~June 25, 2021~

I held the picture of Benny and his dad behind my back. Melanie and I managed to find the same photo, print it out, and frame it. Hopefully, he likes it...

I knocked on the door and waited patiently for him to answer. Sad footsteps trudged towards the front door and I stood tall.

Benny cracked open the door and squinted his eyes from the sun. His shirtless chest glistened in the sun and I made sure not to stare.

"Oh, hey..." His tired voice cracked.

"Hey, sorry if I woke you up," I replied.

His head shook. "No, I was just laying in my bed."

"Oh, well, I have something for you." A smile painted my face.

His eyebrows raised in confusion as I pulled the picture away from behind my back. His eyes widened slightly in surprise as a small chuckle of happiness left his mouth.

"How did you get this?" He asked while gently grabbing it out of my hands.

"Your mom and I worked something out." I continued smiling.

He gasped lightly. "Thank you so much. I appreciate it."

"No problem."

He lightly wrapped his arms around me, me doing the same before he kissed my cheek lightly.

"You look a lot like your dad." I pointed out while looking at the picture.

He nodded with a small smile. "Yeah, I do."

I loved the picture. His dad was knelt by his side while Benny held a fish in his hand. Benny looked like he was only six or seven years old judging by his little face. He smiled happily while his LA Dodgers hat flopped on his head loosely. Cutie.


The loud crack of the ball rung in my ears and the bat flew out of my hands. Cheers erupted from the boys and I quickly ran the bases before someone could get me out.

Bertram was about to get me out, but the ringing of bicycles echoed onto the field. Confused, I looked in the direction where the ringing was coming from and saw that boy and his gang riding onto our field.

The boys groaned and I got annoyed when I saw that boy that was bugging me the other day. I thought he would piss off.

"What do you want Phillips?" Squints asked.

He skidded to a stop right in front of us, his sly smirk glowing down at me.

"I want the girl." He demanded.

My eyes widened as I looked at Benny. He shook his head.

"Um, no, you can't have her."

"I can have whatever I want, Rodriguez," Phillips grumbled. "And I want her."

"You can't."

"Why not?"

"Because she's my girlfriend," Benny stated.

Phillips scoffed. "Is that true?" He looked at me.

I nodded, "Yeah, it is."

His eyes darted between Benny and me. I stayed still, but Benny's arms crossed tightly across his chest.

"Leave," Benny demanded.

Phillips smacked a bug that was on his arm, his eyes never leaving Benny's. He knelt his head down slightly. "How 'bout this, if my team wins the game tomorrow, I get to take Natalie on a date. If you guys win, I'll leave her alone. Deal?"

Benny hesitated while looking back at all of us. I lightly shook my head, but he just sighed while looking back at Phillips.

"Deal." He nodded while holding his hand out.

Phillips smirked while a loud gasp left my mouth. He smacked his hand into Benny's.

"See you tomorrow, Rodriguez." Phillips nodded before riding off of our field.

I glared at Benny. "What the hell?!"


I wouldn't let him speak.

"You bitch! You seriously just made a deal to get rid of me?!" I shouted.

"I never said I was getting rid of you." He mumbled, trying to keep his cool.

I stomped my foot on the ground. "Ugh! I don't wanna go on a date with that asshole!"

"You won't," He reassured. "I'm gonna win the game tomorrow, alright? Promise."

His hands lightly stroked up my arms, but I whipped them away.

"Leave me alone," I grumbled.

My feet stomped away aggressively while I kicked dirt up behind me. This is what I get for being friends with so many boys...

point of view.

I watched Natalie stomp away and I knew I messed up big time. My hand scratched the back of my neck nervously while I closed my eyes in guilt.

"Oh, man..." I groaned quietly to myself.

"You messed up big time, Benny man." Squints sighed.

I looked at him. "I know...I know, b-but I didn't mean to."

His shoulders shrugged. "Of course you didn't."

"You should go apologize," Smalls suggested.

"No, I need to let her cool down a bit."

Squints sucked in a sharp breath through his teeth. "I don't think that's gonna happen."

"Ugh!" I groaned while throwing my glove to the ground.

I stomped on it a few times while screaming in anger. The boys backed away from me nervously. My chest fell up and down heavily before I rubbed my face.

"Nice goin', Benny..." I whispered.


author's note:
sheesh, I haven't updated in a while lol sorry! um, nothing interesting is happening in my life right now so...have a great day, luvs💕

