~July 6, 2021~

I refused to believe that today was the day Benny was leaving. I didn't even wanna think about it but it was the only thing that was on my mind.

I nearly broke into tears when I saw the moving truck pull into Benny's driveway. I can't believe it was really happening.

"Natalie!" Ralph yelled from downstairs. "Come on!"

"Where are we going?!" I yelled back.

"To the sandlot! We're gonna play one last game before Benny has to leave!" he stated.

A small smile spread across my face. I guess that's a good way to spend the day.

I grabbed my stuff and ran downstairs. I met Ralph at the door.

"You ready?" he asked.

I nodded. "Ready."

We then skipped outside over to Benny's house. He plopped a box into the moving truck before looking at us.

"You ready to go, man?" Ralph asked.

Benny nodded while grabbed his glove, bat, and popping his hat on his head.

"Ma, I'm gonna go play some ball!" Benny shouted.

"Okay! Be back by three o'clock please!" she shouted back.

He sent her a thumbs up before catching up with us down the rocky road. We walked in comfortable silence, occasionally talking about whatever until we reached the old, dusty field.


Benny swung the bat at the final ball. The loud crack sound echoed through the air before the bat went flying out of his hands. He ran the bases quickly while everyone cheered him on.

"Home run!" Squints shouted with a goofy smile spread on his face.

I laughed while I clapped my hands. "Whoo-hoo!"

Benny sent me a dazzling smile while running over to me. He suddenly picked me up into his arms while he spun me around.

I squealed happily as I wrapped my arms around his neck. He gently slid me back down to the ground so my feet were touching it before kissing me.

He then looked down at his watch. "Shit."

I felt my heart drop. "It's time?"

He nodded sadly. "Yeah..."

My lips formed into a frown. "I wish we had more time."

He nodded. "Me too..."

Damn it. Why does time fly by so fast?


We reached Benny's house, the moving truck filled with boxes, furniture, and some of their other belongings. Before they shut the door, Benny quickly opened a box and rummaged through it.

Eventually, he found what he was looking for. He pulled out his white jersey that had the name "RODRIGUEZ" printed on the back.

He walked towards me and held it out. "I want you to keep this."

"What?" I gasped. "Why? You love this jersey, don't you?"

"I do."

"Then why give it to me?"

He smiled. "Because I love you more."

I felt my cheeks start to burn. A small smile painted my lips. "Really?"

He nodded. "Of course."

He then placed a soft kiss on my lips and I heard groans coming from the boys.

"Ugh, get a room!" one of them yelled.

I laughed loudly. "Just let us have it this once, alright?"

Benny laughed with me while shaking his head. "Alright, bring it in, boys."

They all then ran over to us and their arms swallowed us into a group hug. I felt tears welling up in my eyes.

"We're gonna miss you, Benny man." Squints sighed.

"Yeah, yeah, truly..." Yeah-Yeah pouted.

"I'll miss you guys too." Benny let out a sad sigh. "But at least I'll get to see you guys on holidays, right?"

"Yeah, but we have so few of those." Smalls frowned. "It's not fair."

I nodded my head without saying a word. A teardrop fell from my eye. Benny cupped my cheek and lifted my face to meet his.

"Hey, hey, hey," he whispered with a small smile. "Don't cry, amor. Everything will be fine, I promise."

"I don't want you to leave." my voice cracked with tears.

He wrapped me into his warm embrace. "I know. I don't wanna leave you either but I promise I will always be by your side, alright?"

I nodded. "Okay..."

"I love you so much."

"I love you more."

He gave me one last squeeze before pulling himself away, his hands still placed on my shoulders. He gave me one last kiss and I felt that spark of electricity run through us.

I wanted it to last forever but I knew that was impossible. I felt his lips unlock from mine and his hands drop from my shoulders.

"Well, I'll see you guys soon." he put on a fake smile.

"See you, man." Kenny patted his shoulder.

Benny nodded his head in agreement before hopping into the truck. That's when I let it all out.

I sobbed harshly while covering my hands over my disheveled face. I heard the truck startup before it rumbled down the road.

I looked up at Benny one last time and I swear I saw a tear fall down his cheek. He then disappeared around the corner and I knew I wasn't gonna see him again for a while.

I cried harder than I ever had before. The boys pulled me into a hug.

"It's okay, Natalie," Timmy reassured. "He'll keep in touch with you."

I couldn't even answer him. I just hugged his jersey into my arms tightly. Please come back...

point of view.

I felt my heartbreak at the sight of Natalie sobbing. I had held myself together until I saw her. I leaned back in my seat and felt warm tears run down my cheeks.

My mom placed her hand atop of mine. "It's gonna be okay, baby," she reassured. "I promise I'll let you see them."

I didn't answer her. I just faced away from her and looked out the window. My mind was racing with thoughts.

What if Natalie breaks up with me? What if she finds someone better? What if I get back and the boys don't like me anymore? God, shut up, Benny!"

I mentally groaned at myself. This is gonna be a long ride...


author's note:

two chapters in one day? hell yeahhhh! again, sorry this chapter is kinda short. I promise in the second book I'll make the chapters longer. I've decided to name it "hollow" btw. it's probably gonna be a bit darker so just letting you know that now! stay gold, luvs💕

