~𝐽𝑢𝑛𝑒 11, 2021~

Benny sat on the edge of my bed. See he's already made himself comfortable. He examined my room and looked amazed by it.

It wasn't too interesting, but whatever floats his boat.

He looked at me. "Your room is a lot cooler than mine."

I chuckled. "I bet yours is just full of baseball stuff."

"It is." He nodded. "A lot actually. Your room is also a lot cleaner than mine."

I laughed loudly. "It's probably not as bad as Ralph's. Ugh, his is disgusting." I gagged.

Benny laughed at my comment while nodding. "Makes sense."

My door swung open and I frantically spun around. "My room is not gross!" Ralph yelled.

"Ugh, get out!" I threw another pillow at him.

He threw it back harder and I wasn't in the mood to fight, so I just pushed him out while slamming the door.

"I'm so sorry about him." I groaned while resting my back on the door.

"No worries," Benny rested his back on my wall. "I can see that you guys don't have the best relationship."

"Not at all. I've tried to make it better, but I just don't know how." I sat in front of him.

"You could..." Benny looked at his fingers in thought. "Find things you have in common."

"Um, skateboarding and baseball, that's pretty much it." I shrugged.

"Good, just start with those and work your way on from there." He sent me a dazzling smile.

I kept my cool even though I was about to scream about how cute he was. "I'll do that, thanks." I smiled calmly.


point of view.

Everything went silent and we just stared into each other's eyes. Her eyes were beautiful, I could stare at them all day. She quickly realized what she was doing and looked away from me.

"Um, so..." She walked over to her desk. "What should we do?"

"I'm not sure."

She spun around to face me. "Wanna watch a movie?"

"Sure." I nodded.

She happily sat next to me and switched on her tv.

"You can pick." She handed me the remote.

"Oh, um...I-I don't know what to pick..."

She sighed, but suddenly smiled. "Have you ever seen Clueless?"

I raised one eyebrow in confusion. "What's that?"

"Shut up!" She hit my chest lightly. "You've never seen it before?!"

"No?..." A small bubble of laughter left my mouth.

"Okay, we're watching it."

I chuckled and watched her put it on.


My phone was blasting with texts which woke me from my sleep. I rubbed my eyes and felt pressure on my chest and that's when I realized I was still at Nat's house. Her head was resting on my chest which made my heart pound. Butterflies filled my stomach like crazy, but I still had to get home. I didn't wanna leave her, but my mom was gonna beat my ass if I didn't.

I gently removed her head from my chest and crept out of there. Once I was safely out, I ran to my house where I found my mom waiting for me by the front door. I caught my breath and looked at her.

"I'm so sorry, Ma, I-I accidentally fell asleep at Natalie's house."

"Accidentally?" She removed one of her shoes.

Oh, shit.

"Yes, I swear. I didn't mean to." I backed away from her slightly.

She inched closer to me. "What did you guys do?"

"We watched a movie..."

"Aha! That's code that you guys did something else!" She yelled.

"Ma!" I ducked under her.

She ran after me but they don't call me "The Jet" for nothing. I ran up to my room and slammed my door. Geez, moms can be so scary.


sorry, this chapter is short :( I didn't know what else to say but hopefully, you guys liked it lol. anyways if I don't update as often I'm so sorry. I'm not in a good place right now and I kinda need some time to myself but I will try to update as much as I can. have a great day, luvs💕

