II. ๐‘๐Ž๐ ๐‚๐€๐ ๐‡๐„๐‹๐

"Can you believe people have the nerve of all things to say that? I bet Malfoy spread that rumor, no! No! Pansy, or who knows." Juliet ranted as her and Cedric walked side by side down the hallway, she was tugging on the lace gloves more and more as they talked.

"No one believes it, Julie, you're getting worked up again." he spoke while they made their wait into the Great Hall.

"Wouldn't you get worked up if everyone said you were pregnant and had to leave Hogwarts for a year to birth it?" Juliet asked him with a look of disbelief, rolling her eyes as he chuckled at her words.

"Well, i'd be concerned, I believe it is impossible for me to be pregnant." he joked with her as Juliet groaned loudly, saying hello to the people that greeted her.

"I'm just saying, if you don't think to much into it, the rumor will be long forgotten by the end of the week." Cedric said with a comforting smile as the pair of best friends said across from each other at the end of the Hufflepuff table.

"Now that we're all sorted, i'd like the make a announcement. This castle will not only be your home this year, but home to some very special guest as well. You see, Hogwarts has been chosen-" Dumbledore began to make his speech before Filch ran up to him in a odd manner.

"Hi, Juliet." a younger Hufflepuff said. Juliet had absolutely no clue who the small girl was but smiled and gave her a small wave back. She let her eyes linger as Dumbledore paused for the second, landing her caramel eyes on the Weasley boy. She offered him a smile as he gave her a very awkward wave before scolding himself for doing so and looking away. Hermione smiled to the girl as well as Juliet grinned and looked back to Dumbledore.

"So, Hogwarts has been chosen to host a legendary event. Triwizard Tournament. Now for those of you who do not know.. the Triwizard Tournament bring together three schools for a series of magical contest. For each school a single student is selected to compete. Now let me be clear, if chosen you stand alone. And trust me when I say these contest are not for the faint hearted but more of that later. Now, please join me in welcoming the Lovely Ladies of the Beauxbaton Academy Of Magic!" Dumbledore finished his speech, before Juliet had the time to scold Cedric for his look of curiosity at the tournament, the Great Hall doors were swung open as multiple girls in pale blue dancing in.

"Gorgeous, aren't they?" Cedric asked one of the Hufflepuffs next to him with a smirk across his face, missing his best friends look of jealously as she began to yank on the lace gloves once again. The girls from the academy trotted in, pausing to smile and dip their bodies to the side with a loud and graceful sigh, doing it over again as they ran a few feet before them. Hermione and Juliet shared a look, their fellow male best friends having the same reaction to the girls.

"Oh, hi there." Juliet said as one of the girls blue birds landed on her nose before misting away with a blue sparkle that lit up her eyes.

"Bloody hell again." Ron said as he watched the scene unfold across the Great Hall, the new girls no longer having his attention.

"Merlin, I thought I saw tall." Juliet said as her jaw dropped much like the rest of the Great Hall's did as a very tall woman, well over average or anywhere near average at that, walked in with a kind smile. Everyone began to cheer as the girls finished their dance and Dumbledore took the woman's hand to lead her up onto the stage with him.

"And now our friends from the north, please great the proud sons of Durmstrags and their high master Igor Karkaroff." Dumbledore finished with a flushed face as the doors swung open again, many large boys walked in with stern faces.

"Bloody hell." Juliet said as her face flushed, watching them walk in.

"Juliet, they're far from your type." Cedric said from across the table as she gave him a look of disbelief.

"I don't have a type." she defended herself as his eyebrows shot up.

"You do." he spoke, Juliet knew he was right, she rarely ever went for guys like the Durmstrags men, not a big fan of being looked down at or dominated in a relationship... she much preferred to wear the pants in the house.

"What do you suppose they're so anger for? Maybe they don't like the north? I'm not a fan of the cold either." Juliet spoke, more so to herself, not expecting anyone to answer as she watched them walk in. Most of the girls at Hogwarts gawked at them similar to the boys did the girls in blue.

"Harry, what do you think she's saying?" Ron asked as he watched Juliets mouth move, not being able to make out her words from how far apart they were which should be illegal in Ron's mind.

"Why don't you go ask?" Harry offered, a joking tone of voice as he hide his smile when Ron gave him a annoyed and disbelief look.

"Hey, Ced, can you do that?" Juliet asked as she slapped the boys arm from across the table, the two watching the boys tumble toward the front.

"Shove off, Julie." Cedric spoke as she laughed and rested a hand in her lace cover palm to watch the scene unfold before her eyes that were rather shiny from the Great Halls bright lights.

"Hermione." Juliet said as she army crawled under the tables, making her way through people legs until she was at the Granger girls feet.

"Juliet? What could you possible be doing down there?" the curly haired girl said as she helped pull Juliet into the seat next to her and brushing off her robe.

"Didn't wanna draw to much attention." Juliet said while offered the dark boy next to her a small smile as he seemed in shock at her sudden appearance, Juliet had missed Ron straightening his posture and flushed face, "I'm being forced into retaking last year since I barely got through the first semester, you wouldn't happen to know what books I could get on these? Dumbledore says we're in this class together and i'm completely lost as to what we're doing."

"Ron could help!" Harry said suddenly, making the two girls look across the table at him at the sudden outburst.

"I can?" Ron asked in fear, eyes wide as he froze.

"Oh, hello Harry Potter, Ron Weasley." Juliet spoke with a small smile, still rather confused and startled by the outburst, "You know about charms?"

"Well, I-" Ron began before he was cut off.

"Loads of stuff! He's been studying it all summer to prepare for this year, he can get you the right books and everything you'll need for tomorrow's class." Harry spoke for Ron as Juliet smiled at that, while they weren't exactly like her and Cedric... they had similar friendships, "The two of you could even sit together if you need extra help!"

"Could you really? That would be beyond helpful, I mean, I wasn't even supposed to be in Charms class until just a few hours ago when we arrived." Juliet spoke, drawing out her story as she focused her gaze on Ron now who's eyes were still wide, "Please?"

"Sure." he voice cracked and was relatively high as Juliet cheered as grabbed his hand across the table, his eyes widening more and more as the lace hit his hand.

"You're a lifesaver, Ronald Weasley." Juliet said before she disappeared under the table again and headed back to the hufflepuff table. Ron looked lovestruck at his hand where she had grabbed it for only half a second, floating off into his own world.

"Why would you tell poor Juliet that? Do you want her to completely fail?" Hermione asked as she scolded Harry from across from her.

"She held my hand." Ron said as he looked at the two, his mouth gapped in a smile with a bright red face and sparkly eyes, "Did you see it?"

"Your attention please!" Dumbledore yelled out just as Juliet had climbed back into her chair, "I'd like to say a few words. Eternal glory. That is what awaits the student who wins the Trizard Tournament. But to do this, that student must survive three task. Three extremely dangerous task. For this reason the ministry's seemed fit to impose a new rule. To explain all this, we have the head of the department of International Magical Cooperations. Mr. Bartemius Crouch."

"You aren't actually thinking about putting your name in." Juliet said in disbelief as she saw the all to familiar look of Cedrics face.

"Why so worried, Juliet?" he teased while leaning across the table to hear her better.

"Was I the only the that heard 'Extremely Dangerous' or did you only hear eternal glory?" she asked in disbelief as he grinned and reached under the table to touch her knee.

"You're getting worked up again." he repeated himself once again as Juliet sighed but couldn't hide her smile. The thunder made the smile wipe off her face, chatter forming over the Great Hall as it struck outside loudly. A man from the corner shot his wand in the air, sending the storm away in no more then a second.

"Astonishing." Juliet said with wide eyes at the man with a glass eye, "I'd give both my legs to be able to do that."

"Don't give your legs away, Juliet, they're your best feature." A boy Juliet wasn't aware of joked from a few seats down from Cedric. Juliet huffed with a eye roll as her best friend leaned backwards to smack the boys head.

"My mind is my best feature, unknown Hufflepuff boy I don't care to know the name of, can't say the same for you." Juliet spoke with a eye roll making a few people around the "ohh" at her words as the boys face went the same shade as the Weasley hair.

"Mad eye Moody, init he?" Juliet spoke as she nudged her leg onto Cedrics.

"So i've heard, people say he's beyond mad these days." the boy said back as Juliet gave a small shrug.

"Still kinda cool though." she admits while everyone watched the man hobble around. Dumbledore greeted the man with a few words that were to quiet to catch and a manly handshake.

"After due consideration.... the Ministry has concluded that for their own safety, no student under the age of seventeen should be allowed to put forth their name for the Triwizard Tournament-" Mr.Crouch began as everyone began to call out in anger and annoyance, loud chatter filling Juliets ears but all she could focus on was Cedric, who still had a chance.

"Seriously, it's not safe." Juliet spoke while grabbing ahold of his hand across the table.

"It'll be fine, besides, I haven't even made up my mind yet." he spoke to her quietly while sending a wink her way, Juliet knew he was lying... he most certainly had made up his decision.

"Silents!" Dumbledore yelled loudly, not his usual soft and kind tone and the students became silent again. Dumbledore used his wand to form the large cup that people would be meant to put their names in if their were over seventeen, the blue fire forming at the top.

"The Goblet Of Fire. Anyone wishing to summit themselves into the Tournament mearly write their name upon a piece of parchment and throw it in the flame before this hour on Thursday night. Do not do so lightly, if chosen there's no turning back. As from this moment the Trwizard Tournament has begun." Dumbledore announced to the silent students, Cedrics face beyond excited and proud at this point... he was gonna put his name in no matter what Juliet had said.

"Is it normal to learn potions in charms?" Juliet spoke confused as Ron handed her a book, face falling immediately as he pulled it away to put it back on the shelves.

"Oh, no, no it's not." he said quickly while walking farther down the library isle, hoping to find any book on charms at this point.

"Are your brother putting their names in?" Juliet asked as he looked at her, standing just a tad bit taller then he was but he would never admit that.

"They're not seventeen yet, I think they would have if it wasn't for the new rule." Ron spoke as he turned away quickly, his face flushed deeply which she noticed this time and smiled slightly, following close behind, "Ugh, is Cedric?"

"Nearly certain he will, though I wish he wouldn't." Juliet spoke as Ron looked through the books, barely knowing how to read the titles.

"You don't want him to?" Ron asked as Juliet gave him a insane look before his eyes widened when he realized what he asked.

"Course I don't want him to, are you mad?" Juliet spoke as Ron finally sighed in relief and handing her the book on charms, "If Cedric even so much as got hurt I couldn't even imagine what that could do to the both of us."

"Are the two of you..." Ron trailed off as he stayed in place to speak to her, more observant and seeing her checks blush.

"Oh... no, no it's not like that." she said while looking away before looking back at him, "But he's my best friend. We've always been best friends, you know? For as long as I can remember."

"In the library." Ron spoke, already hearing this story before but panicked when he realized she hadn't known she told it before, bumping into the shelves, "We-we're in the library."

"Oh... am I speak loudly?" she asked, dropping her voice to a whisper as he grinned at her with a small shake of his head, the long red locks shaking as he did so.

"Have you known Harry and Hermione all your life?" Juliet went on as she caught up to his side while they walked toward the check out.

"Only since first year, I had dirt in my nose and we had chocolate frogs." he said as Juliet nodded, pretending she hadn't noticed him scolding himself next to her.

"Chocolate frogs are great, what was the dirt from?" Juliet spoke as she looked at him while laying the book on the counter, "The train railing?"

"Yes!" he said quickly, glad she spoke before he had the chance to. The woman who was checking Juliet book out gave him a scolding as he mumbled a small sorry.

"I like the train when it rains." Juliet went on as she waited for the book, "It's my favorite way to sleep when the rain hits the metal roof."

"Back at the burrow my room is at the top and our roof is metal." he spoke, becoming rather comfortable with her and not realizing they weren't in a dream like the times before, "Only because Prefect Percy got the better one."

"Burrow?" Juliet spoke confused as she gave the woman a smile and took her books. Ron turned a deep red as he reached over and pinched her arm.

"Ow, what was that for?" she asked while pinching him back in the same spot.

"Not dreaming." he mumbled to himself while turning away with eyes that were nearly bulging out of his head, Juliet hurrying to catch up with him.

"My mother and cousin live on the bad side of london which is why it was so cheap and easy to open up the library. We live in the small apartment above it though the roof isn't metal." Juliet continued to talk, realizing he might have became embarrassed and was hoping to ease him of it. Ron wanted to say I know, you've told me before but he didn't because all Juliet knew is that she's only met him yesterday.

"You don't have siblings?" he went on to ask her as they walked out of the library together, she'd even held the door open for him.

"No, just me. Though, my mom did take my cousin in a few years ago. But he still calls her auntie, so i'm not sure if that counts." she went on as the hallway darkened from the outside, curfew getting closer and closer as the two walked slower on purpose, "But you have three, right?"

"Six." he corrected her, watching her eyes bulge making him laugh. Rons laughter echoed in the hallway, making it louder then what it actually was and causing Juliet to laugh as well.

"Six siblings? Seven kids? Merlin, i'd go crazy, how are you even alive?" Juliet spoke as the two continued to laugh, her still in shock at his words and Ron couldn't help but laugh at her facial expressions.

"It's a miracle I am actually." he spoke as Juliet nodded in agreement.

"I can imagine. Woah, six siblings. They aren't all here, are they?" Juliet spoke as Ron shook his head quickly.

"No, only Ginny, Fred, and George. Bill's down in Egypt working for curse-beakers and Charlie studies dragons, Moms proud of them both but misses them when she has the chance to think." Ron spoke as Juliet noticed he'd only mentioned five, counting on her fingers a few times to make sure she'd done it right.

"You said six." Juliet spoke as the two stopped, standing infront of the window that was lit from the moonlight outside but the rest of the hallway completely bare and dark.

"What?" Ron asked her, his voice was soft and he was rather thankful it was dark because his face was as red as it could be because of their close figures.

"You said you had six siblings yet you only mentioned five.... unless i'm horrible at math but I did ace it." Juliet spoke quietly as well, realizing how horribly loud both their voices echoed just a few moments ago and with curfew so close, neither of them fancied a detention so early in the year.

"Well, I do have one more brother." Ron spoke as he looked at her, trying to remember that he'd known Juliet for many years and they spoke to each other every single night in his mind, though it was different and much more heart racing to see her in person, to know she was absolutely real, "I don't really like to talk about him."

"I can understand that, you don't have to." Juliet spoke as she broke the stare and took a step to the side, not realizing how close they were until then, "You're family seems great, dragons and twins and Egypt, it's cool."

"You say that." he spoke while walking by her side again, the large charm book, that happened to be the wrong one, in Juliets arms, "Until you live with them."

"I believe this is we're we part or ways, Ronald Weasley." Juliet said in a dramatic voice as the two stood at the hallways that lead to different common rooms and dorms, "I liked talking with you."

"Really?" he asked with a shocked look on his face, not expecting her to even began to say it.

Juliet laughed slightly at his expression with a single nod, "Thanks for the book... goodnight."

Ron watched her leave, his eyes in a daze at how real she'd been, how for so long he didn't believe she was, "Juliet?"

She turned at his voice, waiting for him to go on and listen to his voice echo from down the hall, "I don't know anything about Charms and that's definitely the wrong book."

"So I figured, see you in class." she spoke, not bothered or phased by Harry's lie or Ron giving her the wrong book.

Though Ron Weasley was beyond embarrassed and completely flustered by the girl being here, with him, so real and just as perfect as he remembered....he couldn't have been happier.


kylie speaks.

are we feeling
wesliet or what?
i stan my lovers
though i'm dreading
hurting juliet
at the end of
