Mafia's Mute Love ❤️ #5

--Next day--

Ishan was getting ready to go in library while Shubman was getting ready to go his work.

Shubman : What was you doing at Harshit's house ? I mean before coming me, are you really his precious ? (suddenly asked)
Ishan : (look down and shook his head as no)
Shubman : Then.....

Ishan took his book and started to write in it.

Ishan : ✍️ When I was in university, Harshit was my classmate and my bully too, he was bad boy and one day his friends gave him dare to propose me, and I heard their conversation, when Harshit come to me I directly said no to him and he took this as his insult and then he never talk with me but suddenly that day he kidnapped me, he said he will sold me to richest man and he sold me to you. ✍️
Shubman : (read it and immediately replied him)
Ishan : I didn't buy you ! Actually Harshit took money from me and he said he will give me back but still he didn't so instead of money he gave you to me.
Ishan : (made 'O' face)
Shubman : D-did he touched you somewhere?
Ishan : (looked down and nodded)
Shubman : Where.....?!
Ishan : ✍️ When I said no to him he got so much angry and that time he forcefully kissed me. ✍️
Ishan : 🥺🥺🥺🥺

As Shubman read it his blood started to boiled he make fist of his hand and greeted his teeth.

Ishan : (tapped on his shoulder and gesture him that he is going downstairs)
Shubman came back in senses and nodded so, Ishan went downstairs in library.

--Next day--

Ishan : *Peacefully I was reading one book but suddenly I heard someone's screaming voice, like that person is getting beaten by someone, I really got scared and started to look here and there but no one was in library else that me....*
Ishan : *I gulped my saliva and decided to leave as soon as possible...*

Ishan came out of library and was about to leave but that voice was getting louder and clear. He stopped at one door from where that voice was so clear, he was scared even more though he went near that door and put his ears on it to hear properly but as he leaned closer to it that door slightly got opened.

Ishan : *I slowly opened it and went inside and the scene I saw that was unexpected....*

Ishan came there and saw Harshit is tied up to chair and Shubman is sitting in front of him while holding knife in his hand and Harshit's condition was bad like someone has already beat him so much.

Shubman : (hold Harshit's hand and started to make cuts in it) With this hands you touched him right ?!! 😡😡😡
Ishan : *This was making me so scared, I put my hands on my mouth to not make any sound of crying....*

While Shubman was continuously cutting his hands and Harshit was screaming his lungs out.

Ishan : *More than Harshit I was getting scared of Shubman even Harshit make me cried so much but this side of Shubman was making me worried for Harshit.....*

Shubman stop and then trailed that knife on Harshit's lips, make big cut in his lips too and till now Ishan crying in mess looking at the horror scene infront of his eyes.

Shubman : Because of you I got Ishan so I will forget my money, I don't want it but you touched him, kissed him even bullied him so you can't be alive in this world.....😏
Shubman : (stood little far away from him and shoot him with no expression)

That's it, Ishan started to run from there but in hurry his legs twisted and he fell down on stairs and due to this Shubman and his men look at him and as Shubman saw Ishan, he became so shocked he was about to come near him(Ishan) but Ishan stood up from there ignoring that Shubman is calling him.

Ishan : *I came inside room and immediately locked door and sat on floor while hugging my legs, I started to cry more and more while Shubman came and knocked in door while saying me to open it.....*
Ishan : *But I didn't......*
Shubman : Ishan, open the door. Listen to me for once.
Ishan : *He said while banging the door but I was so scared and too into crying that I didn't listen to him and kept crying...*

--Time skip--

Shubman : *I tried so much to make him open the door but no use, he is still crying inside the room and making his health worse...*
Shubman : *I really feel bad for making him cry. I think, I shouldn't had kill Harshit ! Because of that his condition became like this... Now he will be afraid of me more.....*
Shubman : *All I did is just f*cked up....! But I did this for Ishan only...*

As Shubman was in his thoughts maid came back from Ishan's room with trey of food.

Shubman : *He didn't even had his dinner.....*
Shubman : Didn't he eat his food?
Maid : (looking down) He didn't even open door.
Shubman : *I sigh and nodded so maid leave to kitchen while I massage my temple....*

--Next day--

Finally at morning Ishan opened door and after getting ready he was just sitting on bed while looking down, and suddenly Shubman came inside and looked at him.

Shubman : Ishan, let's go for breakfast.
Ishan : (shook his head as no while looking down)

Shubman felt too bad, so he went near Ishan and hold his hand while sitting front of him.

Ishan : (Immediately took his hand back from Shubman's grip)
Shubman : Do you want to leave from here....?
Ishan : (look up at him with teary and widened eyes)
Shubman : Okay, then go from here.
Shubman : (stood up and take out bag from his cupboard and started to put Ishan's clothes in it)

Ishan stood up, he wanted to stop him but Shubman was looking scary, due to his angry face.

Shubman : I love you so much more than anything and you want to leave, then go from here, don't stay with me.....(while zipping bag)

Shubman hold Ishan's hand and started to dragged him out of room with his bag while Ishan was stopping him.
He was about to open door but Ishan immediately backhugged him tightly and started to sobbed hardly which quickly melt him(Shubman), Shubman leaved his grip on bag and turn around to hugged back Ishan. He perfectly fitted in Shubman's arms and Ishan hugged him more tightly.

Shubman : Jump....(whisper in his ears)

He jumped while Shubman quickly lift him up in his arms while Ishan wrapped his hands around Shubman's neck and legs around his waist while he(Shubman) started to walk towards bed and sat on it.
After five minutes Ishan stopped crying and looked at Shubman still sitting on his lap.

Shubman : Are you afraid of me ??
Ishan : (nodded with pout)
Shubman : (smiled at his cuteness) Why ?
As he asked Ishan started to find his book.
Shubman : What happened ?
Ishan : (gesture him "book and pen")
Shubman : I will understand your sign language.

Ishan became little shock and confuse that how Shubman will understand him but he shrugged it off and continue signing.

Ishan : 👋 You killed Harshit ! 👋
Shubman : So you think I will kill you too ?
Ishan : (immediately shook his head as no)
Shubman : (sigh and caressed Ishan's cheek with his one hand while another was protectively wrapped around his waist)
Shubman : Ishan, I am orphan. Since, my parents died I never got care which I got from you. It's not like I didn't got any boy or girl but You ! You are different !
Shubman : I never felt like this while looking at anyone which I felt while looking at you. You are most innocent, beautiful, cute, caring boy that I ever seen and about Harshit then he deserved that.
Shubman : He did so wrong with you, you are too nice so might you felt bad for him but for me he is just a person who did wrong with you and I can't bear something bad happen with you.
Shubman : If you don't love me it's okay I love you and I will surely make you fall in love with me... but I can't even force you.
Ishan : 👋 I am sorry 👋
Shubman : 👋 Hey, I didn't gave this speech to make you say sorry 👋

Ishan slightly blush and again look up at him only to see Shubman already staring in his eyes.

Ishan : 👋 I want to tell you something 👋
Shubman : Hmm....(nods)

Ishan hold his nape and kissed him passionately, at first Shubman was so shocked but soon he always kissed him back. That kiss was full of love and nothing
else, after a while they both parted to breath.

Ishan : 👋 I know I realised my love so late but I will surely love you till my last breath 👋
Shubman : Thank you so much and I love you too.....☺️

They both hugged each other tightly and then Shubman kissed him top of head.

Ishan : 👋 When did you learn sign language ? 👋
Shubman : Um.... when you was cooking for me after that I started to learn it, I already knew that we have to stay with each other forever.
Ishan : (giggle)

--After two weeks--

Shubman called priest who know sign language to don't make Ishan different from them.
Priest : Mr. Shubman Gill do you take Mr. Ishan Kishan as your lawful wife/husband ?

Shubman : Yes I do......☺☺
Priest : Mr. Ishan Kishan do you take Mr. Shubman Gill as your lawful husband ?

Ishan : 👋 Yes I do 👋 ☺️
Priest : You may both kiss each other.
Shubman leaned closer to his face and wrapped his hands around Ishan's waist to pull him closer and slightly peck on his lips while Ishan blush.
Shubman : 👋 I love you so much 👋
Ishan : 👋 I love you too 👋
After one and half year they both blessed with beautiful and pretty baby girl like Ishan.

--The End--


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