XX. ๐‘๐„๐Œ๐”๐’'๐’ ๐‡๐„๐‹๐

"Shut your mouth!" Ron demanded George as he threw a apple at him. Juliet, Ginny, Fred, and Hermione were laughing so hard their eyes swelled with tears. Ron looked red and angry while George put his hands up in surrender.

"I'm just saying!" he defended himself, standing from the chair to avoid being hit again, "Either way she would have been apart of the family, through you or me."

"Shut up, George!" Ron shouted at him, the pie flying across the room toward his brother. Molly walked into the room with a gaping mouth, the three shutting their mouths at the table quickly as the woman stared at her two sons. One who was red and the other covered in a hand made apple pie.

"Ronald Weasley!" she began shouting as the rest of the lot bolted out of the room, leaving Ron to get his scolding alone in the kitchen. Juliet laughed alongside Hermione, not being able to get her boyfriends angry and jealous face out of her head. Her eyes set on Remus who was sitting near the fire, Nate and Liv outback letting the baby see snow while Arthur tested his new muggle camera out.

"I'll come up in a little bit." Juliet said to the duo of girls with a grin as the pair nodded and hurried up the stairs, their feet echoing through the house. It reminded Juliet of someone at the door, for a moment she thought maybe, just maybe, someone had came.

"Having fun, are you?" Remus asked with a grin as Juliet sat down on the couch a few feet away from him, rubbing her gloved hands together.

"The most i've had all year." Juliet admitted with a sigh, a faint grin on her face, "Not with that wanker of a head master we have."

Remus rolled his eyes with a look of disgust across his face, "Real jerk, is she?"

"The worse." Juliet agreed, leaning on the arm rest some and pulling her gloves up better. Molly had made her the pair, a maroon color to match Ron's hat and sweater, "Wish I could just bite her head off."

Remus cracked a grin as Juliets eyes widened, "I didn't mean-"

He waved her off and laughed at her words, standing to sit across from her on the single chair, "Has she said anything? About you?"

"You mean has she made me feel worse about what I am then I already do? Completely." Juliet said, her eyes casted down for a moment before she looked at the fire, "Does it pass?"

"Does what pass?" he asked her with the slightest bit of confusion in his eye. Juliet eyed the marks on his face, how beautiful they were against his already handsome features.

"The guilty feeling." Juliet said as Remus blinked at her, "I know we're different-"

"But alike in many ways." he said to her with a eyebrows rise and a point of his finger, "I'd say so, for the most part, that is until you can't control it again."

"I can't control it at all." Juliet corrected him knowingly as a hard look of guilt danced away within her dark eyes, "I know when someone close by in going to die. And instead of warning them, all I can do is scream."

"That isn't your fault." Remus said to her quickly, pulling a brown journal from his jacket with a snap of his fingers, "Studying up on banshees again has been rather exciting. I researched them back in fifth year for a project, haven't remembered much of it. Ah! Says right here that the art of banshees is their loud wailing to warn others of a death. Granted, you're kind isn't welcomed which means no one really knows outside of your friends, am I right?"

"Extremely." Juliet said with a sigh, "Though people will catch on soon, if we have just one more death around school and I suddenly start screaming, they're gonna trace it back to the exact same thing that happened in the last task."

Remus eyed her, he wanted to ask her why she never wanted to say Cedrics name out loud. He knew how close the pair were, Harry had told him plenty about it, yet she wouldn't dare say his name.

"It's not something you can control." Remus said to her as Juliets eyes had a sense of ghost like over them, like she'd failed a big test or was told her birthday was canceled, "But you can learn to control it, it's painful, but in your case could save your life."

"Painful?" Juliet asked, a swallow moved down her throat, "How painful?"

"A burning feeling, bearable for some. The sense of holding in your wails will cause your body to start to weaken and become hot, hence the burning you'd began to feel. Until the death is completely over, it won't stop unless you scream as a warning." Remus said to her, looking at the notebook with handwriting only he'd ever be able to read or understand.

"Lucky me." Juliet mumbled with a huff. Remus looked up at her ad Juliet sighed, "I'm sorry, i'm not meaning to be insensitive toward you. I do appreciate this, you researching and trying to help me."

Remus shut his book, for a second Juliet thought he wasn't going to continue with helping her. That was until he gave her a small smile, "I understand this is hard, feeling different and scared of yourself. It's a process I was thankful enough to have a ridiculously trained wizards help through."

"And what are you?" Juliet asked in a slight teasing manor, Remus gave a chuckle at her words.

"A sliver of a trained wizard." he said, pinching his index finger and thumb nearly together to show her the tiny bit, "You'll have to talk me through it, help me get in your mind a little more."

Juliet nodded as she took a deep breath and sat up better, "At first it just feels like a excruciating weight on my chest, like a panic attack about to start. Then I start to feel this sense of burning, it starts in my fingers. After that flashes of whoever i'm seeings exact death just moments before it happen crosses my mind and then it's like I have no control over my body, I just scream."

Remus looked at his notes, Juliet panicked when he looked confused, "You can see it? The person who's going to die?"

"Sometimes." Juliet answered as she shifted uncomfortably, "Not always though. I saw it in the Triwizard Tournament and with my dad but when Nates friend passed away I just felt like someone was able to die, I didn't see him or how it was to happen."

Remus blinked at her, "Extraordinary."

"Pardon?" Juliet asked with a slight sense of offense in her voice.

"It's rare, the sight." he said, he was smiling and standing, "It's only been known to be within one banshee, the ability to see rather then just feel."

Juliet stood up with Remus, watching as he paced around the room for a moment and mumbled to himself, "Hey!"

Remus stoped and snapped his head her way.

"Are you going to teach me how to handle this or not?" she asked as he winked at her, sitting back down and flipping through page after page of the notebook he had. Juliet eyed the door, hoping Ron would join her.

"You said you get a feeling before the wailing starts?" Remus asked as he nodded to her, moving to sit on the floor quickly. Juliet nodded her head, hesitant but moving onto the ground with him, "Meaning that to control the screams, you're gonna want to push down right here."

Juliet gasped as he grabbed her hand, reddening in the face, as his index finger pressed down into her pulse before letting go. Juliet repeated the action as he gave her a grin, popping a piece of chocolate into her hand.

"It'll feel like a pull, like you're fighting against it. It'll be difficult, but if you can train yourself to do so, to control the pain, you'll keep your cover." Remus said to her with a knowing look, grabbing both her hands to push onto her pulse before letting go again, "It doesn't happen over night, it'll take time, but you can get there."

"Will I still be able to know? To speak?" Juliet asked, her eyebrows knitted together as she stared at her hands.

"Yes, over time, not immediately." he said to her with a single nod of his head, "Now that doesn't necessarily mean you need to go around Saint Mungos and built up your strength in doing so."

Juliet laughed at his words as she looked down at her lap, "Thank you."

Remus gave her a small nod, "I understand it, what you're feeling."

"You mean every sense of emotion known to wizards?" Juliet asked as Remus cracked her a grin, placing another chocolate into her palm, with a small pat in the knee. Ron leaned in the door, watching Juliets featured, watching senses of relief wash over her. He couldn't help but feel a wave of guilt wash over him, guilt for not seeing how much internal pain she had because of something he hadn't thought was that big of a deal.


kylie speaks

juliet and remus
being a brotp
