~June 26, 2021~

I was starting to regret that bet with Phillips. What the hell was I thinking? How could I even consider letting Natalie go out with that douchebag?

I got myself ready and nervously headed out the door. Natalie had been ignoring me ever since she stomped away yesterday. I didn't blame her though.

I met up with the rest of the boys and just quietly walked behind them while they yapped about girls, baseball, whatever. My bat swung gently in my hand while I gripped onto my dirty glove.

My hat shielded the sun from my eyes as I kept my eyes on my feet that trudged on the hot pavement. The laces on my P.F Flyers moved around each time I moved my foot. It was quite mesmerizing.

After what felt like hours, we finally arrived at Phillips field. He and his team were already there laughing about something. I was already dreading this.

Phillips looked at me with a devilish smile on his pearly white teeth. I swallowed nervously and avoided eye contact with him. I walked to the dugout with the rest of the boys and saw Phillips walking over.

"I'm surprised you showed up, Rodriguez." He started, that same smile painted on his face.

"Can we just get this over with?..." I muttered quietly.

He chuckled. "You're scared you're gonna lose, aren't ya?"

I pushed my lips shut while looking down at my lap.

A scoff escaped his mouth. "That's what I thought. The girl of your dreams is gonna be mine soon."

"Oh, shut up, Phillips!" Squints snapped. "Let's just play the damn game!"

Phillips's blue eyes rolled in annoyance, but his mouth stayed shut. He nodded his head towards the field and I quickly got up. I walked to the batter's box and sighed.

Phillips knelt behind me and held his glove out, ready to catch a baseball if I missed it.

"Man, wouldn't my arms just look amazing around Natalie's waist?" He taunted.

I tried to ignore his words, but they got to me. I didn't even realize the ball was flying towards me and I missed it. A small groan left my mouth as I smacked the plate with my bat.

Phillips let out a snicker while throwing the ball back to the pitcher. "That's one."


My bat swung harshly and I still managed to miss. What is wrong with me today? Phillips was gonna win no matter what. He just needed one more point and he was gonna get Natalie.

The pitcher was wounding up the ball but I couldn't focus on it because of Phillips blabbering behind me.

"Does Natalie like it when you play with her hair?" I could feel his smile burn the back of my head.

"I don't know..." I mumbled.

"I bet she does."

My shoulders shrugged weakly. He laughed loudly while smacking his knee. I just let out a shaky breath and held my bat back up. The pitcher threw the ball and I focused hard on it.

I swung my bat but heard the ball smack into Phillips's glove. I gasped loudly while Phillips started cheering happily.

"Yes! Natalie's mine!" He shouted in joy.

I felt my heart drop.

"Yes, yes, yes!" He cheered even louder as he ran in front of me. "Ha! You lost!"

I swallowed and felt that lump forming in my throat. My eyes started to burn as my bat slipped out of my hands. Phillips high-fived all of his friends with a big smile on his face. Shit...

point of view.

My phone buzzed on my bed. Assuming it was Benny, I didn't bother answering. But it kept buzzing. A groan of anger left my mouth as I picked my phone up. I checked the number and saw that it wasn't Benny, It was just a random person.

"Can I help you?"

Unknown number
"This is Natalie, right?"

"Yeah, this is she."

Unknown number
"Oh, it's Phillips."

"Why are you texting me?"

"I won the bet."

"Oh, cut the bullshit. I know you didn't."

"I'm serious. Benny choked today big time."

"Well, I never agreed to that stupid bet."


"So, I'm not going on a date with you."

"You gotta. A bet's a bet."

"I don't care. I would rather die than go on a date with your ugly ass."

I then blocked his number and threw my phone back onto my bed. Fuck you, Benny.


author's note:
NICE GOIN' BENNY DAMN. lol sorryyyyyy. have a great day, luvs💕
