In love with my bestfriend ?! 💙 #1

Mr. Kishan : My baby, we fixed you wedding with Shubman.
Ishan : *Shub look at me and gave me smile while I look at him with weird expression.....*
Ishan : But-
Mrs. Kishan : and we decided your wedding date too....(excitedly)
Ishan : But-
Mrs. Gill : Now, no but Just be happy.
Mr. Gill : With our Shubman, don't worry. He will keep you as queen.
Ishan : But-
Shubman : I love you Ishu, and I am happy that we both are getting tie in one knot.....(wiping his fake teary eyes)
Ishan : But-
Mrs. Gill : Now, we have to go for shopping, let's go.....(happily)

They all stood up while Ishan shout while standing up.

Ishan : Let me talk !!! You guys are not even letting me talk and wedding with Shubman ? Never !!!
Mr. Gill : Dear, now everything is fixed you can't change it.
Ishan : *Shub hold my hand and started to dragged me with him while I look at my parents who are busy in crying !.....*
Mrs. Kishan : Stay happy and keep your family happy too, bye.....(crying)
Ishan : Why are saying bye ??? Stop this Shub ! They will take me with them !!!
Mr. Kishan : Take care my prince.....(crying)
Ishan : NOOO....!!!

He sat straight on bed while putting his both hands on his ears. He open eyes and found himself in his room.

Ishan : Oh God, that was so horrible dream...! Me and Shub ?!! No...!! Never !!!
He got up and stand infront of mirror while fixing his hairs and clothes.

Ishan : *Abhishek Sharma is waiting for me and that giant human will take me !! No...! I should go to my abhi~......*

As he was talking to himself, suddenly his eyes fell on clock.

Ishan : *Oh god, it's 7 AM, I need to go to shub and then wake him up and then we both have to go to university. Sh!t, I am already so late.....* 😥

He ran in bathroom.
--At Shubman's house--

Now time was 8 AM and Shubman was sleeping peacefully half naked on his bed until someone came his room silently and sat beside him in bed, leaned down towards his ears and shout.
And that someone was none other than Ishan.


Before he complete Shubman push him which made him fall down on floor.

Shubman : Shut up idiot !!!
Ishan : ARGHHH !! my b-tt...!!!

He again sat on bed and started to hit Shubman with pillow.

Ishan : Don't you have manners to behave with a pretty, intelligent, smart boy like me ??!

Shubman yanked Ishan's hand which was busy in hitting him but Ishan didn't stopped. So, Shubman hold Ishan's s neck in his arms and made him lay down beside himself while Ishan tried to remove Shubman's hand by hitting him.

Ishan : Hey...!! Remove your hand !!! M-my neck....!!!

Shubman moved his hand from Ishan's neck to shoulder so not he is holding Ishan by his shoulder in his arm.

Ishan : Leave me you beast!! And wake up !! We are getting late !!
Shubman : (still closed eyes) for what ?!
Ishan : For our university, Wake up !?
Shubman : Today, we will Hangout.
Ishan : No Shub, since three days we are doing this. Now we should focus on studies too.
Shubman : (open eyes) Chill Ishu, we will pass in exams.
Ishan : How ?! Will my dad pass us ?
Shubman : If uncle are able to do this then let him, I don't have any problem.....(while trying not to laugh)
Ishan : Shut up Shub ! and get up or ma'am will scold me.
Shubman : She don't scold you but I am her favourite target !!
Shubman : You go, today I am not coming.
Ishan : What ? and why ?!!
Shubman : I am going on date.
Ishan : With Ritika ?
Shubman : No, I broke up with her. Now new boyfriend.....😌
Ishan : Shub, just yesterday you made her meet me and today you broke up ?
Shubman : Yes, at night I broke up with her. She is so dramatic girl.
Ishan : and when you got new ?
Shubman : At nigh only, I immediately texted another boy and he said yes.....😌
Ishan : Oh God Shub !! You shouldn't play with girls and boys !! What if someone like you play with me too ??
Shubman : Will not I kill him or her ??
Ishan : But- anyways... get up now and go tomorrow for date, today attend lecture.
Shubman : (irritated) I don't like to attend lectures.
Ishan : I also don't like but what we will do ?! So, get up.

Shubman lazily stood up and was about to go but Ishan slapped his b-tt with his both hands like drums.

Ishan : Go fast, we don't have time !
Shubman : Shameless !!

He went in bathroom while Ishan laugh and got up from bed to clean his bed.

Mr. Ishan Kishan who is crack head, actually he wasn't before but when he met Shubham, he became like this. Ishan was so bright in studies now also he is but now he knows more things than studies as compare to earlier Ishan.
Actually their both parents were friends but Ishan and Shubham never talked with each other until they got in same university and they became so nice friends.
They both are so NORMAL best friends, like hanging with each other's, playing games, judging couples, teasing and insulting eachother, and most important thing Ishan helped Shubman to find girlfriends and boyfriends too but Shubman never let Ishan be in a relationship cause he don't like this
all stuffs so Shubman always stop him whenever his(Ishan's) mind tries to fly.

Ishan cleaned his bed and sat on it while at same time Shubman came out of bathroom while wearing only towel.

Shubman : Can't you go out of room ?
Ishan : No......(looking in his mobile)
Shubman : Shameless boy, I am changing.....go out
Ishan : You don't have anything which I will stare, so you can change.
Shubman : I have !! Anyways don't look at me.
Ishan : Shub, go in bathroom !
Shubman : No !!

He went near cupboard and take out his clothes and wore them while Ishan was just looking at his mobile and this might be shocking for guys but.they both idiots are used to it.
After wearing clothes, Shubman throw wet towel on Ishan's face.

Ishan : Ahhh...!!! Brainless man !!

He remove that towel from his face which made his hair get unfixed which made Shubman laugh so loudly.

Shubman : HAHAHAHA, you look so funny !!
Ishan : ha ha ha ha nice joke !.....(while showing his fake smile)

Ishan got up from bed and Shubham stopped laughing and went near mirror to do his hairs.

Ishan : Even you will look monkey only !
Shubman : Did I ask you, penguin ?....(while combing his hairs)
Ishan : (glared at Shubman and pull his hairs)
Shubman : Ouch !! If you can't bear jokes on you then don't do with me too !!

Ishan sat on bed without saying anything showing Shubman that he(Ishan) is angry on him.
Shubman look at him and sigh, he sat beside Ishan and put his hand on his shoulder pulling Ishan closer to him.

Shubman : Okay, I am sorry... I will not call you penguin.
Ishan : Promise ?
Shubman : I can't promise you....(trying not to laugh)
Ishan : You !!.....(took a deep breath) It's okay, now let's go.

Shubman was about to stood up but his mom came inside the room.

Mrs. Gill : Ishan, Shub-
Mrs. Gill : Oh my nice god, you both look so together !
Shubman : (while standing up) Mom, say something truth.
Ishan : Yes aunty, he and me? We only look nice together when we are fighting with each other.....(high five with Shubman)
Mrs. Gill : (face palm herself) Anyways, come for breakfast.
Ishan : No aunty, I did my breakfast and we are getting so late. So, bye.....(hold Shubman's's arm and dragged him with himself)
Shubman : Hey ! You did breakfast but I didn't.....😫😫😫

Ishan just ignore him and pull him with himself.

Mr. Gill was sitting on couch, reading newspaper when he saw Ishan is dragging Shubman out of house which he understood.

Mr. Gill : Bye kids, enjoy.....(waving his hands towards them)
Ishan : Bye uncle....(dragging Shubman towards door)
Shubman : (mumbled) What bye ?! I doesn't had my breakfast !!
--Time skip--

They both reached to their university and started to take out their books from locker when Shubman's eyes fell beside him one boy was taking out his books from locker.

Shubman : Hii sweetheart.....(in soft voice)
Boy : Hii handsome.....☺️
Ishan : (holding Shubman's collar from behind) Don't you have any other work else than approaching boys ?!!
Shubman : (ignoring Ishan) What's your evening plans?...... [To that boy]
Boy : Umm..... Nothing much.
Shubman : and what about night...... (winking)

and that shameless boy got shy on Shubman's sentence while Ishan pull him with himself.

Shubman : I will meet you after my lectures.....(while giving flying kiss to that boy)
Shubman : What are you doing pig ?!! Leave me !!

He free himself from Ishan's grip and they both stood up properly.

Ishan : Why you behave like this ???
Shubman : If you will not let me flirt with you then I need to flirt with them only.
Ishan : Shut up Shub ! And don't you get tired roaming around them?
Shubman : First of all.... I love this and second thing, I don't roam around them, they roam around me.
Ishan : Yes, I saw just now by my own eyes !!!
Shubman : Aren't we getting late for lecture?
Shubman said to avoid him while Ishan also quickly ran towards his classroom with him.

Ishan immediately came and sat there and made Shubman sit beside him.

Shubman : (whisper) why are we sitting infront ?
Ishan : Professor will not ask questions to us.
Shubman : They will ask us only ! I am going behind.
Ishan : No ! Sit here, quietly !
Shubman : What rubbish is this ??? Let me go behind, and you also come with me.
Ishan : No...! Nothing will happy, sit here.
Ishan : Today we will go to club and I will pay bill if you will sit here.
Shubman : Wow !! This sit is so nice....(dramatically)
Ishan : Such a greedy person you are.....!
Shubman : Just for you.....(going closer to Ishan)
Ishan : Yaak Shub !!
Shubman : Hey, dirty minded boy. I mean for your money I am greedy. Your dirty mind think whatever and then blame me.
Ishan : I am not dirty minded, you are that !!!
Shubman : Yes, I am and you are too !!
Ishan : Let it go, do you know today Abhishek's new photos came.....(smiling)
Shubman : Again that Abhishek !! You know what l because of you I started to hate him.
Ishan : Why?!.....(angry pout)
Shubman : You always take his name which make me irritate and please don't pout that makes you look more ugly.
Ishan : (hitting him) argh !!! You are so bad monkey !

Suddenly one girl who was new in their classroom, she approach them and her name is Aditi.

Aditi : Hello, I am Aditi. I am new here.
Ishan : Ohh Hii, Please seat.
Shubman : Hii beautiful.....☺️
Ishan hit ok Shubman's stomach with his elbow.
Shubman : Ouch !!!
Aditi : (shocked)
Shubman : Hehehe....why so shock? Doesn't anyone told you that you are too much beautiful.
Ishan : Shubman !!!
Shubman : Okay, sorry.....😐
Ishan : Please, don't mind him.....😅
Aditi : It's okay.....☺️
Shubman : (whispered to Ishan) See.. .she already fell in love with me.
Ishan : (whispered back) What ?!! How do you know ?!
Shubman : She said "It's okay" It means she doesn't have any problem with me flirting with her.
Ishan : Do you want to get hit by my shoe or bag ?
Shubman : Umm.... with your kiss.....(pout)
Ishan : Shub, shut up!
Shubman : (laugh) Okay.....😏
Aditi : Are you both in a relationship ?!
Ishan : (shock) Do you really think we both are in relationship? After listening how we are talking with each other ?!!
Aditi : No, I mean.... couples can talk like this too.
Ishan : No, we aren't in relationship. He is my pet dog.
Shubman : and he is my pet doggy.....😂

They both laugh while Aditi look at them weirdly.

Aditi : O-oh, okay.....

She smile awkwardly and look at front when professor also came and started her lecture.
After a while as lecture was going on, Shubman's attention was on something else but as he is sitting on front benches professor doesn't focus on him and look at backbench where boys were not paying attention.

Professor: You both stand up and tell me what just now I explain ?
Shubman : (whispered to Ishan) What she had explained ?
Ishan : (tell him whatever professor explained)
Shubman : Ohhh.....😮

Like this their lecture got ended.

Shubman : Ishu wait here, I need to use washroom.
Ishan : Get lost and come fast.

Shubman went towards washroom while Ishan stood at side and take out his mobile and after a while Shubman came back there.

Shubman : Hm, let's go.....
Ishan : Just now my dad texted me that weare going out for dinner.
Shubman : So ? What are you expecting ? Should I pick you up and take you for dinner ?
Ishan : No idiot ! We are going for dinner means we.... your and my family.
Shubman : Ohh... yes my dad texted this to me too.
Ishan : Then why you was asking me with so much details?
Shubman : To tease you.....😂
Ishan : You are irritating !
Shubman : Anyways, what about our club ?
Ishan : Cancel ! We can't deny our dads.
Shubman : Oh no !! But next time we will go and don't forget you will pay bill.
Ishan : Yes, greedy person... let's go, drop me to my house !
Shubman : Do I look like your driver ?!! I have to go for date.
Ishan : Okay, I have Uncle's number also.
Shubman : Why are standing here, let's go we are getting late for you house.....(while keeping his hand on Ishan's shoulder while pulling Ishan with himself)

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