asking for you !
Virat : Wow, Yeah run away like this only run away from your responsibilities !!! Everytime Ishan needs me, don't you have any duty as a dad ?!
Rohit : I am doing my duty properly, but you are not behaving like his papa !! You should stay near him, he needs you more than anyone in this world !!
Virat : I am not doing work for me Ro !!! Just because you don't earn properly, I have to work too !! Just you don't get stress I am working !!
Virat : and just today one time you had to make dinner then why are you being so angry ?!! Oh yes, Now I understand why are you getting angry !!
Virat : You are not feeling bad for Ishan, actually you had to make dinner that's why you are getting angry on me !!!
Rohit : Shut up Virat !!! I don't have any problem to make dinner for my son !! Because of you he was crying !!
Virat : Why ?!! What I did ?!
Rohit : What do you mean by what you did ? You didn't came back on time, my baby was hungry. He came back from school and didn't even had food to eat then what else he will do ??!
Virat : I am sorry baby, papa was busy...... [To Ishan]
Rohit : That's why I am telling to leave that job, I will do something.
Virat : You can't do anything ! I saw how you was doing when I wasn't going to work because of Ishan ! How you were stressed out ! How it was difficult for you to work alone !!
Rohit : but I was still managing and now I also I will manage !!
Virat : but-
Rohit : That's it !! Now I don't want to hear anything further !!

He said and started going towards room but got stopped when he heard Virat saying to Ishan.

Virat : Baby papa was busy that's why he is late, fruits were there in fridge why didn't you ate that ! and because of this your dadda is now arguing with me !
Rohit : (came back towards dinning table) What do you mean ?! Am I arguing with you without any reason ?!!
Virat : Rohit, go from here !
Rohit : You came late, you are wrong ! And you don't know how to take care of your own son and now blaming me ?!!
Virat : You don't tell me how to take care of him !! I already kept food in fridge, you just had to heat it up. but you don't have eyes to see it !!

Further Rohit didn't said anything and just went out of house while Virat released deep sigh.
--Time skip--
Rohit came back and saw Ishan and Virat is having their dinner while laughing, chitchatting. He smile weakly towards his son and came near them and sat beside Ishan's chair.

Rohit : Will I get my dinner or not ?!!.....(coldly while looking at Virat)
Virat : (while giving water to Ishan) I heated up, go and take from kitchen.

Rohit glared at him while Virat ignore him and kept feeding Ishan. Then suddenly Ishan blabbered after drinking water as he finished his dinner, taking their attention towards him.

Ishan : I have one idea !!
Rohit : (frown his eyebrows)
Virat : Idea ?! what idea?!
Rohit : You both bring me sibling then I will not be able to alone and you both will not fight.....(while smiling widely)

They both looked at each other and as Virat's gaze met Rohit's eyes, he(Virat) quickly looked at Ishan.

Virat : It's late Raon, let's sleep come.
Ishan : But papp-

Virat didn't let him speak and lift him up in his arms and started walking while Ishan look back at his dadda who was sitting on chair looking at their going figure.

--After dinner--

They both got fresh and changed their clothes in comfortable ones, after so long day they are feeling comfortable.
Rohit was sitting on bed looking at his mobile screen when door got open and Virat came inside the room.
Rohit look at him while Virat ignore him and layed down back facing him without saying anything. He put his mobile aside and leaned closer to Virat and put his one hand on Virat's arm.

Rohit : I am sorry, I know I shouldn't talk like that.... (softly)
Virat : I resigned from work.

Rohit went away from him and Virat sat properly in bed and look at him.

Rohit : I am sorry Virat, my intention wasn't to hurt you. I was just saying that for Ishan.
Virat : I know Vi, that's why I resigned and for that only I took so much to come back home. I had to fill all forms so it took time.
Virat : and you should understand Ro, without letting me speak you started shouting on me. Just because of one day you got this much angry.....(pout)
Rohit : That wasn't my anger Vi, that was my care for Ishan. When I saw him crying for you that boiled my blood and it took over me.
Virat : I am his papa Ro, in this world I am the one who cares for him most.
Virat : When you didn't picked up call then I call our neighbour and she came here to check on Ishan. She even offered him food but Ishan didn't ate, and he must be tired that's why he had slept.
Rohit : but he was crying too.
Virat : It was first time for him, he must had get scared. Yes I know it's my fault that he was crying. But I promise this will never happen again with him. I will be always beside him but he have to be brave Ro, we will be not with him whole life, right ?
Rohit : but this is not right time, now he need us.
Virat : Hmmm.....(nods)
Rohit : (hold Virat's hand and smile) Okay, I will do double hard work and support you, you also do same.
Virat : Yes I will.....(chuckle)

Rohit also chuckle lightly then suddenly door got open and Ishan came inside their room.

Rohit : Baby, what happened ? Come here.
Ishan : (walked to her dadda and sat on his lap)
Virat : What happened baby ? Are you not able sleep alone in your room ?! Come sleep beside me.
Ishan : Dadda papa, I want sibling. Bring one to me.....(while looking at both of them)

Virat facepalmed himself while Ishan looked at him with confused eyes and Rohit chuckle.

Rohit : Baby what I told you that day ? If you want sibling then-
Ishan : then sleep early in your room and dadda papa will do their work.

as he said Virat widened his eyes and playfully punch on Rohit's arm.

Ishan : Yes dadda, I remember everything. Bye good night.....(while kissing on Rohit's and Virat's cheeks)

He jumped down from bed and ran out of room while giggling.

Virat : What you taught him, huh ?!!
Rohit : Let's don't waste time, I should complete my baby's wish. Come let's start process.....😏

He said while hovering over Virat
while he(Virat) laughed wrapping his hand around Rohit's neck. Rohit kissed his lips passionately while Virat decided to tease him so he didn't kiss him back so Rohit pinch his waist making Virat moan and he took this chance and insert his tongue inside Virat's mouth exploring it while Virat also kiss him back smiling.
And further you know what happen.....😏🤭

--The End--

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