~𝐽𝑢𝑛𝑒 7, 2021~

"That was still amazing." The catcher said softly.

"So..." I started. "Can I play on your team?"

Benny looked at me and nodded. "Yeah. I mean, that was surprising and I would sound like a jerk if I said no."

I giggled lightly. "You would honestly..."

He chuckled and I got insane butterflies from his laugh, it was so cute. I then felt an arm flop around my shoulders.

"What's happening over here?" Ralph asked. "Oh, is this your boyfriend?"

I groaned while rolling my eyes. "Ugh, shut up, Ralph!" I pushed him off.

He caught his balance and scoffed. "I was just asking a question..."

"Ignore him," I said to Benny.

He chuckled again. "Will do. Anyways, wanna continue?"

"Sure." I smiled.


We had been playing for a while now, at least two hours. It was getting hot, so we all walked over to the dugout for a break. Benny and Ralph both plopped next to me. Benny handed me a soda, but Ralph immediately snatched it out of my hands.

"Hey!" I yelled in anger.

"It's mine." He sassed.

"No, it's not!" I whined. "Give it back!" I squirmed trying to grab it.

"I'm the oldest!" He scooted away from me.

I yelped and kept trying to grab it out of his hands. I felt arms snake around my waist and someone pulled me back. I then heard Benny's soft chuckle in my ear.

"We have more..." He whispered.

I felt my face heat up. "Oh, um, of course." I quickly crawled away from Ralph.

Benny handed me another and I quietly thanked him. Ralph looked at me with a smirk plastered on his face. I stuck my tongue out at him and looked back ahead.

point of view.

Watching Natalie and her brother fight was super cute. She's also really cute. I mean, anyone would agree with me. She pulled her phone out of her back pocket and did whatever she was doing. I watched as she kept trying to keep a strand of hair behind her ear while she quickly got frustrated that it wouldn't stay.

I chuckled lightly and scooted closer to her. "Want me to help you?"

She looked at me. "Oh, um, sure. This piece of hair never stays behind my damn ear..." She grumbled.

I chuckled again and used my fingers to tuck it back. I saw her get nervous, which was adorable.

"There." I smiled at my work.

"Thanks..." She sent me a small smile before going back to her phone. Does she not like me?

I showed that I wasn't hurt and went back to my own business.


The group got smaller, and smaller until it was just me, Natalie, and Ralph left. They were arguing about whatever and I just mentally laughed at them.

Natalie eventually got tired of arguing with him and stuffed her phone back into her pocket. She kept a tight grip on her skateboard and kept trying to get that piece of hair to stay behind her ear.

"So..." I piped up, trying to break the silence between us. "How did you like playing today, Nat?"

She looked at me and a small smile painted her lips. "It was really fun. I'll definitely wanna come back tomorrow."

"I wanna come!" Ralph joined in.

"No, you don't!" Natalie smacked his arm.

"I'll tell mom." He crossed his arms.

She huffed in anger and rolled her eyes. "Fine! You bitch..." She mumbled quietly.

He pushed her and they went back to fighting. I backed away a bit and watched them practically kill each other.

point of view.

I saw Benny's scared expression plaster his face and I started to feel bad.

"Okay, stop!" I finally yelled at Ralph. "You're scaring Benny." I then whispered.

"Your boyyyyyfriend?" He teased.

"Ugh, stop!" I groaned.

I saw Benny chuckle lightly but he didn't say anything. I rolled my eyes at Ralph and walked by Benny instead.

"Sorry about him, he's an idiot," I said with an annoyed tone in my voice.

"It's cool." He chuckled. "I don't have siblings, so I don't understand the struggle."

"Ugh, you're so lucky." I groaned.

He sighed and shook his head. "I'm not honestly. I get lonely."

I smiled. "Well, now you have me."

He laughed and smiled back at me. "Perfect."

"Last one home gets to do the dishes tonight!" Ralph yelled at me.

"I hate you!" I screamed. "I'm sorry, Benny. I'll see you tomorrow, alright?" I said, already speed walking away.

"Oh, yeah...bye..." He mumbled.

I began running after Ralph, somehow catching up to him. I had a skateboard in my hands, so I was surprised I was still running fast. I managed to run past him and inside my house.

"Boom!" I shouted with a large smile on my face.

He groaned and started catching his breath. I ran up to my room and propped my board back up on my wall. I was sweaty as hell, so I decided to take a shower as one does.

point of view.

I was kinda hurt that Natalie just ran away like that, but to be fair, she was chasing after her brother, so I guess I can't say much. I just wished I asked for her number.

I walked inside my house that was right across from Nat's and immediately smelt the delicious smell of dinner. I kicked off my shoes and walked into the kitchen, where I found my mom dancing to music and cooking.

"Oh, hi, sweetie!" She chirped.

"Hi, Ma," I mumbled.

"How's my baby?" She walked over to me and cupped my face into her hands.

"Pretty good." I smiled.

She kissed my cheek and went back to dinner. "What's new?"

"Not much, I guess..." I looked at my feet. "Oh, actually something is new."

"And what's that?" She put a hand on her hip.

"I got a new person on our baseball team." I smiled at the thought of Natalie.

"Oh, who?" My mom asked, clearly interested.

"This girl, Natalie." I stuffed my hands in my pockets.

"A girl?!" My mom squealed.


"Ooooo! Is she cute?" She was desperate for an answer.

It's just a girl, geez.

"I guess? I don't know, I didn't really pay attention to her." I lied.

"So you just...ignored her?"

"No, I just didn't pay attention to her looks, I guess..."

"Hm," She hummed angrily at me. "Dinner will be ready in a few. Please take a shower."

"Yes, Ma." I nodded while backing away.


hopefully, y'all like this so far lol. it's boring and I'll try to make Natalie and Ralph's relationship better but ya know...sibling things lol kk have a great day, luvs💕

