I love you πŸ’š #1

Priest : Mr. Shubman Gill do you take Mr. Ishan Kishan as your lawful husband/wife ?
Shubman : Yes, I do.....(dimple smile)
Priest : Mr. Ishan Kishan do you take Mr. Shubman Gill as your lawful husband ?

Ishan didn't said anything so his mom slightly shake him so say something.

Ishan : (flinched) Ye-yes I do....(cold tone)
Priest : You may both kiss each other.

As priest said Shubman turned towards Ishan little lean down to kiss him, but Ishan put his hand on his chest to stopped him.

Shubman : (Confusingly look at him but immediately back off)

They both sat on the car and wave at their parents.

Shubman : You looked so beautiful today.....(smile at him)
Ishan : ........
Shubman : *I think, he is tired or he is sad to leave his parents, I will talk to him in home.....*
Ishan : (leans his head on window and closed eyes)

They both arrived at Shubman's house. He look at Ishan to find him sleeping, Shubman came out from the car and went to his side.

Shubman : (opens the car door and was about to lift him)
Ishan : (quickly open his eyes) I can walk......(coldly)

Ishan went forward as Shubman closed the door of car.

Shubman opens the door and said Ishan to come in the house.

Ishan : (came inside) Where is my room ?
Shubman : Your room ?
Shubman : We both are married now, we will sleep together.
Ishan : Bu- Okay.....(nods)

He agreed to him, Shubman show him room and went out let Ishan changed his clothes in comfy.

Ishan : (changed his clothes and laid down on the corner of bed)
Shubman : (came inside the room while smiling)

But his smile dropped when he saw, Ishan sleeping. Shubman didn't said anything and went to change his clothes and after that laid beside him.
--Next day morning--
Ishan woke up before Shubman and did his morning routine, then went downstairs to make breakfast.

He came in the kitchen and wore apron, he started to make breakfast. He makes pancakes and juice and after a while Shubman came, Ishan put breakfast on dinning table and served him and went again upstairs to room. Shubman sigh and put that plate in trey and he also went behind Ishan to his room.

Shubman : (saw Ishan cleaning bed) Ishan.....
Ishan : (looks back) What ?.....(stren voice)
Shubman : Let's do breakfast together.
Ishan : I already did you can have it.

Shubman felt very sad. He went downstairs to kitchen and put that trey on counter.

Shubman : (sigh) *Is he still sad that he left his parents ?? And if yes, then today I will take him to meet them. He will feel better......*
Ishan : Aren't you going for work ?
Shubman : No, today we-
Ishan : You should go to work.....(coldly)
Shubman : (deep breath) Okay.....(nods)

Shubman went upstairs and got ready for
work while Ishan sat on couch.
--At afternoon--

Ishan were sitting on couch while reading book but stopped when he heard phone ring and looked at caller id.
Ishan : (sigh in frustratingly)
Shubman : πŸ“ž Hello, Ishan......(cheerful voice)
Ishan : πŸ“ž Hm..... what happened ?
Shubman : πŸ“ž Did you had your lunch ?
Ishan : πŸ“ž Yes I did, anything else.........? (coldly)
Shubman : πŸ“ž Umm... nothing. I just wanted to know this.
Ishan : πŸ“ž Shubman, If you have any work, then only call me, otherwise don't call me.
Shubman : πŸ“ž Why ?
Ishan : πŸ“ž I have work and I am hanging now.....(hung the call)

Shubman's PA : Sir, now should I bring lunch for you ?
Shubman : No, I don't want....(sadly)
Shubman's PA : (bowed to him and went out)
--At evening--
Shubman came home and didn't said anything and went to freshen up while Ishan stoop up and went to kitchen to heat up the dinner.

Shubman : (came wearing comfy clothes)
Shubman : (sat on the chair)
Ishan : (served him food and about to go)
Shubman : Have dinner with me.
Ishan : I already did.
Shubman : Okay then, atleast sit here with me.
Ishan : (didn't said anything and sat on chair infront of him)

Shubman started to talk about his day while munching his food and gave him compliment on Ishan's food but Ishan didn't react at all or didn't said anything to him.

Shubman : (didn't stopped and continue his talking)

But after a while he stop and he saw Ishan literally ignoring him while using his phone.

Shubman : (did his dinner quietly)

After that he went in bedroom while Ishan went to do dishes.

After doing dishes Ishan came in bedroom and saw Shubman sleeping.

Ishan : Thank god he slept.

Ishan lay down on bed back facing him but he don't know that Shubham heard him.
Shubman turns to him and a tear escaped from his eyes.
--Next day morning--
Shubman woke up before Ishan and without having breakfast, he went to work.
Half an hour later Ishan woke up, he looked around to find Shubman but he was not in the room so, he went downstairs to check.

Ishan : Why didn't he had his breakfast ?

He sigh and decided to take lunch to Shubman.
--At Shubman's office--

Shubman was doing his work when he heard door opening sound.

Shubman's PA : Please Mr. Gill, come in....(smile)
Shubman : (stood up from chair happily) *I didn't ate breakfast that's why he came here, he care about me. Wow.....*

While Ishan came and sat on the chair in front of him.

Ishan : I came here to give you lunch.
Shubman : Oh, thanks.....(smiling)
Ishan : Don't think like I care for you, I am just doing my work as a WIFE/HUSBAND.

Shubman's smile dropped when he heard this from Ishan. Ishan stood up and about to go but Shubman stopped him grabbing his wrist.

Shubman : Can't you sit here.
Ishan : I have work at home, bye.

He said coldly while wrenching himself from Shubman's grip.

Ishan : (went out of the cabin without looking back for once)

Shubman put that tiffin on the corner of the table and went out to have his lunch.
--At evening--

As Ishan know that Shubman will tell him seat here, so he served food for Shubman and sat on the chair and after some seconds, Shubman came there.

Shubman : (while sitting on his place) If you want to go then you can, you must be tired.
Ishan : Okay.....(stood up and went from there)
--Next day morning--
Shubman took today day off to talk Ishan properly to know why he is behaving like this and he decided to take him out somewhere at evening.

Shubman : (made coffee for Ishan and took it with him and went to his room)

Shubman : (saw Ishan already woke up) Good morning, I made coffee for you.....(smiling)
Ishan : Don't show your nice side to me. I will not fall in love with you.....(yells on him)
Shubman : (yelled back) THEN, WHAT
Shubman : I want you to be happy with me, comfortable with me, but !!!!! Just tell me didn't you wanted to marry me?
Ishan : You don't have to do anything for me, I will not going fall for you.
Ishan : I love another person.

Shubman quickly went out of the room with shocked and anger while Ishan fall his knees and lean his back to bed and started crying.

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