~June 21, 2021~

I hauled my things inside the beach house and it was absolutely beautiful. Pictures of Benny and his family covered a wall that was painted a beautiful light blue color.

"Wow..." I whispered to myself.

My eyes kept scanning the beautiful house until I was interrupted by Benny's mom.

"You like it?" She asked with a warm smile spread across her pearly white teeth.

I nodded. "It's beautiful."

"Come on. I'll show you your guy's room."

She waved me to follow her and I obeyed. We arrived at this room with four bunk beds, perfect for all of us. If only Heather wasn't here...

"If you wanna switch rooms, just let me know, okay?" Melanie nodded.

"Okay, thank you." I smiled.

She patted my shoulder before walking out of the room. I picked a spot on one of the bunk beds and claimed the top part.

point of view.

I walked inside our beach house and sniffed in the amazing scent of the ocean. I loved it. Though I was excited about this trip, I would be a bit happier if Heather was gone. I wanted it to be Nat and me, but I can't do anything about it now.

"Benny!" My mom yelled. "Show Heather the room please!"

I obeyed her command. "Yes, Ma!"

Heather squealed happily and clung to my arm. I tried to shake her off, but I knew what she would do if I did.

I trudged over to the room and already saw Natalie unpacking her things. We hadn't spoken since that whole situation in the car and I knew she was hurt.

"Oh, let's take this one, Ben!" Heather smiled while pulling me over to one of the beds.

"Um, there are enough beds for everyone..." I mumbled. "We don't have to share."

"So? I don't wanna sleep alone." She whined.

My lower lip quivered. "Okay..."

She clapped happily. "Yay!"

She kissed my cheek lightly before running out of the room. I stood there while swallowing nervously. I could feel Natalie's eyes burning into my temple and I awkwardly stared back at her.

"You guys a thing now?" She asked with a spit of venom in her voice.

"Um..." I muttered. "No..."

"Then what was that whole thing back in the car? You guys are loud by the way." She scoffed.

"That was nothing..." My head shook. "I don't know..."

She aggressively threw her pillow on her bed.

"I gotta go get some more things. Be right back."

She walked past me and purposely kicked my bag across the room. I looked at her with tears in my eyes and swallowed again.

"Oops." She sassed in a sarcastic tone. "So sorry."

She strutted out of the room, her footsteps pounding away towards the front door. This is gonna take a while to fix...

point of view.

I was so mad at Benny. I know there was nothing special between us, but it still hurt to see that he was interested in that bitch Heather. I just wanted to slap his beautiful little face.

I grabbed the rest of my things and accidentally bumped into Heather. She scoffed and wiped her arm off.

"Ew! Keep your poor germs off of me!" She shrieked.

"Then keep your filthy paws off of Benny." I spat. "He doesn't like you and you know it."

"Well, he certainly doesn't like you either." She smirked. "And he does like me."

My eyes rolled. "Keep telling yourself that, blondie."

Her face twisted into some form of anger. I walked past her and back to our room. Benny was still standing there looking like someone just got murdered in front of him.

"What's up with you?..." I questioned while placing my stuff on my bed.

His chest rose and fell quickly while his glossy eyes looked at me.

"Benny, what's wrong?" I asked once again.

"Natalie." He panted while his hands gripped onto my shoulders. "You gotta help me get rid of Heather."

I scoffed. "Why? You clearly like her so much why would you let her go?"

"No, no, no, you don't understand. She's not a nice person. Everything we did in the car was forced and I-I was too scared to say no." He explained. "Please you gotta help me. I need her gone."

"You're saying we should murder her?" I smiled.

"No, you psycho." He laughed. "We just need to somehow make her go home or leave me alone or something. Please."

I hesitated. "Well...oh, okay, I'll help you."

"Oh, thank you so much!" He smiled while wrapping me in a hug.

"No problem." I smiled while hugging him back.

This is gonna be fun.


author's note:
ooooh, shit's about to go DOWN. I know this chapter sucks but I'll make it up with the next few chapters! anyways have a great day, luvs💕

