~𝐽𝑢𝑛𝑒 16, 2021~

Six o'clock finally rolled around and I soon heard a knock at my front door. I smiled as I hopped up from the couch and ran over to the door. I swung the door open and was immediately happy to see it was Benny.

"Hey." He smiled. "Um, you ready?"

I nodded. "Mhm."

I shut the door behind me and started walking close by Benny's side.

"So," I piped up. "What do you guys do at these "campouts"?"

His shoulders shrugged. "Not much. We just sit around, tell stories, and eat s'mores."

"That sounds fun." I nodded. "Do you guys play a game of night ball or anything?"

His head shook. "No, we only do that on the fourth of July."

My eyes rolled. "Oh, you're no fun. I wanted to play a game of night ball."

"Oh, well, I can make an acceptance then." He nodded.

My head cocked to the side in confusion. "Seriously?"

He nodded once more. "Sure."

"Oh, you spoil me, Rodriguez." I laughed.

He chuckled lightly while shaking his head. We soon arrived at the sandlot and we made our way over to the treehouse. Voices erupted from inside and for some reason, I was kinda nervous. Stop being dramatic, Nat, you'll be fine.

We entered inside and I was amazed by it. I had never seen this before with my own eyes. Wow...

"Hey, guys." Benny piped up.

Their heads snapped towards us and their eyes stared us down.

"Ohhhhh, Benny brought his girlfrienddddd." Squints teased.

"Yeah, yeah, they're gonna be sooo loud tonight." Yeah-Yeah winked.

I just chuckled nervously while Benny's eyes rolled. He smacked their heads before motioning me to follow him.

"You can sleep next to me if you want." He offered.

I nodded. "Sure."

We set our stuff down and that's when I realized I forgot my sleeping bag. Oh, my gosh, how did I forget that?

"Oh, crap..." I muttered.

"What's wrong?" Benny asked.

"I forgot my sleeping bag." I sighed in anger.

"Oh..." He looked around. "Wanna share mine?"

"Oh, no, I can always go get it. My house isn't too far."

He shrugged. "I don't mind. It's pretty big for one person anyway."

"Are you sure?"

He nodded. "Of course...unless you wanna share with one of these other blockheads?"

I laughed. "No, I'll pass."

He chuckled lightly and scooted onto the wooden wall more. I shifted next to him and sighed. Hopefully, I don't do anything stupid.


The night consisted of talking, eating, and some arguing about random shit, I sorta stayed out of the arguing though. I was fiddling around on my phone until someone snatched it out of my hands.

"Benjamin!" I grumbled.

"I'm just checking something!" He defended.

He clicked off my phone and turned it back on again, a smile painting on his face. "I was just making sure you didn't change your background."

I laughed. "Why do you care so much? You probably changed yours."

His head shook as he took out his phone. "Nope, I'm never changing it."

He showed me proof that it was still there and I looked at him with a small smile. "You're an idiot."

His eye winked. "That's another talent of mine."

"Shut up." I laughed lightly again.

He was about to say something else, but he was cut off by someone piping up.

"Hey, lovebirds!" Squints teased. "Stop drooling all over each other and get over here!"

"We're coming, idiot!" Benny groaned.

I crawled over to the group of boys and sat in-between Benny and Smalls.

"Okay, we're gonna play truth or dare." Squints smirked.

"Oh, I haven't played that in a long time." I chuckled.

Benny's eyes filled with anger. "Guys, that's stupid."

They all started arguing about it and I just kept my mouth shut.

"Natalie, do you wanna play?" Squints finally asked.

I nodded. "Yeah, as long as you guys don't make me do anything stupid."

"Oh, no, we won't." He reassured.

"Benny?" I questioned. "Wanna play?"

He sighed. "I don't know..."

"Oh, come on!" I shook him lightly. "Live a little!"

Some of the boys chattered in agreement, making Benny nod. "Okay, okay, okay, fine, I'll play."

"Yes!" I smiled.

"Thanks, Benny man!" Ham smiled.

"No problem..." He mumbled.

"Okay, I'm doing the first one." Squints nodded. "Natalie, truth or dare?"

I smirked. "Dare."

Squints smirked back at me. "I dare you to kiss Benny...on the lips."

My eyes widened, Benny's shortly after. I stuttered for words. "Um...I-I don't know."

"You have to!" Ham nodded. "It's the rules!"

Benny's head shook. "Guys, if she doesn't want to then you can't force her."

"Stop being such a party-pooper." Squints groaned. "Do it."

"Natalie, if you don't want to-" Benny started, but I cut him off by grabbing his face and pressing my lips onto his.

Gasps erupted from everyone as I felt my cheeks start to burn. My heartbeat pounded in my ears and I felt like I was dreaming. I pulled away from him and examined his wide eyes.

"Done." I smiled.

Squints gasped. "Wow...I didn't think you would actually do that."

My shoulders shrugged,."Like I said, sometimes you gotta live a little."


PLEASE SHE'S SO LUCKY SONSIS. I'm still working on chapters for "forever" and "loving the enemy" so they should be posted soon! have a great day, luvs💕

